Thursday, May 08, 2014

Dean McDermott Hit On Women At Kids' School

Whether or not Dean McDermott cheated on Tori Spelling with Emily Goodhand, or even if she exists, one thing is certain, Dean McDermott hit on women at his son's school. According to Radar, women at the school complained that Dean was always hitting on them whenever he would pick up his son. One blonde woman was the recipient of most of his advances and he would tell her really inappropriate things. Apparently Tori did find out about the advances and stopped Liam from going on any play dates with the son of the woman and Tori has considered removing Liam from the school. I have a better idea. Why not stop trying to make a buck off some really crappy themes and try and earn a buck doing something normal and less destructive to the futures of your kids. I know Tori's mom dislikes her, but I'm pretty sure that Tori's mom isn't going to leave her grand kids penniless when she passes. Tori can make enough money doing other things besides what she is doing now. Or, just be open and honest and call it scripted television and that would make it slightly better. At least she could tell her kids that she is just playing a role rather than what she is doing now.


  1. he should try supermarkets instead, he'll have better luck.

  2. You have to laugh that she thinks the answer to her husband's (presumed) philandering is to remove her child from school and stop him going to play with other children. Hellooo.

    1. I thought it was more that she was embarassed.

  3. And . . .

    Cue the Tori/Dean reveals

  4. .It's way less sleazy, sandy. If you can't hit on some random blonde while your kid is right.there, what's the point, really?

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM


    Dean is so gross. He has the attitude of a '60's era Warren Beatty and the face and awkwardness of a Dean McDermott.

    1. @fancy shoots, she scores...!

    2. Um it's Deano. Thank you very much. And I hope the women hit him back and maybe slapped some sense into that bloated mess of a face he has going on.

  6. plus he's teaching him what to do when he's a daddy! Good point!

  7. He's just so gross.
    I wonder why the other mother allowed the playdates, though. Not that she's at fault. It just seems that NOT inviting creepy dad over to pick up his son may be the way to go.
    Then again that means Radar won't pay you for the

  8. Well, he's just being efficient. If they are at school with their child, it means they're not a virgin saving theirself for marriage. He's just effectively culling the herd.

    Just a guess on my part.

  9. Bacon, he is truly disgusting.

    There are some women though, that think that if a man even talks to them, that he's hitting on them.

  10. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Tori was probably just embarrassed when another mom at her son's school told her that The Repulsive Deano was looking for hookups at pick up time.

  11. That sweater looks so stupid on him.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      It perfectly matches his face, Reno!

  12. @Leek---that is true. I know a few women like that. Annoying as hell.

  13. Jason Priestly has some pretty funny comments about Dean in his new book. He can't stand Dean.

  14. I don't think it's only been one mom.

  15. @Cocoa That made me snort! HAHA

  16. I am sure Candy finds Dean as loathsome as everyone else does. And I agree that she is not going to leave her grandchildren penniless, but I would expect that any money she leaves for them will be put in a trust that they will not be able to access until they are each adults so that Tori and Dean will not be able to get their hands on any of it.

    1. Candy cares about candy. Period. Not tori or randy and certainly not the grandchildren. Im sure she is building a huge pyramid for her and her millions as we speak. Picture her feral face screeching,"Mine! Mine! Mine! Heeehhaaahee!" Oh yeah.

  17. Ladies, use your words.

    "Oh, I'm sorry, didn't Tori already tell you I'm not even remotely interested a threesome with a furry? But I'll definitely bring cupcakes to the next PTA meeting!"

  18. just all kinds of mess right here

  19. I sort of wish Enty would write the Dean/Tori stuff in Michael K's "Deaner" voice.

    Because it's hilarious.

  20. He reminds me of a typical waiter at Chilis. Which is why I never go there.

  21. Nutty, Priestly said in his book that he walked up to McDermott and introduced himself and then stuck his hand out, and that McDermott just sat there looking at him. Didn't shake his hand or say a word.

    Sandy, you're right about the supermarket being a good place to meet girls. Not to brag or anything but I get chatted up all the time. A guy doing the grocery shopping is usually single, whether straight or gay, so as I'm pushing my cart around all by my lonesome I'm all the time getting nods and smiles from ladies and gay guys. Supermarkets are full of middle aged divorced ladies that don't get to meet guys otherwise. If a guy was so inclined, he could be a real pig about it. Not me of course.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Supermarkets are full of mostly pleasant people who need groceries.

    2. From the Vancouver Sun:

      "The pair met at a DVD launch party for Beverly Hills 90210 — a month before the now infamous yard sale.

      “I walked over, extended my hand and said ‘Hi Dean, Jason Priestley’ … He stared down at my hand, then back up at my face. No handshake … nothing … ‘Well, (mutual friend) Tom Cavanaugh speaks highly of you,’ I said.”

      Priestley said McDermott responded in an aggressive manner: “Oh yeah?”

      The British Columbia native responded: “‘Yeah, for some reason he seems to think you’re a nice guy.’ I turned and left. Haven’t spoken to him since.”

    3. McDermott's a serious dickhead, Nutty. Always liked Priestly. Seems like a good guy.

  22. Agreed Auntie L.

    I feel sorry for Tori. I only feel disgust for Candy.

