Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 15, 2013

This former A list reality star and talk show host and reality show star again and a million other descriptions is foreign born. She was also wasted out of her mind the other night and when no one could be found to help support her out to a waiting cab she had to crawl to the front entrance before some guys took pity on her and led her out to the waiting cab. Her makeup and wig were all crazy. It was a horrific sight.

Sharon Osbourne


  1. I'd be drunk all the time too if I was married to that

  2. Good morning Courtney and califblondy! CB, we missed your birthday last month!

    1. Still this month, cuatro de Mayo. Going to Vegas Thursday for belated celebration. Woohoo.

    2. Woohoo, califblondy! Have a blast, happy belated!

  3. It's a family of drunken, no talent douche bags.

  4. I have to admit, the image of her crawling to the door is making me grin...
    Her Spirit Animal(snake) came to her rescue at this gathering.

  5. Ozzy has very nominal talent, and that is mainly for shrieking to loud music. Sharon has a talent for publicity and making money. She is the ultimate famewhore. The kids, nada. They just need to take their many millions and disappear and live the rest of their lives in luxury, away from the limelight. They don't need any more money, time to get the eff off the stage.

    1. Have to agree to disagree, Gypsytrill. He was an integral part of Black Sabbath, one of the most influential bands of that time. The reality shambles show later had nothing to do with talent

    2. I also have to disagree with you Gypsytrill but just on this one point: as Ultimate Famewhores go, Sharon's got nothing on Kris Jenner.

    3. I agree with gypsy, esp about the kids. And i take issue with his " music" being influential in any way. Dylan, the beatles, the stones, police, csn-THEY were influential musicans. Not this metal crap.

    4. Word ttm; paranoid is a fucking anthem !

  6. Black Sabbath. He was a pioneer. He's now a sad mess. Sounds like Sharon is messier.

  7. I'm not sure about the necessity of this. With all the extra detail about the wig and padding it out, seriously, this ain't gossip in my world, it's just bitching about someone. Sometimes, you know what, we all do something stupid.

  8. Haha! Love it. So drunk you crawl out of the bar! That is how I want to spend retirement. Lolz! Party on Sharon!!!

  9. Haha! Love it. So drunk you crawl out of the bar! That is how I want to spend retirement. Lolz! Party on Sharon!!!

  10. I wouldn't call Ozzy particularly talented in any way, and I love early Black Sabbath. He's an average singer with a weak voice, never been able to write a proper song. Black Sabbath most likely would've made it big with another singer. He's just a not too bright guy who did all kinds of stupid shit while strung out on drugs. And of course Sharon found a way to turn that into gold.

  11. Sharon's talent was making Ozzy. She's a sharp woman. I question this blind because Sharon doesn't appear to wear a wig. Just saying.

  12. Every time I read her name I hear it in Ozzy's booming voice "Sharrrrooon" which btw was one of the few things that came out of his mouth that I actually understood. Most of it was incoherent mumbling.

  13. I am loving the image of her crawling out of the club like a clown just thrown from a tornado.

    1. @jsierra when worded that way it sounds amazingly hilarious!!

    2. Jsierra, love the clown thing too!! Lol

  14. Am I a bad person for experiencing schadenfreude from this reveal?

    Hey Courtney. Looks like you got your hair cut and colored. Looks nice!

  15. Ozzy has real talent, and is a rock legend, but Sharon is a fame ho and uses the fact that she's Ozzy's wife to get talk show gigs. She started the sad trend of pimping out your talentless kids into showbiz simply because they were on a reality show. Kelly and Jack have no talent whatsoever as everyone already knows.

  16. Oh god secondhand embarrassment for you Sharon. But man as someone who made her own "crawl of shame" in Hermosa I give applause to your perseverance and determination to reach the cab by any means.

  17. Ummm the REAL genius in Sabbath was Ronnie James Dio and Tony Iommi....Ozzy was just in the right place and time for his fame....along with not caring about the welfare of bats....

    1. ↑5 @BeckyMay

      I don't completely discount his 'talent,' but he is not to Black Sabbath as Lydon to the Pistols, Brian Wilson to the Beach Boys, Chilton to the Box Tops, Marky-Mark to the Funky Bunch ;)

      Nb: that was totally an excuse for me to go on a stroll down band memory lane

  18. Sherry - I agree with you. Sharon wears her hair pretty short, so I think the wig part is BS (if not the whole blind).

    Aunt Liddy - I agree - Stones, Beatles, Dylan. I think (and this is just my opinion) mainstream rockers have more of a wider appeal than metal ones.

  19. Ozzy a no-talent? *FACEPALM*

  20. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I knew it no one lives with a waste case like Ozzy without being at least a closet wastecase wonder she never really cared whether he cleaned up or not

  21. @becky Mae-Ozzy co-founded Sabbath w/ the other original members, I would hardly call that "being in the right place at the right time". He also helped write and compose all their songs, and had huge success as a solo artist in the 80's. If ppl don't like Ozzy, fine, but give respect where it's due. Dude's a legend in rock music.

  22. My mom always admires Sharon's hair, and I could see why. Then it dawned on us both. We say it's a wig!! Or wigs. Check it out again with wig inspector glasses. Fwiw

  23. Sharon was the one who showed PMK the way to do it. Sharon was pimping out her family WAY back before it was even thought of.

    Sharon always comes off as a classless witch.
