Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 11, 2014

This A list Academy Award winner yelled at the escort he hired for the night because she was smoking a cigarette outside and not in the car waiting for him. She got spotted by lots of people who know his actress girlfriend. Well, it isn't like it was unexpected when he went out of town.

Sean Penn


  1. He's just mad she got the last Marlboro Red.

    Hell, it's Sean Penn. He's just mad.

  2. At this point I'm convinced she's as screwed up as he is. Or at the very least, not as innocent and sweet as everyone would like to think.

    Where in the hell is her child? Why haven't we seen him lately?

  3. Somebody knock Charlize out of dickmatzation!! Please won't someone do it?!!?? Anyone?!!!!?? Just come up from behind and ........!!!! Anyone????!!

    *read in Dan Hollis's voice from the Twilight Zone episode: It's a Good Life*

  4. What an ugly oblivious old whore.

  5. Sillygurl it wuould be better to wish Sean into the cornfield.

  6. What the hell is he so angry about?! Yelling at everyone! And why do people put up with him?

  7. Yay Reno!

    I worked at a hotel once where an escort did this, wandered aboot and then flopped on the couch while waiting for her ride home. I didn't know what to do, offer her a wet nap or tell her to get off the communal couch. Conundrum. I thought discretion was supposed to be part of the package

  8. I volunteer to undickmatize Charlize

  9. He's such an awful little pig man.

  10. Maybe he's paying Charlize? His reputation is slowly starting to turn around in the eyes of those who are easily led astray by false prophets and those that want to believe everything they see in the tabloids to be true.

    So a slip up like this escort did, will undo all the hard work that he and Charlize (and his wallet) have done.

    Just a theory.

    1. Short of it: she is Bearding to recoup his artistic reputation?

      Find it hard to believe, her producing company makes good money. What's the upside of Bearding for her? Get rid of stalker Keanu? Mmmmmmh. Could be. Only Sean could scare off Keanu.

    2. scissors, Penn and Theron are a fake couple. She's gay and he has a "likability" problem so they're bearding for each other. I know it in my bones.

  11. I think this was nailed at the time,,,I can't remember who by though, common opinion was it was seany baby,

  12. That must be why he has come with her to UK this time, haha!

  13. He's angry because he's a deeply unhappy person who needs drama and chaos to feel alive. He will die angry and miserable, a just ending for this d-bag.

  14. Um, you get what you pay for, I guess.

  15. Ugh - my opinion of her has completely changed

  16. @Bacon Ranch, I think that is probably true.

    I really can't understand why she would date him, especially having a small child. What a great man to have in his life as a role model. If this is a fake relationship then it's even worse. He's an abusive prick.

  17. Charlize put down the apple (bong) and step away from the Penn peen

  18. Not sure I buy this.

  19. fuck is he even SO angry abt
    Rich successful
    like wtf already give it up you have nothing to be so damn angry abt all the time

  20. @Missyrocks53 I don't either. 1)I don't think SP would that obvious. 2)How did they know she was an escort? She must have been wearing a name tag that said 'Hi I'm an escort.'

  21. If a man will cheat on a woman that is as beautiful as Charlize Theron, there is little hope for us normal gals!

  22. charlize is never been accused of being smart, just tall and blonde

  23. Charlize is a big time coke head. That's the attraction. I dated a stripper who watched her and Kiera Knightly come into the club together with their mutual dealer and gave him lap dances all night. Assumingly for coke.

  24. Charlize would be better of with Keanu. I know I'd be happy with Keanu! Sean Penn, not so much. EWWW.

  25. (I say this because I'm married to a Sean Penn type, angry and miserable for no good reason. I'd welcome Keanu). In the "real world", there is no good "substitute". It's hard to find a good man, not too many "normal" ones out there for us older chicks like me.

  26. He likes when the vehicle door opens, and clouds of smoke puff out. It's kind of his signature move.
