Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

This just keeps getting better. I'm not sure either Ryan Gosling or Macaulay Culkin can get more copies on a shirt.
Rumer Willis is now a red head.
Suri Cruise drags Katie Holmes to the Disney store. Apparently they have Princess Anna dresses now.
Shakira performed with Stevie Nicks for
my buddy Lisa Loeb and Ryan Lewis and Macklemore.
This is what a woman saw when she opened her bathroom door in College Station. Named him Johnny Snake.
Taylor Kinney plays grab ass with Lady GaGa.
The other Taylor, Taylor Kitsch, walked the streets of NYC looking for Lady GaGa's ass.
Victoria Beckham actually trying to be funny.


  1. Yay, Gayeld! Gosling heard you.

    1. @Charlie. Can't wait to see how Mac tops this.

  2. Taylor Kitsch was actually pretty good in Lone Survivor, but I still can't really tell the difference between all those hairy random looking dudes.

    Lisa Loeb looks great! Now that song will be in my head for the rest of the day!

    You say, I only hear what I want to...

  3. Is Posh wearing flats????!!!???

  4. OMFG I freaked when I had a garter snake in my bedroom screw that thing!
    Lisa Lien never changes.
    rumer has a better looking body everyday we see her here.

  5. I <3 the Gos.

    Wait, wasn't Posh the answer to one of those Mr X things about a stuck-up celeb who is actually witty and self-deprecating in person?

    Oh dear me, the Frozen debacle. There were people actually having full-on meltdowns on FB and Twitter because their daughters couldn't have the dress for Halloween or Christmas or whatever the holiday they were celebrating. I think one of them wanted to have on as a Thanksgiving present for her daughter. Who gives Thanksgiving presents? I guess parents who lose their s* over a costume on FB.

    1. @Seven. You have no idea. My almost five-year old daughter turns EVERYTHING into Frozen. We went to a Princess party in the park the other day and she practically had me tackling the three girls dressed as Elsa. "Ask them where they bought it!"

      Apparently, you can't even buy fabric at JoAnn or anywhere else that looks like Elsa's dress because all the crafty moms are making them (my daughter will have to wait for the Disney store to get them back in or 'Let It Go' 'cause Mama ain't paying EBay prices.)

      Did you know there's a video on YouTube of the Frozen characters singing "What does the fox say?" Not to mention all the MLP and LPS videos of Let It Go and the rest of the songs.

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Because I luvs ya, Seven, I'll share this with you. Once. :-)

      Loved Blue Valentine even if he looked less than stellar as time and the marriage went on, and he was perfect in Half Nelson.

    3. Blue Valentine is one of my favourite films ever.

  6. Suri Cruise has quite the impressive strength

  7. Rumor is a pink head not red

  8. I think the Gossing pic is photoshopped, but it's still funny.

    The lady who called in the snake sounds like someone I'd want to have a drink with.

    Victoria Beckham, too.

  9. Gosling and Macaulay are funny. Getting a kick out of this. Be interesting to see how far they can take it.

    Rumor is really starting to grow on me.

    Shakira is one hot tamale. The things I would do to her ...

    That snake thing would be a problem for me. Probably wouldn't ever be able to go to the bathroom again.

    How come this guy gets to feel up GaGa's butt in public and not get shot or beat up? I guess he's the boyfriend, but still ...

    Lisa Loeb. I dfon't even know what to say.

    Posh is probably a lot more fun and personable than most people know. Sort of her fault though. She seems to make a point of looking gloomy when she's doing her airport stroll.

  10. Best pic of Rumer I've EVER seen.

    1. Totally! I thought "she actually looks cute!"

  11. Everything's bigger in Texas. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

  12. Wow Rumer looks great!!!

    That snake is just ALL kinds of wrong!!!!

  13. Yea someone's up with this latest Gosling/ Culkin pic. Maculay's wearing the same picture as the newest picture of Gosling. =/ It's still funny.

  14. LOL at Victoria's t-shirt. You get your classic punk on girl!

  15. If that's not a shopped pic of Gosling, I have a new favorite Hollywood bromance... Love the Gos anyway, but this would be great.

    Rumer will be my say something nice: clearly she's been working out. Good for her.

    I love V Beckham - she's so pretty,
    I can't even hate on her too-skinny frame. She looks sooooo much better without the implants. Makes her look much more balanced instead of like she's about to topple over at any moment...

    Okay wow, that was THREE say something nice's!! I think I need to lay down, I must be getting sick...

  16. I freak out over spiders, don't know if I could ever sleep again or go the bathroom again if I saw that.

  17. @Seven - I will admit, I did some pretty intense calling around for a couple weeks looking for a couple of the dolls for my daughter's 3rd birthday in June... But I did NOT post that s#|& on Facebook. Also, the same two dolls I paid $40 total for are going for upwards of $150 on amazon and eBay, and PEOPLE ARE BUYING THEM. First off, her dad would have my head if I spent that much on dolls for a toddler, and second, people are nucking futs to actually buy this stuff for a trend. I'll be honest, I felt mildly psycho for how many phone calls I made...but I finally got them, and I paid retail.

