Saturday, May 03, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 25, 2012

Want to make the biggest publicity splash ever? This A list all movie actor has what he thinks is the best idea ever to get the public on his side forever. He has been in touch with his A list actress ex-wife and they are working out a deal (read $$) to spend Christmas together with their kids. She can even bring her kids and her new husband. Christmas trees and fake snow and one big photo op all splashed on the cover of Kneepads. These two do know how to make the best photo ops.

Tom Cruise (This one really puzzles me because I know they took the photos)


  1. Huh? He really is messed up in the head isn't he?
    But it didn't happen so it probably is b.s.

  2. I guess there wont be any shots in the shower...

  3. That's just freakin weird if you ask me. I'll be damned if I sit in the same room as my ex let alone take pics with him and his evil spawn. Ok so that wasn't fair but you catch my drift.

  4. Derek....I smirking :)

  5. And they are friggin wacka ya Keith urban put kis shit kickin cowboy boot down and said no way freaks...
    Good on him:)

  6. Where is the photo? Is that what puzzles you?
    I would love to be a fly on the wall with a Keith/Tom meeting. Tom would probably be so nervous he would stutter himself out of the room.
    Though they could discuss the best shoe lifts.

  7. They are still one of the strangest couplings IMO. Their breakup was strange too. Does this mean she does get to see her 2 kids with him whenever she wants? Because if someone kept me away from my kids, no amount of money would ever get me to do a favor for them.

  8. Maybe Scientology put a stop to it before the photos were published.

  9. Maybe People killed the story knowing that it would be a hard one to sell even for them. They are a small notch above the tabloids when it comes to the stories they print so it very well could have been dropped before it went to publication.

  10. I cannot even imagine those pics. Or Keith agreeing to it, he seems semi-normal, and Keith/Nicole don't use their kids for PR.

    Didn't happen, if those pics are in existence, someone would have found a way to leak them.

  11. Why does this bring to mind Joan Crawford's bizarre holiday photo ops? I'm guessing something did happen -- didn't Connor say something recently about spending holidays with his mom?

  12. Hey, this is drifting a little bit from the topic but it's the weekend and I really want to know what you guys think about this. (Sue me if you need to, Enty :) )

    How close to the Ex is too close? I recently broke off with someone because his kids bought he and his ex tickets to go to a concert. I thought I was pretty damn understanding about all the family stuff, but I had to put my foot down about escorting an ex out for a night on the town. He just thought I was being so unreasonable. I would be interested to hear what my savvy CDANers have to say.

    1. You were right. That crossed a line.

  13. I'm betting CO$ put a stop to it. It would be waaaaay to public to have Tom Cruise plastered all over a magazine with someone who he is supposed to have NO CONTACT with per CO$ rules. There would be a lot of their members asking "Why him and not us?" and they don't want their members asking ANY questions.

    1. Agreed.
      I really doubt this one for that very reason.

  14. Is the Ex the mom of the kids?
    Since they bought the tickets, I'm asking for a reason.

  15. @Brenda L - How long have you two been dating? Do the kids know you and like you? Is it possible the kids don't even know their dad is dating you? Could be all innocent on the kids' part, but bottom line is that I assume he accepted the tix and agreed to take kids' mom. He should politely decline and give the tix to mom to go with a friend, or if you know the family well, then he should buy a third ticket for you to come, too.

  16. Basil, that's what I was thinking.

  17. The mom is the ex of the "kids"....they are 17, 20, and 22.

    We didn't date very long, 6 months. I was very uncomfortable with all the ex-ness, and I didn't feel like he was being very....considerate of my feelings. I understand that at my age, I probably won't find anyone with prior family, and I am good with that. I don't need to be number 1, but I need to be a little higher than number 816.....

    We didn't get far enough for me to meet to the kids. I figured he was just taking it slow, but now I wonder.

  18. It's just bothering me because he really made me feel like I was being so unreasonable when I "challenged" him on it. By "challenged" I said to him "Don't you think that is a little much?" and he just exploded.

