Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Off Topic

I have been watching a spider bite swell on my finger all morning. Exciting stuff.


  1. Maybe you need to visit the emergency room instead.

  2. If it's a brown recluse spider bite, it'll turn black and you'll feel nauseaus and lose the finger from needing to be rushed to the ER.

    If you start feeling feverish or sick. Go to the doctor.

  3. Maybe it's just a stapler incident.

  4. Well at least this isnt fucking random.

  5. Well at least this isnt fucking random.

  6. Enty, you want to lose that finger, keep sitting there.

    Mr. Lioness was bit by a brown recluse this past weekend. I told him to get his ass to the emergency room. He got a tetanus shot and is on day 5 or 6 of a 10 day supply of antibiotics taken 4 times a day.

    You only have to Google brown recluse bites to see the damage these fuckers can do. The quicker the bite is treated, the quicker you'll heal.

  7. spray some Windex on it

    1. I thought it was 'Tussin, Ray?

    2. Excellent that you're going with a theme today Ray.

  8. It's my birthday today. You should come out to dinner with us - but only if you put a band-aid over it. Nobody wants to see that.

    1. Happy birthday, JBE!

    2. Happy birthday, JasonBlueEyes!!

    3. Happy birthday!

    4. Happy Birthday, JasonBlueEyes!!

    5. @Jason Blue Eyes
      Happy Birthday darling. Enjoy.

  9. And now you've made me google brown recluse spiders. Makes my freak out over the mouse who lives under my oven pale in comparison.

  10. Thanks TTM. The big 3-2 today.

    1. That's awesome, JBE, whatcha gonna do to celebrate?

  11. Happy Birthday Jason with the blue eyes ;)

    Violet, you might feel differently about those mice after I tell you about the Oregon man who pulled a mouse out of his choking cat's mouth and came down with Bubonic plague. He was in a coma, almost died, and lost his fingers and part of his hands. He only survived because the doctors knew what the symptoms of the plague where and treated him correctly.
    Good news is that he's back to woodworking! He's managed to adjust without his fingers. He's a survivor.

  12. Whoa Dingle!! That's a helluva a story. And Ms Lioness I really feel for your husband. Brown Recluse is a nastier bite than a black widow I think.

    Happy Birthday Jason!!!

  13. Happy Birthday Blue eyes!

  14. F***. Thanks Dingle. We have an ethical mouse trap but now I think we'll just try and nuke the bastard.

  15. TTM, just dinner out this evening. Middle of the week bdays are kinda lame. Unless You're Lindsay or Paris. Then you turn that shit into a week long party.

    Thank You, y'all.

  16. Enty. I reached into t pallet of fluffy type palm trees the day b4 Easter and didn't feel anything but noticed blood running down my arm from 2 spots. Soon bumps and black and blue and sooooo sore.
    I read about checking for the puncture sounds, the dots, to narrow down spider type. (Some of my brothers thought it was scratches from the tree thorns, at first)
    Anyhooo. We felt we identified non threatening bites BUT I WILL TELL U the first few days
    My arm grew more sore and more black n blue and. Umps grew too.
    Took 2 weeks to go away.
    I felt if the brown recluse had paid me a visit I'd know and then go to ER.
    That was for Easter. For Moms Day, my brothers went to the garden center. I won't go there again

  17. PS Enty. Good luck, sorry to hear u have that. It realty kinda sucks. Hope urs heals quickly.
    Or maybe u saw the culprit. ? And killed it !

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I love spiders, want me to capture it for you Enty? Always capture and release, never kill. I'm the spider whisperer. Haha.

    1. You and me both, califblondy! I have everybody at work trained to call for me if they see a spider so I can rescue it!

  20. C'mon enty, up off yo' butt and get that banged up finger looked at!

  21. Happy birthday Jason!

  22. Must be nice to have that kind of time, Enty.


  24. Happy birthday Jason. Get that party going now TIL the weekend and beyond!

  25. Make sure it isn't a tick, they look sort of like a spider. Esp if you live in an area that is known for ticks carrying lyme disease.

  26. I'm another who prefers not to kill spiders either. Interestingly the poisonous ones are the ones that hide so you don't typically see them traipsing around your living room.

  27. PS though the good news is the insect isn't still sucking on your blood, a tick will latch on and not let go apparently.

  28. Spider bites! Let it get really infected, video the incision and drainage, and then put that up on popthatzit. Lots of people love and would appreciate some good pus!

  29. I need to regain my harmony because I am so fucking fucked off.

    I did a 'good thing' for someone which actually logistically meant I left my car in their car port for 3 days. Just got back to grab it before and some inconsiderate ass has broken into it. They stole change and kindly enough don't appear to have damaged anything but they left the doors ajar and the battery is dead as a door nail.

    The frustration is just ... aaaah. How hard is it to close the door of a car you've robbed????

    1. It'll be okay Alita! Get a jump and go sit with Tricia is BI6. She has wine! Ohm ohm ohm ohm

      seriously, though that sucks. Sorry, lady

    2. Oooh no!
      Dn't touch the wine, Alita.
      I think sumone roofied it.
      Sorry about ur car hun.

    3. Ugh that is the WORST! My BF used to park his car with the window down for that reason....there was never anything in his car but at least he didn't have to deal with a broken window. This was in an underground parking garage too!

    4. Boooo, Alita!

      I do some work for our local police (dun dun dun) and one of the things they stress is to never leave change in view. You take all these precautions - hide your GPS, remove your radio's face plate, don't leave your bag in the car - and all they want is your $3.21. Blargh.

      Tipping a mimosa to you, doll!

    5. *Tips coffee cup over some grass for Alita*

      Someone broke into my 2 door car by smashing in the tiny triangular window over the backseat. They then reached through the window across the length of the passenger-side door to unlock the door. Why they didn't knock out the passenger window I will never know.

      They stole my stereo. But jokes on them cause my ex punched the faceplate, which somehow permanently stuck it to the stereo unit. Another side effect of the punch heard round the In-N-Out parking lot: The last CD used was stuck in it. Hope they enjoyed Linkin Park!

      What DID really such though is the window they broke is difficult to replace. Driver and passenger windows are relatively standard in size. Triangles are uncommon and not uniform. We had to go to pick-n-pull, find my same model/year car and rip out it's passenger-side triangular window. It took an hour or two to get out of the frame. But then we we're able to have a professions mechanic install it. Overall it was a headache and we just kept saying "why the hell couldn't they have knocked out the door window?"

      So yeah, feels Alita.

  30. This Kings vs Blackhawks game is killing me.

  31. Thanks guys - that was me totally sympathy trolling ... I was so furious! I really appreciate the good thoughts :)

    Seven, police connections eh - how very intriguing of you ;)

    Nothing was in view though - they just opened the console up. At least they didn't smash anything like poor @Riven. Everyone's had car trauma ... It just sucks so hard.

    I'm more chilled now - I have sourced a car battery charger which is brilliant because it would be tres difficult to get a jump where my poor car is, which was part of the stress.

    Thanks again.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Thanks Sherry. Mr. Lioness is doing fine. The bite is fading. No more purple welts. All you see is the fang marks.

  34. I saw this kind of spider bite in a movie. It gave the guy super-powers.

    We need to rewrite Spiderman to be about a gossip blogger with extraordinary abilities....