    1. @Meghan. My daughter has quite a few things, but I paid retail for them. I actually lucked out and walked into the Disney store to buy something else the first weekend the new policy went into effect and got the Animator's Anna and the Deluxe Elsa Barbie. I just found one of Elsa's Snow wands hidden on a shelf at Target (too bad, mine now! I mean, um, Grace's now.)

  18. Oh hell no!!! If I saw that snake in my bathroom, I would freaking DIE of an instant heart attack. I saw a big-ass but skinny snake (about 8') out at the lake last week and that took my breath away. *shuddering*

    That has to be the best pic of Rumer I've ever seen. Frame it, honey!

  19. Didn't we all pull on our mom's like that at some point?

  20. P. Katie

    M. Loeb - she gotta keep glasses on and take facial

    B. Shakira

  21. Rumer does look fantastic!

  22. OH FUCK NO on that snake

    I'm traumatized just from the picture!!

  23. Rumer may temporarily be a red head but she is forever a potato head.

  24. >>Apparently they have Princess Anna dresses now.<<

    They do? Do they take phone orders?

  25. See, if that was a tarantula, you would hear me screaming 1000 miles away. A snake? I wouldn't get too close, because that thing can squeeze my lungs out of me. I'm not afraid of snakes at all!

    1. I'll spare you the story of waking up to find a tarantula on my pillow. Scared the living hell out of me!! They are fairly common where I live and harmless but I'm so not into them anywhere near my face.

    2. Ditto. Snake bit me a couple of weeks ago and I calmly drove to the clinic for a tetanus shot (non poisonous). Had it been a grasshopper that landed on me...911 emergency

  26. The Disney dress meltdowns over the Frozen dress just happened in April because people wanted them for EASTER gifts. When the hell did that trend start? For Easter I got a basket with candy and maybe a small stuffed toy or cheap jewelry. Kids get full on wrapped presents now?

    STFU Parents blog compiled some of that whole mess if anyone wants to go look for it.

    1. Recently, probably Easter, a lot of parents on my FB were posting "anyone know where to find (insert Frozen item)??" I would just post the link to the STFU Parents story. I was afraid some would take it poorly, but luckily, most of them found it quite entertaining.

  27. That snake would have me running, I mean, that's one big snake!! That's what she said..;)

    Vicky B is adorable, love that she seems to have a great sense of humour.

    And don't get me started on frozen- I just scroll through a lot of my social media feed. Nope, I don't want to read another post about let it go, nor do I care to see the tenth video of your kid belting it out off key

  28. My son got a basket of candy and a few assorted Spider-Man toys for Easter. Never understood the bloodlust for "it" toys. Good luck with that--raising the bar is a bitch.

  29. That picture of Gosling is photoshopped. It's the same picture of him where he initially wore the Culkin shirt.

    Posh originally posted that picture with the caption "Stop right now. Thank you very much." LOVE her.

  30. I think I must be the only one who would be happy to see the snake or the tarantula. I used to be terrified of spiders but not anymore. I've embraced all things "buggy". I find them fascinating.

    Rumer DOES look good there. Where is her chin?

    Oh great now I'm going to get lost on that blog...I can see it now.

    VB needs to eat.

  31. Holy Rumer Willis...I remember when she was on 90210 commenting that she got the bad luck of looking like her dad and not her mom. I stand corrected.

  32. I grew up on the Texas/Mexico border and that snake was every kid's nightmare. I would have grabbed one of those big meat forks, a butcher knife and stood outside guarding the door after calling the Navy seals.

  33. Bitchie--that snake would make a good pair of boots amirite????

  34. Awwww Tater head is growing into her tater head!

    We regularly find brown snakes (one of the MANY things that will kill you in this country) wrapped around the cistern of Mr Mae's parent's loo in the winter...

  35. Yes, it was Easter, not Thanksgiving, thank you! I did see it on STFUP. Craziness!

    @BeckyMae, you're in Oz, right? Your country terrifies me!

  36. @seven yep, I'm in many bloody things are poisonous! I've had close encounters with red bellied black snakes, red back spiders, blue ringed octopus...seriously all the animals that have a COLOUR in their name are the worst...

    I try to stay away from "The Bush", which is where most of those things are, but Mr Mae comes from the country so I am exposed several times a year now...

  37. But Seven, if you come visit, we will stick to the cities...not too much here to bother you, lol....apart from hipsters...goddamn hipsters everywhere in my neighbourhood...

  38. God Rumer go away.

    Shakira is damn good looking.

  39. I have a complete crush on Gosling. Still smarting he wasn't cast as Fifty.

  40. I think that they photoshopped the last picture on Ryan Gosling. Ryan has the same stance in both of his pics. Still pretty cool.

  41. I think that they photoshopped the last picture on Ryan Gosling. Ryan has the same stance in both of his pics. Still pretty cool.

  42. Posh is a truly nice and humble person. When we had the worldcup in Germany she was strolling the streets, shopping and talking to us "normal" citizens at all times. She bought beer during the matches, took pictures and was really really funny and charming.