    I think he's a narcissist....and that I probably dodged a big bullet.

    Thank you guys for talking to me about this, sometimes getting something discussed is the best medicine.

    1. Not unreasonable at all! What a jackass for exploding. Sounds like he knew it was wrong and that's why he reacted that way. Hell yea you dodged a bullit! And just so you know, my ex and I were very close while were divorced and I never would have done a concert with him. We did all the major holidays together at each other's homes, even father's and mother's day, hung out a lot - but, ah yea, NO going out to concerts alone! We are back together (3 yrs now), and it's probably because we had boundaries. I don't blame the kids, sounds like he wanted the best of both worlds if he had not told them about you.

  19. More info is needed around the concert question. Kids buying tickets for parents to go out together usually signals kids trying to get parents back together again,,,unless one of the parents suggested it to them on the quiet. How long have you been together? Do the kids know you and like you? Why are you bothered about him going out with his ex if it really is over? Are you concerned something is still there and that's why you stopped it?

  20. I guess I need more info as well, Froggy, and that's where my discomfort came into play. It's like he wanted to be single and date, but he has this secretive cocoon around the family. I can understand that up to a point....but his kids are all just seemed so STRANGE!
    I guess I want to establish my boundary for "how much EX is too much"....for the future.

  21. @ Brenda---lots of kids--no matter how old they are want to see their mom and dad together forever and always. They have a hard time--especially when they are teens-- seeing mom and dad date, and maybe getting close to other people in a way they don't want to think about. Mom and dad together is safe, and normal and even if they did know about you, it is their way of making sure no one comes between their mom and dad maybe getting back together again.

  22. yeah, I don't blame the kids at all....I was just hoping something would happen like what Blogger101 suggested and that HE would find a way to resolve it to everyone's satisfaction.

  23. Brenda - don't think you're wrong her at all. If you two were together, the only person he should be going to a concert with was you.

    Now if you haven't met his kids, I can't really blame them for buying the tickets for the ex and him but that's a different issue. He should have explained to them that he was dating someone and it would not be appropriate to go on a "date" with their mother!

  24. sorry - should say "don't think you're wrong HERE"

  25. Tom just has no clue. You'd think after being famous for 30 years a person would start to understand what the public will believe and what the public knows is just a staged joke. But Tom doesn't seem to understand that at all. It's hard to think anyone could be that clueless.

  26. Thank you Anon...I cut it off over this because I felt disrespected. I'm upset because I lost someone I was very compatible with, but I could see he wasn't going any boundaries in the situation that would soothe me any. It would have always been a problem.

  27. Brenda - My thoughts are that his kids are for sure trying to get their parents back together.. The "kids" are practically adults! I don't understand what other motives they could have had. My parents split (forever ago) and I wouldn't really consider sending them out on the town together for any reason, and their actually friends (which doesn't necessarily please his current gf either)! If the man was so freaked out by you asking him not to go, that's a definite red flag. Its not like they are doing much co parenting together now that their kids are grown. I think you definitely dodged a bullet.

  28. Thanks Jessica T...I think ex's being friends is okay, getting together for the kids' birthdays and such, but I draw the line at a night out on the town. too much!!!

  29. Well, Brenda, if he was narcissistic as you suspect, then you did dodge a VERY big bullet. Those kind just want to have their cake and eat it too, all the time. Don't worry - you will find someone that you are even more compatible with that will make you forget about this six-month guy. Oh, and mark my words - he will try to smooth things over and get you back. Narcissists do NOT like to get dumped. Good luck! And make sure that when you do start going out in public, you say a little internal mantra in your head "I am available; I AM available; I am AVAILABLE." I swear on all that is holy that this works! And go buy some pheromone perfume, too. I think the PherX is supposed to be good.

  30. Good luck Brenda. I really think you did the right thing. Shit like that only gets worse, not better. You'll find someone, I've seen you around since Ted C and I know you're a great person!

