Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blind Items Almost Revealed

December 23, 2013

This foreign born B list talk show host is married but has a friend he is paying for some extra fun. She is very fetish friendly but only says our host likes a good spanking and won't reveal any additional details. Her website says she doesn't offer any sexual services, just fetishes.

He doesn't have a talk show any longer


  1. Replies
    1. Of course it's Piers Morgan.
      Getting spanked is a long time favorite of those growing up in Britain.

    2. Plus the peeing, Becca. Can't forget the peeing. Says every British guy I ever talked to on the internet

    3. Eek. I've obviously been denying Mr. V his greatest desires. Peeing and spanking. His luck ran out when he married me.

    4. Being british and only having dated british men that is bullshit. Maybe public school boy types like a spanking but not all britsh men are like Hugh Grant....sorry.

    5. Just the ones I talked to, I would never assume it was everyone. Plus, rubber sheets in sizes about twin are hard to find, I hear

    6. I think that they have to be spanked by a stereotype for it to be really valid, @Violet. Dressed as Mary Poppins and using a novelty cane.

    7. Ooh! Or as an Upstairs Maid, Alita!

      I should say that my intel is well over a decade old, things may have moved on for a small subsection of British gentlemen on the internet

    8. Asking for a friend TTM, is the peeing done by the man or the woman?

    9. From what I remember, Violet, the gentlement in this tiny subsection of the internet were spankERS thenpee-ERS not ees. The first time it was kinda jarring, then it became kind of like afternoon tea: bound to come up sometime

    10. Alita think goodness for that, at least I'm doing something right for Mr. V with the MP outfit.

    11. Not any real changes in the world of stereotypes about the British @TTM, we're on safe ground assuming they all like Mistress Spanksalot. If any real Britishers want to strap in and go all factual they're welcome. But I'm down with the stereotypical crumpets.

      I like crumpets.

    12. Alita. Tea and crumpets. Every day at 4pm. Followed by spanking and peeing whilst listening to the Archers on Radio 4.

    13. Heeey, I also like crumpets. Although I get them mixed up, are they like English muffins? Wait, is that offensive, should we call them continental muffins? I'm down for whatever I can smear with butter and jam. And that probably was wrong as well. Sigh. Done!

    14. Umm please change that version of British to English thanks. That shit is south of the border :)

    15. Too true Disco,us Northerners are way to working class for that public schoolboy shiz!

  2. Blimey. Does Piers Morgan like to get pistol whipped by Wayne LaPierre?

  3. Fergie Fergie! Oh wait, JBE,that's an awesome guess! Peeing / spanking, says 10 bucks

  4. Ferguson's still got his show for a few more months. It's been announced that he's leaving, but he's still there so far.

    Sounds like Piers Morgan to me.

  5. When ever it says talk-show I think of the GOOD ones--Jerry, Maury, Montel...If it was one of the more high-brow ones would it not say late night talk show?

  6. Piers is such a smug git he deserves to be found out for something like this.

    1. Vi-he IS a smug git. Glad he got canned; show is in america, we dont hv any capable hosts? Annoyed me.

  7. And if it wasn't that he'd get some pleasure out of it I'd be first in line to inflict a bit of pain.

  8. Def Piers Morgan.

  9. And who doesn't live a good spanking? Followed by the oral sex!!

    1. Sherry, is The Oral Sex like The Google, only attempted by the mature?

      Lurve u!

    2. Not following anything you said except the lurve you part. I am obviously having communication issues today (see Fantasia post). But I do lurve you back!

  10. I was going to say Ferguson, but Morgan fits better. Well, if any of youse people read Savage Love, kinks like this are not that uncommon, and as long as he is doing his thing with a pro, and not some amateur chick he picks up at a bar, then let him have his fun. They are both adults and she probably get's paid well.

  11. Its Piers Morgan and the friend is that chick who wrote a book a few years ago where she bragged about giving David Bowie a bj. She calls herself Dr. something....(this is not related to an earlier convo today) She considers herself a fetish expert and has a website with a bunch of tasteful nudie pics

  12. He's obviously sorry no one punished him for wiretapping

  13. Le vice anglais - the infamous British fetish can be giving or receiving but rarely both. Probably Piers.

  14. Dr who?? Links please?

  15. Brits like "figging" too.
    Google it!

    1. No, hairydawg! Explain! With small non descriptive words

    2. Ahhh, figging , that's my very favourite.

    3. As well as excessive spacing in my sentences.

    4. ENGLISH people goddamn. I can't wait for September and fucking Independence Day for us!

  16. OK, TTM, but remember: you asked for it... *sigh*

    "Figging" involves using a peeled chunk of fresh ginger root (most people apparently go for a "finger" of the root) as a teeny little dildo that packs one hell of a punch, whether it's used vaginally or rectally. The intense burning sensation, although (IIRC) not actually harmful, can supposedly produce greatly increased lubrication in women (gee, I wonder why...), and for those of any gender presentation who like sensation play, can be extremely erotic. Um, no thank you; I'll keep the ginger in the fridge for culinary use instead...

    1. Okay, thank you Robin! But now I have so many MORE questions! Like: why is this supposed to be an English thing? Is there a lot of ginger growing about near England and people randomly put it in their orifices and thought it was cool?

      And, wouldn't it be more prevalent in areas with a lot of Asian cuisine?

      And please tell me there isn't an Italian counterpart with garlic?

      And last: OW! Not a question, but you know what I mean.

      I'm shooting my vegetable crisper a completely dubious eye right now

    2. TTM, this comment really concerns me. Please don't keep your ginger in the crisper.

  17. Being paid to thrash Piers Morgan... There IS such a thing as a perfect job!

  18. I have NO idea why it seems to be a Brit thing--I'm guessing maybe someone got the bright idea in colonial India or the East Indies? It sounds Victorian to me somehow... AFAIK, the Italians don't do anything like that w/garlic in a sexual sense, although I've seen a few modern herbal remedy books suggesting using a peeled garlic clove as a vaginal suppository for yeast infections (um, whatever, guys...). And yes, it doesn't sound as if it would be a whole lot of fun, but their kink is not my kink, so I'll just leave them to it.

    *contemplates googling "history of figging"*

  19. Umpteenth vote for Piers Morgan, and I'm so glad his talk show is gone.

  20. you naughty girls! I leave to do yard work and return to find you all talking about figging.

  21. Now when I use "friggin" as a form of sensoring I'm going to worry that I've given someone the wrong impression.

  22. It's Pierced Morgan.

  23. @discobitch, Scotland isn't really going to separate from Great Britain are they? I know they are voting on it but I just can't see it happening. I care about this because I am from Bonny Scotland. Well, my parents are and I have tons of family there.

  24. I would pay to see Piers spanked. HARD.
