Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Disney Villains - The Musical


  1. Because there is love in my heart, I will take one for the team.

  2. Wigs, you were right about the double torture.

  3. Get it, Charlie!!

  4. Thank you, Charlie. I know in my heart there is no way this can add up to anywhere as near as good as "See My Vest"

  5. I dunno guys. Charlie should have back by now...

  6. OK, so we have Cruella de Ville, Ursulla, Maleficent, and The Evil Queen from Snow White singing their woes of never being able to acheive a happily ever after lfe. English subtitles for those who are slow and/or hungover. Cruella show's a little thigh, oh my.

    All in all, not a horrific way to spend 2:31 minutes.

  7. @Kristin, I was thinking the same thing. It might have killed him. :(

  8. Whew! That was a close one.

  9. It's a tricky proposition. Trying to provide an accurate report without getting sucked into the vortex. Fortunately, I am on testosterone replacement therapy, so I was able to bust free.

  10. Ugh, Enty. Because love is the only goal for girls. Love and cupcakes and hand hearts. In a society that is still predominantly patriarchal, what is the consequence of love as a girl's primary occupation? Hmmm Enty?

    Ahhh who am I kidding. I just paid for a presale ticket to watch The Jolie throw scraps of metal at dudes' dicks.

  11. Enty, tell us what we did that made you hate us and we promise we'll do better just please stop passive aggressively torturing us.

  12. Not horrific, but there are better ways to spend your 2 1/2 minutes. I didn't like their "We don't need a man" Disney Princess one either, but my almost five-year old who's obsessed with Elsa loves it. Not the audience they were going for, I think.

  13. Cruella looks like Debbie Harry there.
