Saturday, May 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 19, 2012

This vegan who makes it very clear she is a vegan and mentions it every second that she can when she is not being a former almost A list actress who starred in an iconic role before dropping all the way down to her current B-/C+ movie or television depending on who will employ her has her assistant bring her a hamburger from Umami at least once a week and it is not a vegetarian one or even a turkey one.

Alicia Silverstone


  1. Wow. i did not know that. Surely we would have heard recently if she did something as awful as that.

  2. This would really be embarrassing if there was a different reveal than the other one :(

  3. Lol sandy & violet! It's an even greater snoozefest the second time around! Homegirl is a flexitarian. I don't necessarily like the hypocrisy, but there are far worse things...

  4. You know, I really feel like I may have heard something similar about her recently

  5. Like I said on the other one I'm not began but I do meatless days occasionally. I like it but wouldn't consider it all the time.

  6. Why do they call It Wurst?! It's the best!

  7. Its damn less expensive than meat is now anyway .

  8. i'm a vegetarian but I don't chew my food and spit it in my children's mouths. Probably because they might disown me if I did. I also once ate a gelatinous sweet by accident.

  9. I don't think the occasionally burger makes her less a believer in a vegan diet. I've seen a video alicia did on her beliefs in the vegan diet and it seemed to me it was because of health, how much better she felt.

    Being a public figure I can understand why she has someone pick it up for her, She still is fairly high profile and would be roasted on a spit just so news/pap sites could get ad revenue & readership spikes. just my opinion

    1. "I don't think the occasionally burger makes her less a believer in a vegan diet." Uhhh, do you have even the slightest comprehension of what veganism is?? I mean It's not only about not consuming ANY animal products whatsoever (including honey) but the lifestyle-and it is a lifestyle not merely a means of eating-also encompasses not wearing any animal products (leather, wool) and also not even putting any animal by products on your skin via beauty products. Alicia has also been incredibly vocal about being an animal rights activist-her entire first book was about it and the fact that the health benefits of vegan ism were just an added bonus. So as you can see, eating the "occasional burger" would very much make Alicia not vegan. LOL.

  10. Someone's not paying attention!

  11. She admitted to cheating every now and again in her first book, and she made it clear that she feels like crap when she does so she keeps it clean and vegan 99% of the time. She said that it's important not to strive for perfection but for everyone to do the best that they can with whatever diet works for them. I don't see this as hypocritical, exactly, and I also don't believe that it's done weekly as the blind states. Heck, maybe girlfriend's iron levels were messed up after having Bear, so I don't know. *shrug*

  12. Would someone be a "non-smoker" if they only smoked one cigarette a week? No.

    She's not a vegan if she eats meat at anytime.

  13. @Hot, agreed. If she is eating meat periodically, she is not a vegan or even a vegetarian. I have been a vegetarian for 14 years and laugh when people call themselves vegetarians too, but then say I only eat chicken and fish. Then you're not a vegetarian, you just eat white meat.

    That said, I pick up hamburgers and other meat foods for my hubby and kids. Are we sure the hamburger is for her? Is she secretly getting her son vaccinations too? Oh my.

  14. What next? Will we see grainy pap shots of Gwyneth shopping at Payless or Marshall's?! LOL!!

  15. Dude, have you even had a burger from Umami? Veganism be damned, those are amazing burgers. The port & stilton is amazing.

    She could also be getting the earth burger, which is all veggie but totally looks like a real burger.

  16. So she's not only an irresponsible lunatic, but also a fraud. So what, Hollywood loves kooks.

  17. I KNEW she went both ways!!

  18. She has an assistant??!!!! Why?

  19. I once made a veggie casserole for a function at work, and I had a vegan co-worker quiz me about the contents. I confidently told her that everything was 100% a-ok....but later that night remembered there was 1/2 can of Cream of Chicken soup in the recipe. I freaked out, and in the end decided it was probably best not to tell her.

  20. I became Non meat eating..not VEGAN cuz was honest with myself. I like cheeze dairy....etc.
    I havent(knowingly) touched a piece of meat in 25 years. period.
    And I've been Preggo ..had healthy baby....
    It's a spiritual awareness that becomes a physical lifestyle...she's a sham.

    Tricia ..out

  21. my comment, which of course was pithy and hilarious, is gone!!!! Interesting!!

  22. I see nothing wrong with this.

  23. Hahahaha!!! Fake like everything else in hollyweird.

  24. Hahahaha!!! Fake like everything else in hollyweird.

  25. To be fair, Umami Burger is the tits

  26. my comment got deleted too! anyone got any good vegetarian recipes/ ideas??

  27. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I could totally go without the burger but being southern the fried chicken would pull me off the wagon occasionally...vegans still have to get B12 somehow, I wonder if it is in red meat and that is how Silverstone justifies it. You can buy meat that is more humane on the slaughter end though I don't know how to get it exactly...I tried googling it for humane once and ended up on a sight that makes human leather goods and sells them for like 20,000 dollars for a wallet or belt (people will their skin to the company for use after death) and I haven't pursued it since.

  28. "Human leather goods?" Feck, that's a new one.

  29. Hah! Told you all it wasn't Mayim!

  30. I was more shocked by her announcing that she toilet trained her son by running him out to the backyard, like a dog. Oh, and she also believes that tampons give you cancer.

    Cher Horowitz is batshit-fucking-crazy!
