Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

This is Dita Von Teese when she was 16.
This is George Clooney's possible future wife using the Clooney name to get extra help.
Hugh Jackman in China for X-Men.
January Jones in Los Feliz for a play date.
This is the baby that Emily Blunt and John Krasinski made.
Lots of microphones for Jennifer Lopez.
Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca Romijn in NYC.
Jordin Sparks shows off her guns to Jason Derulo.
Kelly Bensimon shows off a lot of leg in NYC.


  1. Baby Krasinski is v cute.

    DVT looks like Renee Zelweger in that pic. Well, what she used to look like.

  2. Aww Rebecca Romaine Lettuce looks sooooo happy.
    So does the bebeh s/he'll learn.
    Dita looked like a teaser who would eventually be a pleaser if you spent some money on her.

  3. Yeah, I don't get the Emily/John baby pic. Why, given they don't want press intrusion (and yes, i understand the 'don't take unwanted pics of our baby, she has no choice' angle) do they then go and stick a picture of the kid on social media for their millions of followers, all the world's media to see? Either do or don't.

  4. That is a cute baby right everyone? There are NO ugly children right? *jokesjokes*

  5. Not a fan of the holey-jean trend. What goes around comes around, I suppose.

    Baby K is indeed adorable!

    OK, the woman next to the future Mrs Clooney reminds me of Pam from Archer!

  6. Bebeh!

    I still can't look at Jerry O'Connell since HDime's jerk revelations, sigh.

  7. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Surprised at the Dita's pic

  8. jlo, rebecca, jordin all look great

    kelly, you do too but... why does your stomach look like that? is your shirt folded over?

  9. @Violet, they should have the right to decided when and where their child will be featured in the media. It is their choice to publish a pic of their kid, but it is not their choice when a paparazzi follows them and stick his camera on the baby's face.

    They published the most cute pic of their baby, free, for the whole world to see, not any pap trying to sell the first pic of baby K is fucked.

    Baby is K is a doll, by the way. Adorbs.

    1. Agree and baby is a doll, sabrina.

  10. When I see people with negative ass like Kelly Bensimon, it makes me sad for them.

  11. Dita looks a little like Kristen Bell as a blonde

  12. Dita also has a Rebecca DeMornay (risky Buisness era) thing going on too... I prefer her raven-haired, though.

  13. Amal Hathaway can use the Clooney name to get all the extra help she wants (that's sad: this is the first sign of becoming a Georgette) but girlfriend with those fugly shoes won't last a minute before Hollywood bitches start making fun of her

  14. A few vampy raven haired ladies I know we're originally blonde.. No surprise here - Dita is amazing any shade

  15. And this is Dita Von Teese about 10 minutes ago in my minivan.

    Clooney should marry the lady in red. She looks like a lot of fun.

    JLo has something in her mouth. Can't make out what it is. Maybe gum.

    It really bugs me that Jerry O'Connell ended up with Rebecca Romijn. He should be with Carrot Top, and me with Rebecca.

    Kelly Bensimon is not a bad looking girl. At all. Damn.

  16. Baby K is doing the 'side eye at the camera'-Jim look that John K made so famous (well, in the US anyway).

    Pauley Perrette, also a natural blonde. Go fig.

  17. Dita bought her titties--she did good not too big! She really made the best of what she had and looks much more attractive as Dita-
    What was the reveal on Jerry O'Conell that made home gross?

  18. I would have never picked this girl out of a line-up as being Dita Von Teese....

  19. Dita was cute but run-of-the-mill blonde. She was smart to make her look so unique.

    JJ's sporting the summer straw version of Pharrell's hat.

  20. Proof that Dita Von Teese was always perfection. She's the anti-Real Housewife.

    I love JJ and I love Betty. Both are cold bitches, but in a deliciously good way.

    The Blunt/Krasinski baby has more personality than both her parents put together Also, I'm thrilled that spinster names are coming back.

  21. Dita was beautiful then and beautiful now. Off topuc- the guy next door is an alcoholic, mid 50's or older. Anyway throws a few back and then plays "louie louie louie" over and over and over and over. Whats that about? Does he like it or the only cd or record he can find? Its a mystery.

  22. @aunt--sounds like he is trying to relive his youth. Maybe he was a frat boy...

    1. Oh dereck, u really made me laugh. He may have been, but equating this poor soul, lurching about half drunk on his bowed legs,about 5"7", big belly, hairy, unkempt, snaggletoothed, balding greasy hair, plus charming habit of waiting til his mother falls asleep before he has prostitutes over- i just really dont see it.

  23. Is Enty hinting that Amal is just like the rest of his (albeit less educated) past girlfriends? A fameho? I like it, and I believe it. Her smiling for the camera like she's now somebody.

    Dita Von Teese before she did porn?

  24. Kelly's butt is so flat😱!

  25. I hate to break it to you Enty but Virgin (who Miss Aman flew with by the looks of the uniform of her chaperone) provide this service for ANYONE travelling Upper Class...she is hardly pulling favours and so what if she was??

  26. If I were Pharells wife I'd be in his closet counting his hats and making sure he didn't go and leave one behind somewhere.

  27. Wow...Jackman's nose looks non-existent...

  28. @hothotheat,Amal never needed to get attention & she certainly isn't trying to in that pic-she's being accommodating(now that she's been thrown into the celluloid spotlight) & polite-as is her usual style.Read Up & Educate Yourself On Her hhh before you speel such shite(i'm not even a fan of hers but I DO read the newspapers) -she's a much more respected,distinguished,recognized,better known figure & photographed much more often in Eurasia,Arabia,Afrika & All the Northern Hemisphere than Georgy porgy-&,He Knew it & evidently,wanted to be a part of HER WORLD- read,girlfriend,read..
