Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blind Item #8

You may not have known it, but this former A list mostly television actor who every teen who watched his show had a crush on and had a hit cable show for many years after was sober after a drunken arrest. Our actor is drinking again and heavily and his actress girlfriend is really worried.


  1. He was sober after a drunken arrest? Huhwhat?

  2. Detective Munch
    I have no idea

    Where's Derek?

  3. I wish this was Kirk Cameron lol

  4. Replies
    1. Hoff in DM regarding Baywatch today...

  5. It's like Monday up in here. He was arrested for being drunk, but he was sober, but he's drinking heavily.

  6. So who then went sober for a while after getting a much publicized DUI?

  7. The Professor from Gilligan's Island (I'm old) Don't hate the player, babies.

  8. Replies
    1. Efron has a gf and is also in DM today

  9. Cassidy is still in rehab right now. Can't be him.

  10. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I am assuming that he was arrested for being drunk. Then got sober. Now is drinking? I am sending a copy of Eats Shoots and Leaves to Enty.

  11. I've come up with the notable thespian Colin Egglesfield.

    1. Ha! I'll start calling you Sherlock, @Violet!

  12. I'm guessing someone from a Disney show, I would say Shia but he's not mostly TV. Cable show for years, rules out Cassidy.

  13. I'm guessing someone from a Disney show, I would say Shia but he's not mostly TV. Cable show for years, rules out Cassidy.

  14. I'm hoping this isn't Ashton and Mila.
    70s show and whatever the other show is.

  15. Ashton hasn't had DUI

  16. Guesses too young...it's a back in the day show..then many years on a CABLE hit

  17. Joshua Jackson has a drunken disorderly arrest.

  18. Well then Tricia..Larry Hagman
    Oh wait

    I'll go with Dingle and the Professor..oh wait

    The kid from Saved by the Bell who isn't Mario?
    Aaaaaaaames from Charles in Charge?
    Tony Danza?

  19. @Kristin---that was my guess but his show Fringe is not on cable...

  20. John stamos, if being on Larry S,anders show for 2 years counts..it was one of my faves.
    gF Lori loughlin ..on the DL perhaps

  21. He got detained in an airport in Australia, I believe, after giving that off the wall drunken interview...was years ago , but could work


  22. Mark Paul Gosslear?

  23. I don't think stamos works. He wasn't on a hit cable show "for years" and has never said he quit drinking. Doesn't have a girlfriend either.

  24. Thanks Nemesis! That's his name.
    I always get him confused with Van Der Who's a who

  25. It can't be the hoff, I was early teens then, and even I had enough taste not to have a crush on him.

  26. Replies
    1. @Nope - nope! :D

      Nicholas Brendon's post-Buffy career has been spotty (I'm guessing due, in part, to the drugs and alcohol and rehab stints) and there was no cable series for him. He still does ComiCons, though.

  27. Well then all I got, and it's nebulous at best is:
    Kevin Connelly
    TV series unhappily Ever After(4 year in 90,s
    Entourage-cable hit
    Lydia heart, if they are back together after split earlier in month..which is entirelyossible...maybe it's why they split

  28. Mark Paul Gosslear. SBTB and that lawyer show with Breckeb Meyer.

  29. @lady heisenburg
    i dont think it's efron.
    i dont think zac is dating anyone at the moment and they are sayin hit cable show, hsm was a hit tv movie not tv show... there are other former a list movie actors out there?

  30. (It was on in mid nineties for years, was a hit
    Lydia Hearst meant to say

  31. I know this is bullshit because I was a teen once and I know I didn't have a crush on whoever this guy is. So I have nothing.....

  32. It doesn't say former a list movie actor..says TV+ cable hit

  33. @lady
    also it says former alist mostly television actor... not movie actor...think.

  34. @lady
    also zac hasn't been arrested for a DUI..
    so you really think to think again. just fucking saying

  35. @lady
    also zac hasn't been arrested for a DUI..
    so you really think to think again. just fucking saying

    1. Calm down. Message received. I was just throwing a guess out there

    2. Heisenberg, me thinks you just found the elusive Efron fan letter writer:) need to let Sugar know this Blind Item has been SOLVED!

  36. @Jessi,
    Shia drives? I thought he just walks out of grocery stores with a bag full of munchie type food. Always assumed his place was very near a grocery store. I'm quite convinced I'm right.

  37. I think it was supposed to read: You'd never think he was sober since he was arrested for DUI. Apparently he's drinking again.

    That said if it ain't David Cassidy I got nothing. There wasn't anyone on TV I had a crush on besides him and Davy Jones and Davy has left the building.

    1. @Sherry. Did you skip over Bobby Sherman?

  38. David Cassidy doesn't have actress gF...was married a million years and wife in process of divorcing him...he has plural DUIs and never stopped drinking
    Reads as so done you didn't know was a drinker, got arrested quietly, got sober...and is currently..drinking again

  39. And never had cable series...very much not Cassidy..

  40. I am going with Mark Paul Gosselaar, aka Zack Morris. LOOOOVE him. Show #1 would of course be Saved by the Bell, show #2 would be NYPD Blue. This is sad regardless of who it is, but I would hate for this to be him:(

  41. Doesn't say anything about driving... that's why I threw Shia in there. Chicago Walgreens incident for the drunken arrest.

  42. Should I not be excited to think that David Cassidy might soon be single?

    I think I love you...

  43. David Caruso, CSI Miami

    Girls thought one-liners were... Intoxicating. (YEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH)

    Ok I'm done for today. Promise.

  44. Mark-Paul Gosselear (sp) is married and they had a baby about six months ago. It said girlfriend not wife so I think that knocks him out of the running

  45. How about Ben Mackenzie? OC and then Southland on cable. Dating Shelley Henning as of/in September of last year (yes, I had to google this. She is an actress.).

    1. Then again I would never call him A list, but I wouldn't call Fassy B list either.

  46. Ben Mackenzie is UGLY.

    1. I know, but at the time people carried on like he was the second coming of Russell Crowe, back when Crowe was hot stuff. Can't think of another teen idol who fits the profile.

  47. lol true---I give up..

  48. teen in what decade would be a help....

  49. I think Gosselaar is married. My guess is Jason Priestley, just about every teenage girl worshipped him in the mid-90s. He's had problems with drinking and was busted for DUI some years ago. No idea if he has an actress girlfriend, though.

  50. I don't…what the what?

  51. Josh Jackson's arrest was when he was a kid and got in a fight at a hockey game, trying to protect a friend who was attacked. He also happened to be drinking, as people do when they're at hockey games. Turned into a drunk and disorderly.

    He's a typical Canadian beer drinking guy, you definitely couldn't describe him as someone who "got sober" after his arrest (since he never had a problem).

  52. @Dingle Barry: The Professor from Gilligan's Island died earlier this year.

  53. I think this is Joshua Jackson (Dawsons Creek a list then Fringe cable hit show)...?

    But I do love me some Pacey...
