Thursday, May 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 29, 2013

This former reality star turned C+ list actress and A list cheater is being the biggest diva on the set of her new movie. There is not an hour that goes by that she is not demanding something from the crew and constantly reminds them she is the star of the movie (so low low low budget) and they are lucky to be working. She is constantly threatening them with being fired and because she is having sex with a producer who is also married she probably would get them fired.

Katharine McPhee


  1. Shes my favourite! Said no one ever.

    1. Actually, I said that once. :/

      I don't care so much about the cheating, but being a bitch to people actually working for a living is just Low class.

  2. Is this that Hallmark movie she just did?

  3. Her 15 minutes are close to being up.

  4. Piece a work that one.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. People will do anything to stay in the spotlight.

  7. I can't believe there is so much of a demand to bang her that she gets work.

  8. i dont get it
    what has she done to be so big headed???
    i just remember her ass singing over the rainbow once real good

    das it

  9. I wanted to watch the Lifetime movie since I like Mike Vogel in The Dome. He co-starred in it. But couldn't bring myself to it on count of how much a twat McPhee is.

  10. She should be having sex with all of them to thank them for letting her do Hallmark movies now.

  11. @Count she has two legs that she can spread wide.

  12. I voted for her on Idol. Couldn't stand her on Smash, or the show itself. What a difference a few years makes. She's not interesting enough to make it as an actress.

  13. Dammit, I liked her on Idol too. She seemed so sweet-natured. Another one bites the dust, I guess. I guess fear of getting caught cheating, plus not eating makes a girl grumpy.

    1. Leek, zach, i rooted for soul patrol guy, cant even member his name now!! So we all have our misjudgements, lol

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. My husband's old boss knew her. She is allegedly a huge bitch (obviously), a bulimic, and a cokehead. A trifecta of goodness!

  16. I remember that BI! Harry Knuckles threatened to take Toto away! Tsk.

    Oh, McPhee.

  17. She's always been a diva in waiting. She missed the entire first half of the American Idol Tour because of her eating problems.

    She wasn't missed.

  18. I voted for her on Idol, I liked her on Smash, but she stunk it up on that Hallmark movie. So sad to hear she's not a nice person.

  19. How is it that these low budget people become such pains in the ass and haven't even had to pay any dues? Man their self worth is amazing.

  20. Isn't her mama a major stage mom? She gets her diva ways from her probably. Who's the producer?

  21. I could smell the B on her thru the TV first time I saw her. They used to make her look very pretty on AI, but in person I don't see the glow or anything special - just average woman who thinks she's a goddess and I see an easy, cheating Ho who doesn't get very good looking men. Lol

  22. Oh how the 'stars' of LonelyGirl15 have fallen.....

  23. Ew. I don't even want to know what she did to get on that one episode of Community.

  24. Heck if I was on that project I would get myself fired, file a lawsuit and call the producer's wife.

    There are labour laws in this country, sister... you can't get someone fired without cause just because they looked at you wrong.
