Friday, May 23, 2014

Blind Item #7

This married former A list pop singer who now does some acting and some singing gave an interview talking about how she can't have children. She and her husband are adopting. It is going to be a cover story in the next few weeks.


  1. I'd say Fergie but she had a BeBe.

  2. Avril? Was she ever A-list?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. My thought too

    2. "...Your loves as sweet as candy. I'll be forever yours. Love always, Mandy" loved the hell out of that song. She seems like she has her shit together.

  4. Sooooo...mazel tov?! I don't really understand the reason for the blind if it is going to be on magazines right away?

  5. If it is going to be on magazines, why not break the story now.

    1. Jinx, Basil! You owe me a coke

    2. So Proto-Enty can show off their insider knowledge to us plebs.

    3. Does proto mean multi, Gayeld? Or faux? Or just new?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Um, I was just gonna answer you, TKD! I was with you right there until you said Enty's source would be burned. A big investigation? Really? I don't think People or any of those other tabloids could investigate their navels. I think Enty is actually building the hype

  6. Whoever this is: it makes it seem like being unable to have children and/or adopting is a shameful thing. Which it absolutely is not. Sheesh.

    Good for them, whoever they are.

  7. All I've come up with is someone called Aisha Tyler but I don't think (well she doesn't at all) she fits the A list pop star. And i don't even know who she is anyway.

    1. Aisha Tyler is a comic and actress, she's hilarious but she was never a pop star or anywhere near this ranking

    2. And she has discussed her infertility before this. Been there, have 2 beautiful kids (first from IUI, second all natural), wish whoever this is all the luck in the world. Infertility sucks.

  8. @Violet: Aisha Tyler is hilarious: No Ass At all (caution, autoplay)

  9. @Gayeld, I absolutely agree with you. This isn't a blind, it's a brag.

    It's Enty's way of reinforcing the trust of his readership, showing off his street cred (or gossip cred). So that when it happens we decide he has the goods and therefore believe anything else he says.

    Love ya, Ents...x

    1. Well, actually he WAS right, most recently on both L'Wren Scott and Peaches Geldof. And the regular posters hopped all over him. Too soon! Too soon! Too soon! Oy vey.

    2. Not saying Enty was wrong, &Knockout.

      I still maintain that the only reason for this particular post is so he can later reveal it, which isn't always the case. MV, anyone? :)

  10. Definitely Mandy Moore. Girl has actual talent. Check out her performance of Gardenia. She's amazing. I hope things go well for her.

  11. was mandy moore a list ever though??

  12. I already stated, I'm pretty sure this Mandy Moore

  13. She was A list for the tweeter set,

  14. You go Tricia. Make this lot believe you today.

  15. Huge with MTV at that time

  16. Avril. I think she has been pregnant a couple of times recently and has lost them. I'm not a fan of hers (or him for that matter) but it's bad if this is the case and not a cover for some other BS story. It's also too bad that this has to be a cover story as millions of women go through the same situation and handle it with more dignity and grace than a kneepads cover.

  17. Replies
    1. @Sugarbread, the glorious Helena Bonham Carter. :D

  18. Haha violet..trying
    Just she makes sense and it s weird when people keep questing random things...Aisha Tyler?
    Whose next....Roseanne Barr? Lol..
    Anyhoo I am happy for her and hubby Ryan

  19. Avril does 0 acting

  20. @Nosy_Canuck, got to disagree with you there. Being able to share suffering is one of the chief benefits of celebrity. There are plenty of couples (or single women) in the same situation who will see themselves in this story, and be inspired by it.I don't think it's undignified at all.

  21. She has only did soundtrack work..?it ain't her

  22. Leanne never acted tho?

    ill go with mandy moore and she got the wilmer-erpes

  23. Joslyn Fox. Or Willam Belli

    1. Zoe, do you mean Joslyn "Keep It Foxy" Fox from Drag Race, or is there another??

  24. Is "Who's your avi?" the new "Who's your daddy?" Cause that's kinda how I read it. At first, at least. All hail the glorious HBC though for sure.

    And I vote Mandy Moore for this one.

  25. Anyone who chooses to adopt a child and give a home, love and a family to those children out there that need and want it have nothing but my utmost respect.

    I'm not sure if it's the same now as it was 25-30 years ago but there are tons of checks and things you have to put up with that are generally quite annoying to be able to adopt. However, as annoying as all the checks and things are, it's all worth it the first time you lay eyes on that baby or child the first time. I'll never forget sitting on that tan couch with my Mom and Dad and seeing the door open for and the people at the adoption agency brought in

    The wrong baby.

    There was a mix up in what rooms they put my family and a black family in, they put us in the opposite room numbers. So when the door opened and they brought in a black baby (even though we had seen pictures of the baby we were getting), we didn't care. I still remember what my Dad said, "Well, we'll have a little WIllie McGee instead of another Jack Clark" and we all thought he was adorable and were ready to take him home when they brought in the other baby, my little brother. He was 12 days old and you couldn't ask for a cuter baby.

    Anyway, this isn't blind worthy if they are going to announce it anyway. If they wanted to keep it private it still wouldn't be blind worthy, but if they are going to announce it they should be applauded for their choice.

    1. Great story, Rowdy! Any chance y'all kept up with that other family? I wonder if that other baby became rich and famous or something!

    2. What a sweet story @rowdy!

  26. That's a great story, RowdyRod! Love how cool your dad was about the whole business, and I agree that giving a child a loving family and a home is a wonderful thing.

  27. I don't get how this is a blind. A famous couple are going to do an interview about how much they want kids so will adopt as can't conceive naturally....I am over fucking whelmed.

  28. @nurysp, Leanne as in Crazy Batshit Rhyms (however she spells it)?? She did act. That's how she met Eddie Cibrian. I think it was a made for TV movie.

    No innocent baby deserves those two for parents.

  29. Years ago my daughter (now 20) and I were discussing Mandy and I hadn't yet seen her act, only knew of her as a singer. My kid only knew of her as an actress. One thing led to another and she said, "Mandy Moore is a singer? " and I said "Mandy Moore is an actress? " Guess you had to be there but it was a REALLY funny moment in which we were both astounded.

  30. And then you hugged and adopted a pug? :)

  31. Mandy seems like a really cool person.

  32. Just wait until the Armenian Urinal hears about this, that'll be the next manufactured dramatic storyline drummed up by PMK.
    "Kuntye and the Armenian Urinal have tried desperately to conceive a sibling for baby IgNori and her nanny for the last 12 years. So they have bravely made the selfless decision to do the humanitarian option that only a few saintly celebrities have chosen to do, just like the Jolie-Pitts!! They will definitely be adopting a French-Syrian refuge rebel combat baby that looks like Kim's third face."

  33. Mandy Moore. I believe she was the guess for precious blinds about a pop star who frequently miscarried through no fault of her own.

  34. I thought I read something recently about Leanne Rimes wanting kids?

  35. Carrie Underpants!

    Mandy moore and ryan adams looking to adopt yet in 2013
