Friday, May 30, 2014

Jennifer Lopez Gets Casper Smart Out Of Town

When you have Jennifer Lopez money it is pretty easy to hide. She is rarely papped and has assistants do just about every task that would require her to ever leave the house. The only time she is really papped is going out to dinner or some kind of meal, and usually only when she is exiting the restaurant. Other than that she controls when her photo is taken and under what circumstances. She knows her photo is taken every week on the Idol back lot which is why you see her treat that walk like a runway and why she is fully made up and dressed. Apparently yesterday Jennifer and her manager and her publicist confronted Casper about the allegations that he has been sexting with a trasngendered woman (above). He denied hooking up with the woman, which is probably true or there would have been photos being sold of the two of them together. It is pretty tough to deny the sexting part though because the woman has nude photos of Casper and texts. So, Jennifer and her mom and her kids and her people all went to Boston and took Casper with them. I can't believe she didn't cut him loose. The next thing you know she will be marrying him. On a side note, looking at the photo of Sofie Vissa, why does everyone want to look like Kim Kardashian?


  1. Holy crap, I thought that WAS Kim Kardashian!

    1. Kim's tuck job isn't that well executed.

    2. Me, too, TTM! I was thinking "Why do they have a pic of Kim in a JLo post??"

  2. Woah. That is some transgendered woman. The hips.

  3. nice tuck job there

    1. Sorry Rachel Bilson and Teresa Guidice! Sandybrook only likes this kind of bikini look!

  4. and are we talking post op or is there some tuckage going on here?

  5. question answered by those more knowledgeable.

  6. That's a whole lotta tuck talk. Interested to see how this is a Poison song, so far all I gots is Aerosmith and I bet that's offensive

  7. Sexting. Before sex even occurs? No. I can't deal with this before coffee.

  8. If it was a snip job, the had better dispose of the bio-waste properly or we would all be exclaiming "Look what the cat dragged in!"

    1. Don't they cut it down the middle and shove it inside? I mean, I saw that on a doc. Of course the balls could be free ballin.

    2. I saw a similar doco, @sillygurl - they hollowed that ol' fella out, and shoved him straight on inside. Voila! Vagintastic!

  9. Damn, that is Kim's doppelganger.

  10. We are all assuming JLo hsn't enjoyed some of these pleasures herself. Maybe that is why he hasnt been sent to the curb yet?

  11. Word @Riven. Keuring is taking its own sweet time to warm up. I am not.

    Cheating is cheating. Cheat with a guy, a girl, a transgendered person... still cheating.

  12. Where did she get hips like that? That's pretty incredible.

  13. I thought transsexual prostitutes want to keep everything because it makes more money, "chicks with dicks."

  14. I'm not sure that everyone wants to look like kk I just think her looks are the generic look of too many skin stretches coupled with implants, botox and an overkill of injected fillers. She looks like every other plastic escort

  15. JBlow really needs to upgrade her man meat.

  16. We'll,,,it's one thing to take him to Boston,,,,let's wait and see if he comes

  17. i'm not sure but I think this "chick's" hook is that of the full body sex doll.
    not safe for work

  18. @Steampunk Jazz
    Those sex dolls are scary! They can't be wet though or that would cause mold like Baby Alive Doll. There are men who marry their sex dolls too.

  19. I have decided that I will click on every NSFW link today. No matter what rabbit warren of depravity it leads me down. I'm a team player.

    1. This sounds like a challenge.

    2. Good luck with that meeting with the HR director tomorrow then Charlie.

  20. I think this is who Kanye thought he married.

  21. Transgender* not transgendered. It's like person of color should be used and not "colored".

    1. Violet, Ya Kill Me...Bwahahaha

    2. Hey Tara, Sorry .. I attached to the wrong comment. This laughter was for Charlie's comment and Violets follow up.
      Thank you for your info, tho

    3. Isn't everyone a person of color?

  22. I am not body shaming but since when did Kim K become the standard of beauty? Girls getting butt implants-too much botox etc. Around Toronto all the annoying girls are trying to have that Kim K/J-Low/Whatever she-he is kinda look. Whatever happened to girls being cute and natural like Kiki and Mila Kunis?!

    1. Butt implants & Botox versus Eating Disorders & Cocaine

      Variety is the spice of life Derek!

  23. So what does Casper have on JLo? Does he know she's MV?

  24. At Henriette :D, I suspect that cleaning the lubricant from the orifi might be part of the fun with a sex doll..
    Little baby Alive dolls...meh. What little girls really wanted to clean/pretend diaper THAT much.
    *sigh* so many problems start with the bottle..:D

  25. Sorry but that looks like a nasty hot mess. One hip ass is bigger than the other. Disgusting

  26. Well, money downy buy common sense. There's got to be some good looking well-off businessman who is completely willing to be her boyfriend and answer her every beck and call.
    How hard can it be to find these guys?

  27. Doesn't - spellcheck!!!

  28. So either 1.Casper knows that she is MV and has proof. 2. She is holding on to him so that she doesn't look stupid while waiting for Ben to leave Jen Garner or 3. She also enjoys his sexual "tastes". Personally, I think it's a mix of all 3.

  29. Did Casper know she was transgendered? Great reveal to him, if he didn't!! She looks like a cross between J-Lo and Kim K w/a little extra to love.

  30. LOL at the photoshopped bikini bottoms!

  31. kick that fucking bum to the CURBBB
    she is getting nothing out of being with this fucking MOOCH but dick and he looks like he gives wack ass dick
    she cant be this desperate

    enough already

  32. More evidence he is her son.

  33. What a strange shape. It just doesn't look natural to me. If my hips were that big, it would come with a bigger waist, fatter face, and some extra neck. I know we're all born with different bodies, but I don't get this modern plastic trend. Just my opinion.

    But hey, as long as you love yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin. Good luck, girl.

  34. TTM - I don't have a Baby Alive Doll, but I do have a Cabbage Patch doll that eats hair! (That's not a euphemism, they really did eat hair.)

  35. THAT BIKINI IS PHOTOSHOP! Come on enty, give us the link to the real thing.

  36. Let's be honest. K Krap doesn't even look like her former self. She and "they" are products of a sick plastic surgeon's mold.

  37. I need to buy a vowel. What is MV?

    1. Milli Vanilli. Blind item about a well known singer who can't sing her own music cuz she is that bad. Popular guess is JLo.

  38. @Dingle - search the site - MV is one of Enty's most well-known BI's - MV=Milli Vanilli=lip synching artist coverup (we all think it's JLo)

    Also, that bikini bottom is less PhotoShop than it is drawn on with a Sharpie. It would be so lucky to be PhotoShopped!

  39. @Dingle Barry, MV is Milli Vanilli, the group that was found to be lip synching many moons ago--Enty uses it to describe a famous singer who he claims has basically never sung her own stuff. Or something like that.

    It is a blind with a very, very long history on CDaN and continuous teasers at a reveal some day, but it has yet to happen.


  41. This plastic trend has hardly new. Trans women have been getting their faces and bodies injected with medical grade silicone, industrial grade silicone, fix a flat, and other sundry products. Not all of course, but her hips don't look natural because there isn't a damn thing natural about them.

    Go to youtube or FB and look up TS Madison or Madison Hinton and check out all of that body work she's had done, but I give her a pass because she's a porn star and personality.
