Friday, May 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 8, 2014

This former A list mostly television actress who was loved by millions of guys has grown into a really rude person that no one likes. At a Fashion Week show, the now B list actress told the staff of a designer that she refused to have anyone sit next to her. She wanted an end seat and the seat next to her empty so she could take notes. When the team said it wouldn't be possible she screamed and yelled for ten minutes before finally backing down when they threatened her with no seat. She says she will get back at the designer but no one cares what she thinks about fashion.

Alyssa Milano


  1. Damn FSP, get your girl!

    1. She was just having a bad day @ Lotta

    2. @FSP- must be the pregnancy

    3. @Lotta - I'm sure that's what it was.

  2. she was the worst judge at Project Runway

  3. Hey look at that. I got this one. And when I read it just now I didn't have a cult who it was. Confused why you would need an empty seat next to you in order to take notes.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm not buying this. She has her own line of sports wear and has to be assessible and approachable

  6. Or even accessible spelchek why ain't you correcting that one for me POS??

  7. Kick out ALL celebs at fashion shows. M.A. has been in the TV business a long time. Retire Betch!

  8. Doesn't she have an assistant to take notes for her? I'm sure the NHL can pay for one for her.

  9. @Sandy, are you forgetting the Trashians have their own line too and I wouldn't call them approachable or accessible. I don't think that applies. Rachel Zoe another one that doesn't seem like she'd be all that friendly.

  10. I never considered her some fashion girl.....bad actress yes. Poison Ivy 2 anyone?

  11. That's seriously delusional.

  12. I always pictured her as a screamer, just not this way.

    1. She's always seemed like a bitch to me.

  13. You went all Zen in your guessing approach, Violet.

    This gives me Something to Believe In

    1. You're on fire today Charlie. I hope your job isn't of vital importance to national security or some such where you might have to keep your eye on the ball all day.

    2. Fortunately, Violet, if need be I can take my eye out and set it right on the ball. Handicapped?? No... Handicapable!

    3. With your dodgy eye and my dodgy ears we would make a good team. Cancel each other's incapacities out.

    4. We would be like The Apple Dumpling Gang of crime fighters.

      As said in deep announcer voice "Charlie can hear them, Violet can see them. Watch the madcap antics as they try to stop them. Tonight on BBC 4"

  14. Ive always heard AM has always been friendly and nice though. She sits in crowds at sports and talks to ppl around her.

  15. She sucked so hard in PR. Like bitch please you are no fashionista

  16. Why are we fighting? Cant you to just fuck and get it over with?

  17. I was always hoping she was more down to earth. ]=

  18. @Derek Hold up, who's going to fuck? Do I have time to make some popcorn? Will the show be worth the price of admission? Deets pls.

  19. Ay-oh! Oh-ay! Not cool Sam Micelli.

    1. Hi JBE. Did you have a good birthday meal?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. If Alyssa needs an empty seat, all she has to do is bend over in front of me. I'll make sure it is all empty in there.

  22. all i know is i forgive Alyssa for so much because she gave me this
    Teen Steam

  23. So she's just changed drastically from the comments for years that have said she's really nice to people, not diva at all?

  24. who cares, she's made a ton of money tapping into an area that was needed, she should just buy her own box

  25. She has to take notes to design her female sports tops!!! Geez, dont those people know anything??????

  26. She's one of those twits who told everyone after she had a baby that now she feels an amazing love childless people can't feel. So this is hilarious to me. Yup, sounds like you're really full of amazing love there, Alyssa!

  27. I always thought the gossip rags and online sites had folks saying that she hugs them, gives autographs, tips well, blah blah. She's also a fellow baseball fan, so with all o' that, I don't want to believe this blind.

    I DO want her to get off of my TV and stop making me feel bad about starving children. I'm a social worker and I give extensively to charity, so I'm on the team. But when I come home, I just don't want anything heavier than "Mad Men" on the tube. Capisce, Suh-MAN-thuh?!

  28. @Orville...and you gave it to us. Bless you. Somehow, that had escaped me.

    @Charlie, if Violet's busy, you had me at "handicapable."

  29. She is a joke on the Project Runway offshoot. She looks like her face has been smeared with axel grease, and what does she know about fashion anyway? No more than any other has-been TV actress. And the designer-wannabes just gush over her, it is nauseating. She is nobody!

  30. You know what? I find it suspicious that every fashion week yields a new blind about some celebrity who gets banned from a show or removed from future guest list because of their self-important behavior. I've been to alot of fashion shows from NY to Milan and these blinds read like a fantasy written by someone who has never been to a fashion show. The celebrities are often overbooked and only pop in prior to shows for pictures and then exit while the lights go down before the show. I've yet to witness a single celeb do anything spontaneous or candid while at a fashion show because, aside from a handful of genuine friendships out there, their attendance is a paid gig that only gets repeatedly offered to the pros. Additionally, in order for someone to witness and accurately hear a celeb acting like a diva, they would have to have direct interaction with them since you can't hear anything beyond the zone of your face. That is very unlikely since everybody from a Katy Perry to a Michelle Trachtenberg attends with a slave or ten in tow and the only time they speak is when it is to their own staff or to fake chit chat with a designer during a photo op. These blinds make the shows sound like intimate house parties safely tucked away from cameras and microphones and these stars show up like Talleulah Bankhead and start acting up. If anything, the celebs know that they are guests on a whole other industry's turf and the pay they recieve to show up makes them more akin to boat show models. Not being able to compete with the real VIPs in the building is probably why so many make an early exit.

  31. Who screams and yells for 10 minutes? No one.

  32. With the exception of those crazy street corner preachers with megaphones.

  33. Who screams and yells for 10 minutes? No one.

    I thought so, too, until I started working with a certain co-worker of mine.

  34. My nephew married a psycho that can easily scream for 10 min. I've seen her in action.

  35. Mistresses starts this Monday ya'll
