Friday, May 30, 2014

Four For Friday- Traditional

It is Friday. I love Fridays. I'm really glad they made the movie Friday just so I can say there is a movie about my favorite day. Of course they had to ruin it all by making all those sequels. Oh, and the song Friday sucks. I think Kevin Bacon's first movie was Friday The 13th. Did that really come out prior to Animal House? Yes, I'm too lazy to go look it up. If you haven't seen Kevin in Animal House, you need to Google his scenes. I believe in one he is being paddled. Anyway, I will be here all weekend and hope to see you around. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

#1- This foreign born A list entertainer(singer) went off on a fan the other night when the fan thought he was a Jackson. When someone told the fan who the singer was he said he never heard of the guy. Lots of yelling. Needless really, but our singer has got into other fights.

#2 - It took two hours of makeup and another hour to set the lights correctly and another several hours of editing to make this former A- list mostly movie actress turned B- list television actress look "natural" for a new skincare line she is selling.

#3 - This former A list mostly movie actress is still really young considering her very lengthy film career that now has her at B-. She says she can count on her fingers the number of times she has had sex sober.

#4 - This former B list mostly television actor turned crap movies actor turned coke addict turned multiple marriage guy goes to the park a lot. Working on his fitness? Wanting to spend time with his kid(s)? How about hooking up with a nanny of a Victoria's Secret model. Hey the nanny also hooks up with the husband of the model, so I'm wondering when she actually does any child watching.


  1. and more like 400 for Friday

  2. #3. Sober sex is highly overrated.

  3. 1 Drake
    2 Busy Phillips

    1. 4 Ray Romano (no idea)

    2. I can't see Drake yellng at a fan. Maybe crying uncontrollably. lol
      He did get in a "fight" with Chris Brown though.

  4. 3. Brittany Snow
    4. IT'S PANTS TIME!! Gary Busey.

  5. 1 Jason DeRulo?
    2 Halle

  6. Replies
    1. Not advisable on this one, but thanks, yo!

  7. 4. Could 4 be Lorenzo Llamas?

    1. Co-sign on Lamas, he seems a real dog ( not that this nanny is any prize)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 1) the guy who played at the Superbowl.

    2) Jacqueline Bisset

    3) Drunkst or Wino Forever

    4) No idea

  10. Bruno Mars is American.

    1. Yup. He DID have a big altercation with a fan yesterday so that's why he came to mind..

  11. Or Jayne Seymour for 2

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 2. Tina Fey (stupid iPhone)

    1. Addendum: did not mean to vomit replies all over this page; my phone is having issues. I'm going with Fey despite the ranking only because she is the face of a new Garnier skin care line. And Anna Paquin, though she fits the ranking and such, doesn't seem to have one.

      B Snow and G Busey are obligatories :)

  14. Detective Heisenberg is on the case! No fans will be treated poorly under her watch ; )

  15. And he's fairly Jackson-esque, so mistaking hims for a family member isn't that big a stretch.
    I think he's hot, but will approach with caution should he appear in my dentist's waiting room.

  16. 1 Seal. I don't know it seems sort of almost racist just to throw out any non American black singer.

  17. Hims? WTF? Must be time to pack it in.

  18. Mars and Derulo are from here.

  19. @violet That's Racist!


    1. Haven't you heard? Not being racist is the NEW RACISM!

  20. Only thing I got is that Animal House came out in '78 and Friday the 13th in '80. Cheers!

  21. Big Worm!!!
    Florida Evans looking motherfucker.

  22. 2- halle berry
    3- kiki
    4- lorenzo lamas (I think he's on #5 and his IMDB looks straight to video..

  23. 1. Not sure if Jason Derulo is foreign born if not Drake.

    2.Heigl or Halle

    3. Kiki

    4. Benjamin Bratt

  24. 3- Drew Barrymore

  25. How young is Enty that he/she doesn't remember Animal House?

    So grateful I lived in my day. Original SNL. Great comedy movies. You kids get reality TV.

  26. Enty, you do know Kevin Bacon isn't made of actual bacon, right?

    I mean, I hate to ruin him for you...

  27. Sober sex? What fun is that?????

  28. Doesn't it normally take two hours to do makeup and and hour to set lights for most professional photo shoots? It really doesn't sound that outrageous to me.

  29. Thank you, sir; may I have another?!

  30. #4 Sounds a bit like Tom Arnold to me.

  31. 2 - It's not her, but it sounds like those Aveeno TV ads with Jennifer Aniston. They're a little creepy, they evened her face out so much, she's almost featureless.

  32. @Topper, I was just thinking the same. And even then there's Fotoshop.

  33. I dont think its halle berry. Ive never seen a bad pic of her. She naturally gorgeous. The most ive ever seen is her look tired. Mb Drew, she has line coming out and since just gave birth like 6 wks ago may have hormone deal. We not all always glowing, lol

    1. Yes, plus she has been acting forever.

  34. Sorry Enty, but that Friday song should have gotten a Grammy imo

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Busy Phillips has never been A list nor is she selling a skincare line. I'm going to go with Jessica Lange for #2. I heard she was the new face of Marc Jacobs Beauty (although I don't think she is as low as B-, more like B+ or A- IMO

  37. ^But I don't think Busy was ever A list

    1. You're totally right about that, poppy. She's just the first name that came up :)

  38. 2- Ashley Judd - Kiels

  39. Bosslady doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks about her looks. She's my hero.

  40. Some day, when Kevin Bacon wins his Oscar (and you know it will happen), I will be at peace.**

    **I couldn't find the "thank you sir" gif, to my everlasting disappointment.

  41. #4 The multiple marriages is Tom Arnold for sure.He has been married 3 times since Roseanne. First thought: Lorenzo Lamas. Model could be any of 4 or 5 and who cares?

    #3 is Kiki.

    I really don't see anything blind-worthy in 1 and 2.

  42. Halle is the star of a Spielberg vehicle. That doesn't make for B list anything.

  43. I'll be glad to see the skin care line actress outed. How many tens of thousands of women are they trying to RIP OFF, to buy what she is selling and the implication is you'll look like her, when her look is a carefully crafted illusion. Women really want to know who would peddle this lie to other women.

  44. I just have to say, Enty is pretty funny today! (to my old-ass self anyway...) I loved his opening comments. :D

  45. @ derek...more like 420 for Friday....

  46. 2- Could it be Julianne Hough with the Proactive commercials I hate her in? (Along with everything else she's in)

  47. Anonymous1:50 PM

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  48. 1) Akon
    2) can't think of anyone exactly a lust movie then b list tv, but... Penelope Cruz? Maybe Salma Hayek?
    3) Ricci
    4) I dunno the actor, but the nanny sounds like she works for Gisele and Tom..,

  49. My personal belief is most of those skin care lines are bogus and all those models, even the 14 year olds, are photoshopped on the print and even the TV ads and all the celebrity endorsers etc are photoshopped with the makeup tricks and the fact most have had other work done to look that FABULOUS.

    I was watching a info-merical for a new product called Dermawand - you use radio frequency to stimulate blood flow to your face and it supposedly gives you an instant lift - #1 do you really want more radio waves near your brain, aren't cell phones and all the other electrical appliances enough #2 do you disclose how many of those women had botox in between the before and after shots and #3 does the instant lift last all of a couple hours? #4 Would exercise stimulate the blood flow in your face?

  50. Isn't number 3 just describing everyone in their 20's ....' Famous or no'.....the skincare line one must be frankenkidman....'I'm ready for my close up Mr demille