  31. Brenda, you did the right thing breaking up with him. Run away from a relationship like that. It is so hard dealing with exes, step-kids, blended families. If it is already causing issues, it will never get better. Trust. He can't have his cake and eat it too.

  32. A long time ago, I read a psychic who said Tom and Nicole will end up back together.

  33. I love you guys, thank you for all the advice!

    And it felt totally awesome to hijack a Tom Cruise thread! :)

  34. @Brenda....glad to see you are still around. Not too many of the older regulars come around these days. It's nice to have a few familiar faces mixed in with the newer ones.

  35. Yeah---no. He should have thanked his kids and offered the tickets to her to take with a friend. Cool with the ex coming to Kids birthdays, graduations, holidays--sure appropriate. A concert and unless they are BFF's and both single.

  36. I agree with blogger 101...not closing yourself off really makes a difference. Be wary of those dating sites! A young lady I work with was asked in an initial conversation if she liked animals which inevitably led to a follow up question of donkey shows in TJ!!! Crazy people out there!

  37. Dating sites are the WORST. I believe in good, old-fashioned chance encounters and friends-of-friends set-ups. Oh, and be sure either way, you check up on them online before they figure out where you live, etc. It is amazing the amount of information I can find out on someone by just a few tidbits of information. Unless, of course, they have a really common name, and then it gets harder. Use your head when dating, and most of all, trust your gut instincts. I once met a guy that seemed really nice, but it never even got to the first date because I figured out what it was about him that didn't sit right. It was when he smiled. His mouth smiled, but his eyes didn't. I never pursued it.

  38. Brenda, I think you did the right thing. I have a friend who was in a similar situation. The guy was widowed, his children were adults & they still didn't know about her. He was quite happy to let her do all the heavy lifting but didn't make any move to meet her friends or family, even though she asked him to. I would also bet the wife left your bloke, sounds like he hadn't accepted their break-up & I wouldn't be surprised if he asked the kids to buy the tickets.

  39. I guess the smartest thing is to make friends with your instincts and trust them. But sometimes I need a reality check to make sure I'm seeing things clearly....

  40. Brenda Love, just adding my voice to the 'he's definitely the weird one here' tally.

    I imagine that when he started having a go at you, that it felt all surreal - like, has the world gone inside out making the concert travesty and behaviour okay? I'm glad you're able to get a poll of various international people to help confirm who the nut is here. I'm sure more info about circumstances could help rationalise it - but really the What and How are enough, it's totally and unquestionably dodgy.

    If you've got 5mins to watch YouTube, for friends that recently suffered a breakup, but are ready to smile again!

  41. @Brenda, if he exploded at you for that, it sounds like he still isn't over his ex. Better to figure that out now! Still, how disappointing... dating is so hard! :-(

  42. Open yourf feelings for Enty...... Blind items self help!

  43. @brenda btw my first thought was, is this guy fucking high??!!!! Hell no!!! That's a brainswirl for sure!! GAWD I do feel for you, I hated dating for the 3 yrs we weren't together. I was so fucking bored by it. So many douche bags out there. But yea the few really nice ones I dated did make it worth it. Stick with it, you'll find a good one. If not just flirt with Count he's good for it. ;-)

  44. @Brenda
    Even if everything was completely above board and the exes have a purely platonic relationship now, it doesn't matter.

    The bottom line is that you're not comfortable with it because you do not feel secure in the relationship with him. No one has to be right and wrong with a situation - just accept that he isn't the right guy for you (even if other areas were compatible). We all have our deal breakers and quirks that make perfect sense to us, but can be seen as unreasonable or weird by others.

    You were not comfortable and and that alone is valid. He's not the right guy for you, or the situation is not right for you. Either way, find someone else. You'll be happier on the long run.

  45. I've copied everyone's answers into a Word's going to be my new mantra moving forward. And checking out the pheromone perfumes! ;-)
