Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Farrah Abraham Cut From Teen Mom Reboot

Apparently MTV thinks they have enough "star" power to shoot a fifth season of Teen Mom without using Farrah Abraham. According to US Weekly, the former teen mom and porn star turned erotic author and date for hire sets a bad example and they don't want her on the network. Wait. I will be the first to raise my hand and tell you that Farrah is bad example, but MTV makes their living by airing people who are bad examples. Just glamorizing teen pregnancy could be considered a bad example for people to follow. What about Jersey Shore? The people on there weren't exactly pillars of virtue. Buckwild? That show ended when too many people ended up in jail. MTV is planning on moving forward with just convicted felon Amber Portwood and serial cheater Maci Bookout. You know, because they are great examples for the youth of the world.

I think what this is about is that Farrah probably wants a ton of money. She is a huge pain. She will trash talk all the other people on the show and she doesn't even spend that much time with her kid.


  1. Are these people still all teens?Just call it Bad Decision Moms.

  2. Never watched this show, but if MTV were going for ratings, they SHOULD have this Abraham chick on it. People know about her porn thing, so I am sure more people would watch it just to see what the hubballoo is about.

  3. Thank you, cthulhu, that I have never seen a nanosecond of any of these shows.

    But cthulhu, I beg of you, what happened to MTV? Didn't they used to play videos? Shouldn't they change their name like SyFy did? Maybe "Moron TV"?

    Spaghetti out!

  4. I always did hate a an awkward gap in the conversation so I'll stick something in if only to say that I don't think anyone particularly cares

    1. ....and whilst I typed everyone replied. Damn.

    2. @Violet - and at the same time! Four timestamps FTW!

  5. None of those mentioned are teenagers. I suppose People of Walmart is a registered trademark.

  6. MoronTV would be apropos..

  7. haha.. you are cracking me up Kno Won

  8. Why, thank you, aemish. You're too kind. In case anyone thinks I'm being particularly derogatory - I'm a survivor of teen motherhood. My daughter was born when I was 17.

  9. Buckwild ended because the fan favorite cast member Shain Gandy passed away. They knew that he made the show and without him they didn't have one.

    1. You're right. They ended it after Shane died and before Salwa ended up in the clink. I liked those kids, they weren't a blight on society like so many others featured on MTV.

  10. So MTV has moral standards now?

    Fuckin surreal lol

  11. The way she talks to her dad makes me want to slap all plastic outta her face so it's as saggy as her hoo hoo stinky place.

  12. {{{{hugs4KnoWon}}}}

    I realize teenagers aren't ideal, but I was 30 when I had mine and now that she's 7 I kind of wish I would have done it sooner.. I was one of those "don't want kids" people for the longest

  13. Well I won't complain that they're not giving her another show. Thank you MTV.

  14. She is still more responsible than Jenelle. The show needs Farrah, Sophia and Deborah. And her creepy dad she calls Michael...

  15. Not ashamed to say I have seen every episode of their Teen Mom group. Farrah is obviously so fake, annoying, fame whore. Who goes on Couples Therapy alone?! That being said, as much as I still care about these girls, it's hard to watch the show because its 6mos-a year behind "real life". They are in the tabloids and on this site a lot and I'm less interested in watching old trainwrecks. Might put it on when I get home from the bar and I'm trying to sober up. I think that MTV's target demographic has grown up a little. Can't wait to see more Gary though!

  16. Kno Won Uno nailed it. And JSierra.. Hoo hoo stinky place? Solid comedy gold baby!

    I miss MTV where the M stood for music. I do find it ironic they have "standards" now. Think it's funny that Farrah isn't invited back though.

  17. This reminds me of the brilliant Portlandia takeover of MTV.

  18. Oh, and hi. I promise no cupcake talk.

  19. I've said before that my guilty pleasure is this show. I know, I know. I hate when people, like Enty, say this glamorizes teen pregnancy. If Enty ever watched the show, that is the last thing is does. These girls have a pretty messed up life and it shows it all in it's glory.

  20. MTV in the 80s=MusicTV
    MTV In the 21st century=MoronsTV

  21. Has everyone seen the Real Housewives of OC daughters who started in porn? Lynne Curtin's kids. One is Suttin Suicide on Suicide Girls NSFW NSFW

    and the other is Jayden Taylors on NSFW Jayden has done full penetration Search her name on for the clips.

    Any reveals to be had on this, Fugazi Enty.


  22. I love the Suicide Goils. I'd love to be one (bar nudity). Here, teen mum's may be detered from getting prego with our goverents intention to toughen up single parenting payments. Can't comment on these girls though.

  23. Suicide Girls are the ones who used to run a burlesque show, right? I seen that once, along w/ some skreechy Japanese all chick band. Meh.

  24. The suicide girls are great alt representation Count Jerkula!

  25. I watched the original teen mom. It really irks me when people say they glamorize teen pregnancy. It in NO WAY glamorized it. Showed what hard work it is, how boy usually drifted away, girls missed prom and school, how no one babysat for them. Notice none of them had any more children, of originals. So don't say mtv glamorized teen pregnancy. They surely did not.

  26. Here's an idea: how about MTV produces a show about girls who graduate college, don't do drugs, don't beat the shit out of people, don't end up in jail and are generally productive members of society? How does that sound? We are out here, you know...

  27. Wth on the Curtain girls? They must have maj daddy issues. I knew Raquel was freaky but Alexa was fifteen when they filmed and extremely innocent...then she started acting out when her parents had no more money.

    This Farrah decision is money. I've negotiated reality TV contracts. She wants too much or they'd have her just for the scandal factor and to make fun of her.

  28. The "teen mom" shows are just vile. It's the stupidest girls that keep babies as teenagers, why did anyone think they would make any better choices in anything else? They predicably spent their money on implants, tanning, hair extentions. They wear a ton of makeup in their "everyday" life, ala the Kartrashians, none of them are on any meaningful "career" path, as they took the lazy and stupid way out of college, and they want a celeb job after the show as well, like all the other ex reality show stars. The statistics for real teen mom kids are grim.

  29. I'm actually quite interested to see how Amber is now, after her jail stint. She was such an explosive ball of crazy, beforehand, and she seems pretty calm and far more involved with her daughter now, which is nice.

    Btw, that was way harsh 54. Not all teen mothers are morons. Way to stereotype.

  30. No one is perfect, but I will always defend Teen Mom & 16&Pregnant against that go-to criticism that it is a glamorized portrayal of teen pregnancy. Anyone who says that hasn't watched either show.

  31. Hmm...Funny how an anal sex tape can make it difficult to get more tv work.
