Thursday, May 15, 2014

Julia Roberts'Sister Committed Suicide

In previous statements, Julia Roberts said that her half-sister Nancy Motes died from an accidental drug overdose. According to the LA County Coroner's office though, Motes actually committed suicide by ingesting multiple drugs. I have two opinions why Julia would release the statement she did. One is that she wanted to protect her mother. Maybe she thought her mother could handle knowing that her daughter died accidentally much better than knowing her daughter committed suicide. Another more salacious reason is that Julia might have been protecting herself. The suicide note basically accused Julia of causing the suicide and Julia might be trying to deflect some of the blame directed towards her. Julia always looks out for herself and her best interests. I'm hoping she released the statement for the first reason, and not the latter. Nancy died after taking the drugs and lowering herself into a bathtub.


  1. i am sad for the mom. no matter how much the step daughter's father. ex husband was a monster. the daughter was still her daughter. probably to just be softer on everyone involved

  2. In other breaking news, R. Budd Dwyer's death has been reported as a suicide. Personally I'm shocked.

    1. Omg Count! I was a kid watching that on TV. So freaky!!

    2. Count, had totally forgot about this guy. Thankfully, Youtube still makes the video available. Very thoughtful.

  3. can you imagine having insufferable Julia as your sister???
    That would have done me in too!!

  4. Actually, a person chooses to commit suicide themselves - to blame someone else is a pretty shitty thing to do, no matter how much anyone might dislike Julia. If she hated Julia so much, she had enough choice to have nothing to do with her.

  5. It's all very sad, but if you actually look at the background of the sister, she had a lot of trouble and mental issues in her life.

    I'm not a Julia Roberts fan, but I think in this instance, she's just trying to protect her family. They may even have thought it was a overdose, there were prior issues there.

  6. It is not Julia's responsibility to say shit. I am sure she is beside herself in pain--some people grieve differently than others. Me thinks her mother was no angel. Between Julia's horrible attitude, her deceased sister and whatever Eric Roberts deal is that is one messed-up Roberts clan. Not too mention Emma Roberts.
    Where's Headrot at these days?

    1. Dereck- headrot is in rehab, told us a few days ago.

  7. This might be a stupid question but was the bathtub for comfort or does it have some effect on the drugs and the suicide process?

    1. I think you pass out from the drugs and then drown in the bathtub, Whitney-style.

    2. I think it helps metabolize the drugs more quickly, and provides a backup measure, in case the pills won't kill you.

  8. OK, you know what, no matter what the note said, it was NOT Julia's fault!! Someone that takes their life is solely to blame. Her sister was an addict and obviously in a very very dark place. Yes, it is always easier to blame someone else. Give the girl a break.

  9. Agreed Violet, anyone blaming Julia Roberts (I'm looking at you Enty) for being responsible for a suicide, has obviously never had a family member or friend with mental challenges.

  10. Say what you will about Julia, but she did a lot for her sister in the way of finding her work in the industry. She probably only kept her mother separate from her sister because the elderly mother was recovering from cancer treatment and the last thing she would need to be around is an unstable drug addict and all the drama that brings.

  11. UMM WHAT!? When you leave a SUICIDE NOTE (5 pages long, explaining what was so wrong in your life that you needed to resort to this) it's always called a suicide! I had to idea anyone was even trying to say it was just an overdose!

    1. Nor did I. A 5 page mantra seems to make it pretty obvious.

  12. @aunt---say whaaaat?! Well good for her! Hope it works out for her.

  13. @Danielle, it was not the sisters first suicide and/or overdose attempt . Who knows what the family thought.

  14. Nobody causes a person to commit suicide but the person committing suicide.

  15. I don't blame Julia, her sister was weak and probably very jealous….
    And it's no one's business outside the family

  16. Her sister had mental problems i dont care how much u hate Julia, she is not at fault. And I dont know how u can tell if someone accidentally OD, or a flat out committed suicide. And julia doesnt have to say shit about it. Let the bereaved tell their own story.y husband had a friend whose son died in car crash. His girlfriend had broken up with him, he got drunk and drove straight into a huge bronze statue. He was teenager. Looks like suicide, right? They choose to believe he had an involuntary muscle spasm that caused him to press down on gas peddle. Thats their belief, and thats fine for them.

