Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

I revealed this one back in 2011, but lots of people think that the pregnancy announcement that came less then two months later had something to do with the model's demands and to change the direction the press coverage was headed.

June 24, 2011

This married A list singer/rapper extraordinaire may want to be very careful right now. There is a French model he has been with for the past ten years and as they approach that first decade mark, she wants much much more out of their partnership. If our singer says no, the fireworks will be loud and spectacular.



  1. So Blue Ivy is the french model's baby and Bey's pregnancy was fake after all?

    1. That's what I've been saying all along.

  2. Well Beys bebeh is fake but who is the French model?? Enty be careful when you leave your office tonight. Jay has street cred in Compton and East LA, you be in deep.

  3. but Hollywood Dime rubbed her gut for hours ; )

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Sometimes u serve up juuuuust the RIGHT amount of bitchy.

    @Derek ;^)

  5. I know I might be being thick but I don't see how this blind shows baby blue is a fake baby.

  6. Little girl Blue isn't the fake. But mama Bey just might be.

  7. Maybe Enty means the model was pushing for a baby, and JayZ pulled the old switcheroo on her by having a baby with Beyonce. (I think Bey faked her pregnancy, for the record.)

  8. Morning you guys!
    2 things could make this dramz more interesting.
    1. Pics of jay z cheating.
    2. Confirmation Solange carried Blue Ivy.

    I just don't want this to get swept under the rug like everything else.

  9. I don't like either of them but this is some fascinating shit..

  10. I am 99% convinced that Bey didn't carry Blue. In her doc, they show a naked sillouette of a pregnant Bey but why not show the real thing and squash the rumors. If it was real we would've seen it..the babybump that is

  11. yes lets make this a "beyonce faked her pregnancy" thread.

    i wanna hear more about how solange carried blue ivy.

  12. yes I know the Illuminati........blah blah blah

  13. I didnt take it to mean the pregnancy was fake. More like the pregnancy was timed so that whatever announcement the lover was making was seept under the rug by the pregnancy announcement. I dont buy it.

    First, an the "pregnant beyonce's secret heartbreak as secret lover is revealed" would have sold a LOT more covers and for a lot longer than "Beyonce's prengnant" covers. The gift that keeps on giving!

  14. Fake Beyby is one of my favorite conspiracy theories. After chitchatting with some ladies at work today I brought up the Bey/Solange mother daughter conspiracy and one woman went to church with her during her teen years and said she was never preggers. So there goes that one. I still secretly hope it's true.

    1. Yeah that I never bought. I think it's juicier if Solange carried Blue Ivy

  15. I don't totally believe that Bey faked hte pregnancy, but I can totally believe she wore a fake tummy to throw off the due date.

    I do remember hearing rumblings about the french model.. wonder what happened to that.

    1. But that folding belly clip, she would have been too far along for it to have caved in quite that much if she had faked it. It's worth another watch

  16. I think that the French model carrying the baby makes sense. I also believed that Matthew tried to buy the baby his side-piece was pregnant with for Bey and J. Frenchie has never been revealed because Blue Ivy is hers and I would assume that she was paid quite generously for her anonymity.

    Have there been any rumblings of J and Rachel Roy being involved? That would explain Solange's outburst at both of them. I just think that it is unfair and a crock to pin her behavior on mental illness, and I don't buy that she gets all hopped up like that on weed.

  17. So what was happening with Solange the whole time Beyonce was pregnant? Are there pics of her or did she disappear for a little while?

  18. what abt if beyonce knew he might actually leave and got pregnant. Now he cant leave his pregnant wife
    look bad

    *looks over shoulder for beygency*

  19. I wanna see the SNL skit for this now.

  20. I wanna see the SNL skit for this now.

  21. There is no way Solange could be Beyonce's baby, she was 5 when she was born. So let's put that cray to rest. I totally believe she faked her pregnancy though... About the rest I just don't know...

  22. Portlandjewel- It's plausible if you believe Beyoncé lies about her age- which many people do.

  23. Awesome Enty! Those phony, fake PR loving "celebs" quake in their boots when you bring out the truth.

  24. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Jay-Z+%2B+French+Mistress&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=sb&gfe_rd=cr&ei=a29yU-i1HMfX8gfHl4Aw

  25. I think JZ's going to find that, for some reason, lots of people seem to be trying to lure him into elevators.

  26. gma weekend anchor bianna golydrga has been saying for years that she grew up in houston w/ bey and they are same age and bianna is 40 ish. not 31. bey lied about her age all those years to cover up solo's birth being her daughter.
    also blue ivy doesn't look a thing like bey..
    looks like jayz 100%
    probably french models baby

  27. bianna golodryga
    born 1978 she's 35 moved to houston in 1980.
    very familiar w/ bey family
    she always makes jabs w/ her co-anchors about bey and jay
    can't wait to see if she makes any jabs this weekend
    she has always claimed bey is 40 ish
    gabrielle union says she went to school w/ her
    g union is 40

    1. My ex went to church with them and I went to the same high school in Alief as Bey...she is not 40. I promise! I'm 38 and she is still a little bit younger than myself because my ex is the same age. He has known them for years and he even said she was younger than us.

  28. if you google her name +bey
    the articles come up
    i can not do clicky sorry

  29. Beyonce looks great don't get me wrong but she does not look 31. Especially in those beautiful superbowl pictures.

  30. There is no way Bey would risk taking a child as 'her own' then it being exposed later to be another woman's baby. I'm not talking about egg donor. I'm talking about a child being born to another woman and her raising as her own.

    Blue Ivy is hers.

  31. I think JoElla's comment makes the most sense regarding whether Beyonce was pregnant or not.

    I was stunned to see Beyonce is supposed to be 31. She looks to be between 35 (benefit of the doubt) and 40.

  32. I think the obvious is being overlooked. Entry never said the gender of the model. Also, a 10 year relationship (male or female) would be enough fireworks to discredit Bey & Jay's marriage. Nothing more than a business merger. It's pretty known she had a surrogate just now the reasons are different. Before we thought she wanted but didn't want to ruin body. Now, I'm sure it's a lot easier to get pregnant fast w a test tube rather than a "30" *cough* SOMETHING trying . Especially when your husband likes, le deek .

  33. Tea time

    Makes the Solange/Basement Baby as Bey's own more believable. Girl does not look early 30s and with all those others claiming to have been friends with her as kids and they're all in their 40s... well, pass me another sugarcube because I like my tea sweet. :)
