Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 5, 2013

This B- list mostly television actor from a very hit almost network show which seems like it might be past its prime by now was at a club earlier this week. Nothing blind worthy about that, but in the roped off VIP section he made prospective suitors show their breasts before he would agree to dance with them. Even though it was roped off, the section of the club was still visible to the non-VIP part of the club. Even though they could be seen by lots of people, the actor still had a line of women waiting to have their chance. Maybe this is why his co-star actress girlfriend dumped him.

Ian Somerhalder


  1. I'd show him my melons. .. All day every day

  2. I would argue he didn't "make" them do anything. They wanted a dance, he gave the price of admission, they paid and got their dance. And probably a selfie they could post on FB, Twitter, Instagram, all with the caption "Ian Somerholder <3s my boobs! OMG!"

    Klassy guy, klassy girls.

  3. Ive never seen a girl take her top off in a club in my entire life :o

  4. Even B- fame has it's benefits- don't know who looks worse, him or these dumb chicks flashing him.

  5. He's totally Hot! I wonder what boobies have to do with dancing though?

  6. He's getting weird looking as he's getting older, could play a serial killer boyfriend in one of Lifetimes Movies of the Week.

    1. That's the 3-5 yr career trajectory.

  7. He did play a serial killer on Law & Order, Shell!

  8. He is still mostly good looking & famous, he wasn't forcing them, it was probably a power trip for him.

  9. Totally would. He has been on my longtime list

  10. He's an environmentalist, so he was probably just checking that they were all natural.

  11. I'd still do him...no problem ;) He can Smolderholder himself on me at any time.

    And yes Ian, mine are real and spectacular!

  12. Anonymous11:29 AM

    his hair though is getting come over-ish and they always light it funny so you can't tell he's about to be 40 years old!!!!!!!!!!!! (he's 38).

  13. Boon, What would Shannon think of this.

  14. Boys will be boys and sadly, some women will be sluts...

  15. Smarmy move, but seriously…I'd let him motorboat me all day long.

  16. I could show him mine and still NOT get the dance! (sad for me)

  17. Goddamn is my gaydar seriously malfunctioning towards that guy.

  18. Vampire Diaries is complete shit now. Even the most diehard fans admit it, although they still watch it obsessively. I'm glad I finally remembered to tell my TiVo to stop recording it.

  19. Huh. Heeouls need to stand in line for me!!!!

  20. Huh. Heeouls need to stand in line for me!!!!

  21. Ha!! He would need to stand in line for me!!! I don't think if make him show me anything, I'm not that desperate.

  22. He's just acting this way because she left him...sounds like the type of douchey thing any red blooded man would do when they're broken hearted rich and famous

  23. I think he dumped Nina as she has no boobs! Just catching up on what he missed!

  24. Would. Have loved him since The Rules of Attraction. Gorgeous and he's a big animal lover, my type of guy.

  25. This kind of thing is so beneath him. That's the double edge sword of social media. Ian impressed me with his genuine love of working with awareness about the environment and the living creatures in it. I love that he is involved with animal rescue but then he goes and gets a write up for something as stupid as this. I don't expect celebrities to be perfect but it sucks to read this kind of stupid shit about someone that previously seemed to have their shit together. I've said it before and I'll say it again - have some class. Just because you can get chicks to flash their tits for you doesn't mean you should. You're a grown ass man Ian, try treating women with more respect if you want people to take you seriously ( outside of Hollyweird).

  26. Habibti, nope Nina dumped Ian. He is not who you think he is.

  27. This makes me really sad. I thought he was one of the classy ones.