  17. 'lowering herself into a bathtub'? What a weird phrase to use...she just got into the bathtub!

  18. LEAVE JULIA ALONE! For crying out loud, she lost her sister who obviously suffered from mental health issues. Some of us know what that's like, and there is plenty of pain there even without the suicide note blaming. Fuck.

    Julia, if you need a hug, call me.

    1. She's like a black widow spider. :( Good luck on surviving a "hug" from her.

  19. I think people who get to that level of fame/fortune generally need to have a narcissistic edge but the only person responsible for her sister's suicide is her sister.

  20. This was not Julia's fault. Among US suicides, there are three overarching narrative themes: 1) instructive 2) emotional/apologetic and 3) fuck you, I'm out. The latter is quite common and it's never fair for whoever was on the receiving end of it.

    I must have missed that @headrot is in rehab. I hope you are doing well and wish you the best. Keep fighting the good fight and take care.

  21. suicide usually stems from depression, which is a mental illness. If someone had diabetes, which you also can't see, you wouldn't judge them. When a person commits suicide they are at a point in their life where they just can't see a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. Most of us will never be in that situation, thankfully. For those of us who have been, or have lost a family member to suicide, it is devastating. As I have said before, a permanent solution to what might (with proper medication) have been a temporary problem.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. the Roberts clan does seem to be an addictive dysfunctional unit

    sad situation though

  24. If you leave a suicide note blaming someone else for your misery it is usually because you are super jealous and very insecure. Girl had issues. 99 problems and Julia was one.

    1. Wow must be nice to be so privileged.

  25. "The suicide note basically accused Julia of causing the suicide and Julia might be trying to deflect some of the blame directed towards her."

    Exactly. There was never a question that Nancy left a SUICIDE NOTE in any of the official press reports that came out immediately after her death so how was her overdose being intentional even remotely disputable? I never knew that Julia made a statement-I thought she immediately distanced herself from the entire situation as much as humanly possible-but if she did make one saying that it was an "accidental" overdose besides everyone already very much knowing otherwise, I guess it just further speaks to all her ego and crazy...

  26. No matter how abusive (mentally) Julia was or wasn't towards her sister, this has nothing to do with sister's suicide. Unless Julia personally shoved a bunch of pills down her sister's would be impossible. No one is responsible for another person's suicide. Julia's sister had to be mentally ill in order to do so, and had her own internal demonds.

  27. Julia Roberts didn't release that statement, her family did. Sheesh, I don't like her that much but the BS keeps piling on to make her look like she picked up the prescriptions and filled the bathtub.

    The Roberts family released a statement to People on Monday expressing their grief:

    "It is with deep sadness that the family of Nancy Motes confirms that she was found dead in Los Angeles yesterday of an apparent drug overdose," the statement read.

    Julia Roberts' Half-Sister Nancy Motes Found Dead

  28. Julia Roberts, you are a douche bag.

  29. I can't stand Julia Roberts, but suicide can only ever be caused by the person who commits it.

  30. Amen violet and other! Julia can be every shitty thing under the sun but she's not to blame here

  31. What Violet said! Totally agree. You have the choice to make your own decisions and if she didn't like Julia, she should have stayed away, made her own life and acted as if Julia didn't exist. You can't blame others for your own shortcomings and issues.

  32. Well I just had to Google R. Budd Dwyer Count. Whoa..Brutal.

    And count me as another of many here who do not feel her sister's suicide is because of Julia. She tried to help her sister on so many occasions but she was always damaged. Hope she's in a better place now.

    Didn't know Headrot was off to rehab. Hope she's okay although I'm sure she doesn't want us to care.

