Sunday, May 04, 2014

Blind Item #4

Why yes, that was this former A list celebrity doing line after line of coke Friday night in Kentucky until about two hours before her call time. Why yes, an entire bottle of Visene was used on her eyes.


  1. Chelsea Handler...less she still a list ..if so..

  2. call time=work? If so maybe Tara Lipinski but hope not her.

    1. Ding! Ding! Ding! Sandy got it! Tara L is a snow angel.

  3. Angela Basset and Miranda Lambert were both there

  4. Who was in Kentucky? ?

  5. Taylor Dane was there too... is she former A list though?

  6. Visnene is what? To make your eyes look a bit brighter? Reduce the druggy pupil look?

    1. Visine takes the red out. No more bloodshot eyes.

      That being said, a whole bottle?! Hyperbole much, Enty?

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      As a stoner: if I use the original Visine too often I develop a resistance to it and it stops working as well at reducing redness. Homegirl, should invest in the much stronger Visine Allergy.

    3. Hi Johnny (you seem familiar)

      Also, Visine has a rebound effect where once it wears off you end up with even redder eyes, so you use more Visine, etc etc...

  7. @sugarbread

  8. Oh, my @Evie.. that's quite a list!

  9. Sandy got it..
    Tara because she had hosting duties and busted for DUI etc
    Good job:)

  10. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Since it says celebrity, not actress or singer, I'm going with Gayle King.

  11. Replies
    1. She is so boring, I think if it was her, it'd actually make me like her a little more

  12. Star Jones was out at the Derby too. Id prefer this to be her over Tara. I always liked Tara and Star sux :(

  13. I love Taylor Dayne lol

  14. Call time would dictate on air ant tara lupinski. And Johnny weir. Broadcast from Kentucky do yeah tara.

  15. Derek you like the cheesiest stuff lol!

  16. Horses are doing coke before their races?!?! Looks like the Secretariat has a new home! Lol. I agree. Well played, sandy. I think this is Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski. It has to be someone that hosted or performed hence "call time." SUSPECT #1

  17. @Sandy---yeah no shame in my game. I have uh eclectic taste. Taylor Dane reminds me of like grocery shopping with my mom when I was a child...

  18. Hmmm…maybe somebody who was on one of the morning news shows?

  19. Well it wasn't me, I stayed home with George.

  20. I like Taylor Dayne too. Saw her in concert at Hamilton Place a few years ago. Let's just say it was not a sell out crowd. Maybe the first 10 rows had some people sitting there, but the rest of the concert hall was empty. But guess what? Even though she probably took a big loss of money, she still did her concert for those 100 or so fans that bought tickets. She even tried to make light about the empty hall, and said she hoped that we would enjoy her show and then tell our friends and they would tell 2 friends and maybe next time she could perform for more people. She then proceeded to give a kick ass concert that was probably more relaxed than it would have been had the hall been full. She got my respect that night because she didn't cut her losses to save money, and just went ahead with the show. Loved her ever since.

  21. aww, that's so nice @Basil

  22. Can't believe Taylor Dane is still going at it. She is extremely talented.

  23. Def. Tara Lipinski

  24. LMAO @ TrapperKeeper

  25. I have cases of Visine Allergy here. I don't drink or do drugs, I just have horrible allergies and this time of year kills me. Right now my eyes look like a bad special effect and that I've been punched in both eyes repeatedly.

  26. Taylor Dayne is awesome. Met her on Rachel vs. Guy 1, in the ladies room. She was a sweetheart. Great voice too.

  27. Visine - Carmex for your eyes!

  28. ..& didn't taylor dayne go thru a serious illness w/an amazingly inspirational attitude..Why do I remember feeling like a petty ass about something I was upset about & then hearing her talk about what she was battling on Oprah or sumthin'-wasn't that she?? im too tired to look it up.
