Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Jeff Goldblum and his girlfriend with the matching socks.
Two pap photos in a week of Jamie Lee Curtis. She must be about to promote something.
Julia Louis Dreyfus looking good at a movie about her father.
Julianne Moore hosted a tea party and
Samuel L. Jackson were the guests of honor.
Jay-Z looks angry because someone photographed him with a sweater around his neck or
he doesn't like Beyonce's new hair style.
Kate Bosworth and her husband take another trip.
Also taking a trip is Kristen Stewart.


  1. Oh dear, The Fly looks like a Muppet on stilts. :/

    Samuel L. Jackson is a split personality? He were, of course he were.

    Jay-Z always looks like an angry troll doll. Poor troll dolls.

    I wonder if KStew has a hairbrush on her Amazon wishlist...

  2. Oh Jeff Goldblum. Why would you do that Enty???? Thanks be that I still have Jurassic Park era photos still in the spank bank.

    Julianne Moore is just beautiful, as is Samuel L. Jackson's wife. Glowing skin

    Jay Z just looks mad because his bum fell off

    1. Yup, TTM, Jay Z's torso is getting a piggyback ride from a headless bodyguard. What an oddly-proportioned dude.

    2. I just don't remember him being so slight, either, loopy

  3. My socks generally match when I leave the house, as well. Don't yours?

  4. Oh, Jeff. Not a good look. I'd still do him, though.

    I've always thought Jamie Lee Curtis was born a male.

    Julianne shouldn't wear white. She glows, but not in a good way.

    I like JayZ's sweater a LOT more than I like his wife's hair. Maybe she is trying to look like Kristen Stewart?

  5. Goldblum is lucky hes hung like a horse.
    JayZ loses all his street cred that he has left with that sweater around his neck.
    JLD and JLC always bring the class

    1. Sandy you might think that is the case about Jeff but shin length stripey socks and trainers override donkey sized tackle.

  6. NaughtyNurse, the rumour is JLC was born intersexed. Not male, not hermaphrodite.

    None of us actually knows this to be fact as there is no record of her confirming this ball I will say is she is the most interesting, smokin' hot, Intersex person I've ever heard of.

    I will forever love her for many things, not least of which is presenting her "Credit Card" at the Oscars whenever she was asked about her designers, etc. Saved a lot of faff and waffle, plus it was funny, plus she gave credit, plus she's just awesome. Yeah.

  7. Looks like the last time Stewart's hair was washed was last week at Cannes by the stylist.

  8. T: Jeff G
    B: Sammy J
    S: That boyfriend guy

  9. You are probably right, God I can smell the stench from Stewart through my phone.

  10. I've always wondered , if the family name "Dreyfus" (same pronounciation in German but written as: Drei Fuss, i.e. "three legs") was created bc the males of the family had "three legs" (big schlong..)??

    (I have too much free time)

    1. drei fuß (fuss) means "three foot." Beine is "legs." Still would support your theory. ;-)

  11. WHAT, Sprink???? Seriously??? I was just kidding, because she has always seemed a bit masculine to me!!!

    1. NaughtyNurse, I'm afraid that has long been the rumour. As I said, I've no idea what the truth is, but if you google I'm sure you'll find lots of people who think they know...

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      @Sprink, I had heard that years ago. That she had Androgen insensitivity syndrome. But as you say, who knows? Does make one Wanda...

  12. 99 murders seems to be looking for the one hundredth.

  13. what does julia luis dreyfuss daddy billionaire do??
    enty why do you torture us with bosworth virus??

  14. P. Jld

    M. Goldblum's girl - she takes it rough, so slapping, gagging and spitting in her face should be ok

    B. KStew

  15. Dreyfus family started the Dreyfus group of investments

  16. Jay Z is always a pill. Jld always looks great- its annoying, lol. Love my fellow redhead julianes dress!

  17. TNC…hahaha. Sounds kind fishy.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      NaughtyNurse... Just don't eat the green ones. They're not ripe yet.

  18. Even I've heard the Jamie rumor! Don't care, love her.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Um is it me or is Goldbloom with an age appropriate woman?

    1. I was going to say... This lady looks a lot older than his normal sorority aged conquests.

    2. DM reported she's a 31 /32 yr old Olympic gymnast. I think she def looks older.

  21. Goldblum creeps me out.

  22. Jamie was great on New Girl as her mom!

  23. Naughty, maybe AuntLicky can back me up here but us redheads should never wear white. It just doesn't look good. Cream okay, no white for me at least.

    JayZ does look like he's got slouchy shoulders.

    Yeah uglay socks do take away from the donkey sized tackle. Good one.

    I've heard the JLC rumor as well.

    1. Sherry- you are correct. White is very unflattering for reheads and their coloring. :)

  24. And forgot to add that SLJ's white is gorgeous. She does have amazing skin. Speaking of gorgeous women of color with beautiful skin, where's our S.Joy today? Oh well at least we got her for one day.

  25. I would love to know how the JLC rumors started as she was born in the 50's and that's not exactly something people are going to share with you about their kid. Especially famous people.

    And is this the clueless Lily White enty writing this, because I can't think of any other reason why someone would compare any Black woman with braids to Kristen Stewart. That is completely daft!

  26. Jeff? Not sure if I still would.
    JLC love her
    JayZ pants on the ground! (on their way)

  27. I wanna be as cool as Jamie Lee Curtis when I'm her age.
