Friday, May 16, 2014

Blind Item #6

This A list diva and C list everything else, except for reality, I will give her a B+ there, yelled at a fan last night after a show taping because the fan said that her mother loved the diva. I would probably have given her an A list rating for reality but, much like her career, the show isn't what it used to be. Apparently our diva still likes to think of herself as being in her 20's and really overreacted to the fan. She even did a finger pointing thing.


  1. Replies
    1. I've actually came around on JLo. She hustles, and I like that.

  2. Easy. Jennifer Lopez.

  3. That Jenny from the Block person. We used to watch her on the black and white teevee back in the day. With bunny ears on top.

    1. Who had the bunny ears, the TV or JLo?

  4. I like to think I'm still in my 20s too. And no one is allowed to tell me otherwise.

  5. Ahh, Bacon. I'm pretty sure you saw her in living color, not black and white.

  6. She shld be glad anybody likes her!!

  7. ZING CoBe! Niiiice :)

  8. What is the finger pointing thing?

  9. What's with easy blinds today??

  10. She still thinks she is 15. My pappy My pappy. Get a grip lady!

  11. I really don't believe that. She was probably kidding.

  12. Are we talking about the stabby Bitch Finger used when screeching/lecturing?
    Or just the bird?

  13. A list Diva? Only that to those who don't find it unacceptable that a lip synching attention seeker judges other people on their talent. Afraid if I had been Jess Meuse I would have informed the pretender that it's easier to move around the stage and interact when only moving lips and ass, not really singing. Lol, can you tell I'm not a fan?

  14. JLO chill. My mum likes you too & I'm 45 !

  15. that's Jenny from the block 100%

  16. Easy peasy...JLo gelatin.

  17. JLO Looks terrific at her age but even a great plastic surgeon can undo the march of time.She is still aging and so is her original fan base.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Does she really think she's capturing a young audience..Oh dear. Someone needs to get back on the block. Yeah, she looks great but I'm with Charlotte on this one..How can SHE be judging a talent contest of singers when she can't (and doesn't) even sing? She's totally MV.

  20. Oh Klondike...when will you learn...

  21. So many times on a The Voice a contestant would tell Christina Aguilera that they've loved her since they were little and she'd make a booboo face. We all get older, deal with it.

  22. JLo (ad everyone and apparently their mothers guessed ;)

    But re capturing a younger fan base - somehow Madonna managed to do it? Boggling. Because I could have sworn she sold her soul to the devil for something else ages ago.
