Sunday, May 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 2, 2013

This B- list mostly television actress with close to A list name recognition has been on some hit shows for several different networks. She also was fired by a producer once for not sleeping with him. She actually got him fired and a raise when she threatened to blow the whole thing public.

Jennifer Esposito


  1. Woo hoo! Atta girl! Is this the one that still married Brad RageMonster Cooper?

    1. She gets an atta girl for using it to her benefit instead of making it public and actually doing something about it? Two wrongs y'all.

    2. I gave her an Atta Girl for getting the dbag fired so he couldn't do it to anyone else

  2. Good morning. I guess she might be blackballed about now.

  3. Good for her for getting that producer fired!

  4. yup and he was no good ccording to her.

  5. July 2013 was a bitch about Enty session by the look of it. A list name recognition? I don't think so. But good on her.
    Morning afternoon everyone.

  6. Meh I lonely recognize the name through her Bradley Cooper marriage that lasted 5 minutes. Way to not sleep your way to the middle...

  7. Good morning, North America. Good afternoon, Violet.

  8. Violet good afternoon I hope your team won the FA Cup. Good morning Charlie.

  9. My team weren't even in the final. And only came 2nd in the league. So closs but so far. Thanks for asking tho Sandy.

  10. I only know her because she was married to Cooper and she was in a Spike Lee movie with Adrien Brody

  11. I bet this happened when she was on Spin City.

  12. Good for her. Liked her anyway, like her more now.

  13. She was on Spin City? Who was she? I adored the MJF days.

  14. As usual I agree with my esteemed TTM. No one should have to put up with that bee-shit.

    I think this SInger stuff is going to be a bit of a noise maker. Sexual exploitation is yesterday. Looking forward to the making of waves.

    1. Hee hee hee bee-shit. Morning, Gweeds!

  15. she played Stacy Violet.

  16. So I wonder if this is the real reason she got fired from Blue Bloods last year because of her celiac disease?

    1. I thought she was fired because of drug use and missed work claiming celiac disease. She sued and they asked her for a drug test and she dropped the lawsuit. Hmmm. Drugs are bad mmmkay.

    2. Is that right sugar bread? I didn't know that she dropped the suit.

      Good for her getting the guy fired but you have to wonder how that may bite her in the ass going down the road.

  17. Trying to understand this - she got fired from a job because she wouldn't sleep with the producer, but then got a raise? How does one get a raise if you're out of a job?

  18. Maybe she was fired, and then re-hired when his BS came to light.

  19. This bitch is just full of secrets

  20. A list recognition? Ok

  21. Anonymous9:19 AM

    In what part of the country is she well know?

  22. And as a consequence, she rarely works.

  23. @Violet who is your team? Chelsea? MCFC?

    @Ari All actresses are full of secrets. I wish we could call out all the abusive azzholes in Hollywood. Clean the place out.

  24. @Hot - Liverpool :(

  25. Wasn't she in here last week for writing a book that's reported to spill all about BCoop?

    I still think she's shady with that celiac story. Load of gluten-free nonsense from that court.

  26. I don't think she's BSing about her Celiac condition.

    She opened a (gluten-free) bakery in NY.

  27. @Moving on and a - yeh you go girl - right to the has been unemployed actress line. Reduced to writing tell all books that don't really tell all about ex's because of legal threats (if we are to believe earlier Mr. X blinds about him threatening to sue her if she outed him -bcoop)

  28. I don't know. It seems like there is something off about her. Controversy and problems always seem to swirl around her. I don't think she's the innocent victim she likes to portray herself as.

  29. Producer must be reeeeellleeee ugly!

  30. "I don't know. It seems like there is something off about her. Controversy and problems always seem to swirl around her. I don't think she's the innocent victim she likes to portray herself as" @Naught Nurse...
    Ok but maybe.... whistle blowers/people who stand up for labor rights in any field tend to get smeared with accusations like the above. My gut feeling tells me she's just honest and not up for bullshit.

  31. "I don't know. It seems like there is something off about her. Controversy and problems always seem to swirl around her. I don't think she's the innocent victim she likes to portray herself as" @Naught Nurse...
    Ok but maybe.... whistle blowers/people who stand up for labor rights in any field tend to get smeared with accusations like the above. My gut feeling tells me she's just honest and not up for bullshit.

  32. Good for her! She had a story arc on Rescue Me as a volunteer fire fighter and she was hilarious.

    If she was lying about the celiac disease, she's really going with it because she opened a gluten free bakery in NY.

  33. It's not that I don't believe her about the celiac, it's just the "I got fired because of celiac" and saying she presented a doctor's note, then bam, the whole thing was dropped.

    @anon, I remember the Rescue Me arc (I liked the character)! She disappeared from that pretty quickly, too.

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