  23. Why should we feel pity for Tori? This is exactly what she had coming to her.
    Let's not forget that this is how she got Dean, and that he told his former wife he was leaving her for Tori on a family vacation (a week or two before they finalized adoption on a new baby)

  24. I hope Candy pulls a Buffett or a Hilton move and leaves the bulk of that estate to charity.

    Waiting in line to attach yourself to the money teet is no way to live. Even for the grandkids it kills motivation and desire to make your own way and success in the world.

    At least Anderson Cooper knew well enough not to live like a trust fund baby.

    I think once Dean realized the money train wasn't coming when Aaron passed or even Candy one day. He lost interest and started playing around with anyone he could find.

  25. The dog was off his leash and sniffing around. She's lucky the B ran off and there's no puppies this time.

  26. Poor guy. He thought he was marrying into vast wealth, only to find out his spouse was cut off. Can you blame him? I feel bad for Tori in a sense, but when you steal a willing man away from his wife and kids, you better do it with open eyes and the willingness to deal with both the consequences and karma.

  27. I'm sorry. Who are these people again? Some kind of talentless famewhores, but whose names don't begin with a "K"? No clue. Moving along............

  28. Forget that its tori and think: she was kinda lonely in childhood, candy cold, aaron always working. She works some does best she can. Marries old friend but doesnt work out. Now she meets Dean. He loves her! He thinks shes beautiful!! He wants to have a real family with her!! She cant believe her luck! She divorces her hubby, he does likewise. She feels bad but this is her rock, her happily everr after. They work together, they live together, hes her husband and best friend. Then she has children. Its the happiness she never thought she'd have. Her life is perfect. Except. She becomes ill after having babies too close together, and dean just doesnt seem that attentive. Something is off. And them it hits, hes screwing around. How mortifying for her! Divorcing first hubby, making family with this guy, working with him, giving countless interviews about how happy they are, they are soulmates. Poof! Blown up in her face. And he has the nerve, the effrontery, the brass balls so huge they can be seen from outter space , to say its her faiult because sex was lousy and not enough. So i do feel for her, like i feel for any woman in her shoes. And the men seem to turn it around, yeah he cheated but it was HER failt.

    1. BRAVO, auntliddy!!! BRA-freaking-O!

    2. ^5 always 2 sides 2 every sTORI.

  29. Lovin the Aunt Liddy synopsis

  30. @auntliddy
    That can be Tori's Mother May I Sleep with Danger 2. Only problem is you didn't mention she told her psychiatrist to tell her first husband she was divorcing him.

  31. I think Tori needs to buck up, face reality and cut her losses. She needs to sell her shit, pay off her bills, see how low (financially) she can go and then FILE FOR DIVORCE! Dean thought he was scoring a Britney Spears/Kevin Federline jackpot. He figured as long as he got her pregnant that the Spelling gravy train was gonna roll on for the rest of his natural life. The whole world knows Candy cut Tori off. Everyone knows they're about broke (whatever broke is to people like that). Tori needs to make it so when they walk into divorce court, there's not much to split. There isn't a big ass pot of gold for him to try to get his hooks into. I think if Tori divorced his ass and got a grip on the extravagant lifestyle (and went back to work) her mother might start singing a different tune towards her. If I was Candy, I'd cut them off too. No way would I spend a dime to finance that whore meister's lifestyle. Fuck that! Girl cut that jerk loose. Get on with your life. Maybe you'll get lucky and have a life that doesn't constantly revolve around someone that takes you for granted. Save that energy and emotion for your kids.

  32. Very eloquently stated Enty. The latest "reality" show from her is anything but. It deals with what she wants dealt with, and that's it. One can't help but notice immediately that Tori is anorexic and a mass of neuroses herself, yet scapegoat Dean is the only one in rehab. Tori paints herself as the brave mom holding it all together, when the truth is, she has 3 assistants for 4 kids that you never see, and she's dealing with her own massive issues. To show the kids in this situation with a CLEARLY scripted and one note story line (Dean ALLEGEDLY cheated with a woman no one can locate or has ever seen, and will Tori forgive him or will they divorce?) is very troubling. Yes, she should be able to get some kind of job other than this. It's more and more a farce, and clearly only barely dealing with the reality in their lives.

  33. I don't see the Tori story like Aunt Liddy at all. Candy had her heir and spare, and then spent her life making sure she had her hooks squarely in Mr. Money bags, that she would inherit his fortune. That meant even being in competition with her own daughter over heim. Dad was the referee of the mother/daughter wars. Tori picked acting as a career move, a fatal mistake. She simply is not pretty or talented enough to be in front of the camera. Then to make matters worse, she watches soap operas and reads storybook fairytale books, and thinks that will happen to her. When acting goes after 90210, she falls back on the stupid "fairytale" myth that never was, but that she was going to will into existance. Thus, her brief marriage disaster, and this predictable Dean disaster. She should do writing or producing shows behind the camera, where her lack of looks and acting talent won't matter as much.

  34. @studio 54.. yes i saw that too.. candy constantly trying to undermine tori out of her insecurity. competing w/ tori for aaron's affection, needing to be the prettiest girl even if it means constantly belittling your daughter.. i have always picked up on that. and now using money as a weapon
