Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Scotty McCreery Robbed In Home Invasion

American Idol winner Scotty McCreery was on the receiving end of one of the scariest things that can happen to you. He was at a house in Raleigh, North Carolina with some friends when three armed men entered the house and took money and wallets and cell phones from several people who were at the house. No one was injured in the invasion. It happened about 2am Monday morning. Scotty said the police were great, but he won't be talking about it anymore right now.

My guess is that someone heard there was a little house party and it had an American Idol winner there and probably some easy money and the next thing you know there is an armed robbery. Someone told somebody which is how it happened. It is too much of a coincidence that they decided to rob this particular house, with people there unless they thought there would be some large quantities of stuff they could get easily.


  1. What a terrifying experience. Glad nobody was hurt.

  2. You know who's super rich and we should totally rob? Scotty McCreery. Yeah right!

  3. Glad he's ok. Seems like a good guy.

  4. When I hear "Scotty McCreery was on the receiving end" that's not where my mind goes.

  5. Was he sexually assaulted also??

    1. He is more packed in the closet than zacquesha. B coop. Harry styles and Taylor lautner combined. He is also a Country music singer. That closet is nailed shut 4evah.

  6. @ Brea: why not? If you're a thief on/around the NC State campus, and Scotty is a student there, he may be easy pickings. I'm sure that's what the burglars thought. Not sure what's so strange or funny about that.

    Glad everyone is OK, physically.

  7. And they wonder why people want guns.

  8. In SC he is considered rich & famous, so yeah can see this happeining.

  9. It's sad that even after a little bit of fame, you can't live a normal life (in Scotty's case, other people should try to have normal lives after the 15 minutes.)

  10. I'm telling you there are a lot of robberies in Raleigh right now

    my house was an attempted break in 3 weeks ago........

    lots of home building going on and that spurs the break ins.....many workers in areas that case these homes for break ins.........watch them for patterns of being empty etc.......

  11. Enty, I know you mentioned that the robbers were armed but you left out the very important fact that these dudes held Scotty up at gunpoint. Close range. This is absolutely terrifying. Thank God he wasn't alone.

  12. Glad he and his friends are ok. Then you have no need to wonder why stars hire bodyguards.

  13. houses, in my experience and to my knowledge, only tend to get robbed with people actually occupying the home when the robbers believe or are aware that there is drug activity going on because that usually means that there is not only a significant amount of money currently present, but also the drugs which are valuable in and of themselves.

    the robbers are also less likely to be concerned of violence as people may/are likely to be under the influence and less of a threat

  14. @headrot - I think that is exactly what was implied by the line "unless they thought there would be some large quantities of stuff they could get easily." I don't think Enty meant TVs and Smartphones.

  15. Ooh, rajah...I'm glad you are okay! That's so scary!

    @sugarbread..best comment ever! Lmao

  16. I hate thieves. Unless you are stealing to feed starving family, knock it the hell off. And if family is starving, just ask, I'll give ya food.

  17. To translate: A bunch of hookers stole our stuff, but we can say that, so we said "masked burglars".
