Saturday, May 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 19, 2012

This vegan who makes it very clear she is a vegan and mentions it every second that she can when she is not being a former almost A list actress who starred in an iconic role before dropping all the way down to her current B-/C+ movie or television depending on who will employ her has her assistant bring her a hamburger from Umami at least once a week and it is not a vegetarian one or even a turkey one.

Alicia Silverstone


  1. Maybe she just chews it and spits it out, as she has taught her children to do...

    What a gem.

  2. Every one needs some meat some time. Good for iron.

  3. Ahh, so what? My bro has been vegetarian since he's like 10, he is 60 now- and he says every once in blue moon he will have a burger from bk.

  4. I'm sure she eats it in her backyard in the dirt where her child is defecating though.

  5. I'm not a vegan and every once in a while I do meatless days. Big whoop try and find good restaurants with vegan food anywhere.

  6. I've thought about it and come to the conclusion that this blind is not remotely interesting.

  7. i keep wanting to go vegan for a month just for a detox. any suggestions??

    1. Sugar bread-Yeah, forget it, it's too much trouble, lol. That's where I always end up.

    2. I do this twice a year. Takes discipline and planning but very worth it, with a great improvement on muscle vs fat, energy, etc.

  8. @Henriette, hahaha!

    I guess this is only interesting if she's trying to hide it...

  9. That blind left me hungry for some punctuation. How about it, Enty?

  10. Never have so many morons combined to accidentally make such a fantastic movie.

  11. Maybe it isn't for her but for one of her kids.

  12. wow. that was the longest sentence ever. other than that, very uninteresting blind

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  15. It is a good thing Silverstone is pretty. If she had to survive on her brains, they would have found her corpse next to a Squishy Mart dumpster decades ago.

  16. @auntliddy just to detox all the sugar and crap out of my body for a month.. cleansing flush
    @count where my bill skarsgard pix at yo??

  17. Maybe go low carb, not vegan. That will help get rid of sugar cravings. The 2 week Atkins induction is awesome!

  18. @Talks Too Much, gotta politely disagree with you on that one. Been a vegetarian for years now and don't miss meat. But everyone does need iron and protein, so vegetarians need to find other sources.

  19. I think she makes vegans look bad.

  20. I got some beef chow fun for her.

  21. LOL at Talk Too Much giving out diet advice now. Wrong honey.

  22. Looks like PM is back as Raspy!! Hi Principessa!!

  23. Seen her interviewed a couple of times. Lacking in any personality and very dull. Dull life too by the sound of it...

  24. Way harsh Raspy.

    Alicia looks older than her age IMO. I know vegetarians and they are really healthy. But, it's difficult at restaurants.

    My hubs ex declares she's vegetarian then forgets and posts stupid food pics of steak etc to fb. She gained a ton of weight too being a veg. If she was a good mom to the kids I'd be tolerant, but we've had emergency custody numerous times for various reasons including the fact that her hub whacks off in front off the kids. DCFS always closes the case and they go right back to mama and whacko. It's so sad.
