Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Jessica Simpson Wedding Date

US Weekly says that Jessica Simpson is finally getting married to her long-time boyfriend and baby daddy Eric Johnson during the 4th of July weekend. Well, they obviously will want to do so in between all of the reveals set for that date. The location is in Santa Barbara and I guess this is all predicated on Eric and Jessica finally hammering out a pre-nup. I also think this is the way the tabloids can try and get their foot in the door by saying really wonderful things about the couple in hopes of scoring the wedding photos at a reasonable price. Judging by her popularity, I'm actually kind of surprised Jessica isn't trying the get a network special route. It is not like she is shy about appearing on television. She has done multiple reality shows and had her last wedding filmed. Maybe that is why she doesn't want to do that again. That one didn't turn out so well for her. Let me scratch that. You know, the marriage might have ended in disaster and there were all those cheating claims but I wonder if she would have been the success she is if she had stayed in the marriage. Maybe they would have just continued to make sugary sweet records and eventually done a Donny & Marie type Vegas show.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Good for her

  2. She looking damn good.

  3. I like Jessica and hope that she has a happy and fulfilling marriage.

  4. Mazel, Mazel on your new life Jess...and let me say, that picture give a big busted gal like me hope--if you have found foundation garments to hold those puppies up, I can too. I just wish you had worn some of them in the above photo.

  5. Well, that's nice for them. I don't dislike Jess and I hope she's finally happy.

  6. I think she looks great and will make a beautiful bride with her newly achieved figure......

    but not going to lie---I loved Nick and Jessica.......almost as much as Justin and Britney

    I am ashamed.......

    1. We'll be ashamed together.
      I'll add Carmen and Dave.

  7. Seriously, @LurkerGirl! That's practically a nip slip up in there!

  8. Dang. After she's married, we'll have no chance of seeing them jugs.

  9. He's so cute! Like a scruffy care bear!

    LOL @ them planning their nuptials around reveal time. LOLOLOL

  10. That's the best picture of Jessica I have ever seen, Geezus. Hope something really bad happens to that Eric Johnson fuck.

  11. I loved their show too. And Carmen and Dave. And Ozzy and Sharon. Sigh. The good old days.

  12. I think she could have made it last longer with Nick but Joe talked her out of it.

  13. Did I read that right? Is Enty implying that they're getting married then to deflect attention away from some blind reveals that will be posted here on the 4th? Seriously?

    1. sar·casm noun \ˈsär-ˌka-zəm\
      : the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny

    2. Nice work, KSam.
      Not everybody can use the definition of sarcasm sarcastically.
      Well done!

  14. Jessica, you have nice boobies.

  15. Jessica looks absolutely beautiful. If he's using her for just her money...he's an idiot.

  16. Jess, you can do sooooo much better.

  17. Why Jessica ? Why ? He served his purpose

  18. She looks fab... BUT the top portion of her dress is not flattering to the girls.

  19. why is she a success? she can't sing. i thought it was a joke the first time i heard her, actually. so why is she famous and successful again???

  20. Good for her. I hope they have a long happy marriage!

  21. She looks so good these days!! I'm so happy for her.

    Eric Johnson reminds me of The Deaner. Only wayyyyyyy hotter. Eric is like the classy man's Dean McDermott.

    Either way, I hope these two crazy kids make it this time. I can't even picture her with Lachey anymore.

  22. Whaaat Jessica had always been one if the few who actually has a really great voice, she can definitely sing IMO.

    They are one good looking family that's for sure. Hopefully the long engagement and not jumping immediately into marriage w will be a good sign for their relationship. I feel like a lot of coupes woo get married right away or right after the engagement don't make it too too long.

  23. Enty is planning on major Reveals on July 4?

    1. Enty always has a huge nonstop reveal day on July 4th and new years.

    2. Thanks! I'm a newbie here!

  24. Last year Fugazi Enty spread the reveals out all 4th of July weekend. If that happens again, I hope they number the reveals, to make em easier to follow via email.

  25. Hes 35 and looks 10 years older in that picture :(

  26. If this doesn't work out for her, I volunteer to be the next person she marries. I'll sign any pre-nup she wants, including a section stating she can have me castrated or killed if I cheat on her.

  27. What does he do all day? I recall he was going to Wharton, but then dropped out because he moved to CA to be with Jessica. Which is nice and all, but I personally give the side eye to a guy who hooks up with a rich chick and then does nothing for like 4 years.

  28. Congrats to her!

  29. I was thinking Kim and Kanye would do a 4th of July or Bastille Day wedding reception. Wonder of this would effect it?

  30. I also think she can sing btw

  31. I am happily married, but if I fell in love with a rich guy I would happily sign a pre-nup because I would love THEM, not their money.

  32. I'm happy for her that she lost the weight but her bf is kind of a loser. Isn't he unemployed?

    Also, every time I see him I think of Jason Traywick - Britney Spears' ex-handler.

  33. She's marrying her K.Fed. Always a bad idea to get married around your bday.

  34. Kind of like asking why they can't be accurate about ratings or Oscar noms. They get sloppy and mean. The responses are the reason I read this site. You all are great.

  35. he is mr mom and that is what jessica needs. someone who supports her for once instead of always looking out for #1