  33. Considering Julia just attended her sister's memorial service (uninvited) and spoke of her "admiration" for her sister having the bravery to end her own miserable life (per the DM), I don't think anyone thought it was anything other than a suicide.

  34. Suicide is a choice peeps make when they feel there's no other option. No one person is responsible for this aside from the person taking their own life.

  35. Other than the suicide letter, I don't think the press has been blaming Julia for this, or she has been getting any negative publicity from this. So if her own statement was accidental drug overdose, I'm thinking it was probably to protect the family.

  36. I know it's the not the same as a suicide but I went through something similar with my best friend dying of an overdose a year after we graduated, I'm pretty sure I've gone over it her before.

    Well, anyway, I've felt guilty about it ever since it happened. There's not a day that goes by that I don't beat myself up over it. He had called my house that day, I wad with another friend of ours and I decided not to answer since he had gotten deeper into drugs and I didn't want to deal with it. Well, since he couldn't get hold of me, his Mom told me that he called his other friends and went to hang with them. It was with them that he OD'd and died that afternoon. The bastards even panicked so much they tried to burn his body.

    His Mom has tried to tell me many times that it wasn't my fault, that she understood why I didn't answer and that she would've done the same thing. I just can't help but to always wonder if he would still be here if I would've picked up the phone. Like I said, I beat myself up over it constantly but that's because I truly cared about him, whereas it seems Julia is doing the opposite and wants to make herself believe that she played no role in it.

    Oh, and this is the younger brother of the girl I used to sleep with when I'd spend the nights I talked about a week or so ago. So you can see that I was really close to the family.

    1. Rowdy-i feel badly fir you, having that to think about. You may have saved her THAT night, but if she was hellbent in destruction it would have happened sooner or later. Similar thinghappened to Carroll OConnor- his son was drug addict, and called one day to say he was going to kill himself. Oconnor had gotten tjis call dozens of times, kind of said yeah yeah and hung up. But this time he really did it. Oconnor was never the same after that, he was heartbroken man. He then outed his sons dealer, who then sued oconnor for slander. Trial ended with oconnor winnjng and judge and jury shaking his hand. It was just so so sad; that boy was the light of his and his wifes life. I hope they all resting in peace now.

  37. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Roberts would have come off a whole lot better had she not tried to lie about what happened. The fact that she tried to cast it as an OD rather than a suicide just underscores accusations about her character...really bizarre to try to use her fame to override the coroner, the same way she wore that stupid t-shirt to break up her husband's prior marriage.

  38. There is nothing "salacious" about suicide - just because you don't personally like someone doesn't mean its automatically her fault that her sister was mentally ill and took her own life. Just because Julia is a public figure doesn't mean she owes it to the world to explain her sister's untimely death either. Are people not allowed to grieve in their own way? Or is that only reserved for those Enty deems on his good side?

  39. I feel for the family. The sister wasn't able to find peace with herself or able to realize that Julia wasn't the cause of her problems. Sometimes people are just mentally ill, or chronically depressed, and sadly, there's nothing that the people who love them can do about their deciding to end it all (I know from experience).

  40. Rowdy, I was coming on here to say exactly what @auntliddy did. Please don't blame yourself. You might have prevented it that night, but a determined, depressed person who is not thinking straight is going to do it anyway. I'm sorry that you feel responsible, which is natural, but it truly isn't your fault. They made that choice, while not in their right mind. Our family has been through this twice now, and it's devastating to those left behind. Only the person who kills themself knows exactly what they were thinking when they did it. They just want to end what they see as unending pain. It's an awful thing to do to those left behind, but if they were thinking straight and realized the hurt and guilt it will cause forever, they wouldn't kill themself in the first place. Take care.

  41. I think when a five page suicide note is left, it's pretty obvious it's a suicide.

  42. my 2 days in NA have taught me this, anytime you take drugs its never an accident. so as soon as they knew she died of a drug overdose, there was nothing accidental about it.

  43. @derek just saw you asked about me


    @heisenberg thx

    @sherry pretty much.
