Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 22, 2013

This former A list reality star turned B list celebrity turned reality star who likes doing other stuff too passed out at a friend's house the other day. She confessed she had not eaten in four days and had been exercising several times daily.

Nicole Richie


  1. Hardly a blind Enty.

  2. She is a skeleton now. She looked very ill at the MET Gala..

  3. Anorexics and Hereditary Alcoholics, some therapists won't take em because they say trying to help em is a waste of time.

  4. Yes, she and Rachel Zoe will be such good influences for each other. Enablers unite.

  5. Cameron, aren't you force feeding your new little buddy.

    At least get her on a daily IV drip.

    Well anorexia I can see the problem is you have to eat to live so if you have a problem with your relationship to food, that makes it a harder problem though I realize it runs deeper than just your relationship with food.

    I thought there was more success with people who inherit the alcoholic gene so long as they stay away from booze totally, understand why they behave like they do and you don't need booze to live so it is a bit easier than a food disorder theoretically.

  6. Did that Reese video just disappear? It's possible that I'm just not seeing it in my hungover state, but it's like it vanished.

  7. This is very sad. Anorexicia is very serious. I know she is supposedly a bitch but she has kids to think about.

  8. No real surprise.

    She's been seriously unwell with some eating disorder for years now. She shows up to red carpet events looking awful yet people seem to fawn over how great she looks..

    Hollyweird, eh.

  9. Four days without eating and exercising. How god damn awful must that feel. Very sad indeed.

  10. No talent, No substance, a waste of air

  11. I'm no fan of Nicole Richie but this is sad, and very worrying.
    If she admits to 4 days then it is probably a lot worse than that.
    She must be in a lot of pain. Physically and emotionally.

  12. Okay, here I go defending Nicole (whom I rather liked on Simple Life). When that show first came out, the promo pictures, and the one that ended up on the DVD cover made Nicole look normal. By that I mean healthy. The blogs took to calling her fat, and she responded by saying it was rehab weight gain, which is entirely plausible.

    But do you think being called fat in the papers doesn't do something to your head? Her weight was CONSTANTLY being compared to Paris who is on the coke and water diet. I only wish she didn't fall for that media crap. So I totally get it she is anorexic, or bulimic. Blame the paps, her managers and Paris, and probably Rachel Zoe too. Someone should steer her to Weight Watchers which seems to work without making people starve to death.

    And yes I like Nicole. Well, at least the fun Nicole who was in Simple Life.

    1. I think her problems run much deeper than just criticism from the press.

  13. She gets so much press from the thin insanity that she craves it. She gets off on being so thin and loves that so many women want to know how she can be so little.

  14. Boo hoo she got criticized, that is what all celebrities put up with and they are paid millions for it.

    She could get professional help if she wanted it. She obviously doesn't want it. That's very selfish of her when she has two little kids to raise. I feel bad for them and i hope she doesn't pass on her eating issues to her daughter (boys don't seem to pick up on that kind of thing the same way).

  15. As somebody who struggled with eating disorders for years, I feel sorry for anybody dealing with these issues. It runs DEEP. DEEPER than drugs or alcohol, because you must eat to live, and you MUST have a body image, look at yourself in the mirror every day and put on clothes. That said, recovery is possible. She can do it and be beautiful, but she needs to be ready to change careers. I used to be a model, and I know that if you have an eating disorder, you need to stop making your living off of your appearance. It just isn't healthy.

  16. she has abandonment issues from her being adopted at 4 b/c her bio parents couldn't afford to take care of her. she goes from having nothing and living in squalor to living in the biggest house in bhills and having servants. then lionel was never around..abandonment again. food is the one part of her life she thinks she can control

  17. Yes. Break it down, Sugarbread. That girl grew up with some hardcore demons on her back and I'm sure the issues in her marriage aren't helping.

  18. Count ... A bit harsh? Even if they save one surely it's worth it.
    I actually can't believe a health care worker would admit to that! They might think it but never say it.
    Coming from a health care worker.

  19. @Skippy: Allocation of resources. Only got so many hours in the day that will be billed to someone, might as well use it on patient who will actually benefit.

    The office I heard this from would just refer them to offices specializing in such things.

  20. I understand that she obviously has longstanding issues that contribute to her eating disorder, but am I the only one who has noticed that she seems get scary skinny when she's around Rachel Zoe? The years when they were supposedly feuding are when Nicole looked her best. I feel really sad for her. Look after yourself, girl! You've got two beautiful babies to be there for.

  21. Watch out on the LA freeways people. Nicole was arrested going the wrong way, loaded on vicodin, etc. She's never gotten better from that time, it's worse.

  22. great role model for her children.
