Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Godzilla Is Based On A True Story


  1. I took one for the team. It was stupid. Basically, jimmy kimmels team goes around pretending to be a news team asking random people if they thought that the movie was wrong to profit since it was based on a true story. The people responded saying of course not, it was a travesty and disrespectful. The last girl was funny in a cute way, poor thing was embarrassed.

  2. Okaaaaay..I will take a shot at this. This is an edition of Lie Witness News where a fake reporter asks random people on the street if they think that is OK that Hollywood is glamorizing a real incident regarding Godzilla that happened in 1954 by making a movie now about it. Random (stupid) people answer the question hilarity ensues.

  3. So... like the one where the guy dragged Paul Rudd around and gave ladies a dollar to hug him?

    Thank you, Shelly & NJ!

  4. thanks for your service to the CDaN community, NJ and Shelly.

    1. You're welcome! It was terrible. I almost have up halfway.

  5. Worth it just for the Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo reference.

  6. Godzooky was better.

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    This is the worst skit Kimmel does. I get so irked that the people make something up instead of calling the interviewer on his tomfoolery. "Celebrities read mean tweets" is super funny though.

  8. Thanks NJ and Shelly! True American heroes! May the odds be ever in your favor. Now please choose a weapon and meet The Count at the Agro Crag for further instruction.

  9. The Japanese film student in me is internally screaming "I. Hate. Every. Single. One. Of. You!" and throwing pencils at these people.

  10. Bless your hearts for taking it on Shelly and NJFF.

  11. Everytime someone quotes that line from Hunger Games I want to fire back the better version from it's inspiration:

    "Life is a game. So fight for survival and see if you're worth it." - Kitano Sensei

  12. You talkin Battle Royale? That Japanese flick where at the end the competitors find out it's not really an arena but a Home Depot Garden Center?

  13. Haha yeah the one with Richard Branson's gigantic teeth for the host? Such a classic bait-and-switch. Wait! Does this mean Who Wants To Marry Harry will end in a blood bath?!


  14. Also seriously someone should have gotten a pot lid in the HG movie. The inside-reference would have made me laugh so hard I would forgive it's offenses. Everyone should have gotten a pot lid! Hah! May the lids be ever in your favor bitches.

    I should probably stop drinking coffee now

  15. This is just plain old embarrassing.

  16. Are you trying to tell me that Godzilla isn't real????
