Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Will And Jada Pinkett Smith Being Investigated By Child Protective Services

According to Radar, Child Protective Services has launched an investigation after the photo of their 13 year old daughter in bed with a half naked 20 year old man surfaced on the internet. Apparently this will involve interviews with the parents and Willow and the 20 year old who caused all the uproar. The investigation will last about a month and then a report will be filed. I don't think Will and Jada are going to lose custody or have any charges filed, but I would like to know what the guy has to say about all of this and if he gets caught in some type of lie or does say there was something going on between himself and Jada. I guess this means the world is not really covert pedophiles like Jada seems to think we are. I think this is the right thing to do and I think there would have been some outrage if they didn't at least give it a look. We are talking about a 13 year old here and it wouldn't be the first time in recorded history that a mom didn't really know the full truth about what was going on in her child's life.


  1. Interesting that the photo is copyright by Kylie Jenner.

    1. I noticed the same thing! The Kardashian-Jenners are always involved in something. They should get involved in the CO$.

  2. Something going on between him and Jada???

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that's a fantastic typo.

    1. I thought that was odd! Oh, Enty, please hire a proofreader.

  3. Weren't the Jenner girls there, 7? I thought I read that. That's how Willow and Jaden know this guy.
    There was at least one other person there to take the picture.

  4. lol nice catch! @Bacon

  5. A lot of people lose their virginity around age 14 - so she's a year early, big deal. If he's a good friend and it happened in nice, safe surroundings, ie her home, it might have been a positive experience for her. Jada should make sure her daughter has proper access to birth control.

    I live in Scandinavia, where relatively young teenagers having sex is common and accepted, and parents routinely allow boyfriends and girlfriends to sleep over. Better in her own room than in the back seat of a car or a nightclub toilet somewhere.

    1. Agree, it's ridiculous, she's fully clothed. Ugh people need to worry about more important shit.

    2. I work at Child Support Services and there's a lot of fourteen year and younger mothers out there. Having a bed and a twenty year old and a young teenager together at the same time is asking for trouble.
      Looks like the PMK gene is a dominant one as that pic is everywhere.
      I don't believe they just had sex, but with the Jenner chicks around, who knows.

  6. I didn't pay much attention to the original BI, so you might be right. There was a lot of arguing in the post over wether or not the photo was inappropriate or harmless.

  7. I'm sorry, but let's have CPS investigate the kids being beaten by their parents, starved and neglected. Srsly.

  8. Why does entry believe radar

  9. Scandinavia sounds awesome

  10. That is so stupid. While the picture was eyebrow raising, it's not worth CPS.

  11. That would be *whether or not, damn you spellcheck!

    @VeraL, CPS is woefully inadequate when it comes to neglect. They'll investigate any claim, though. California's CPS has a really bad reputation - they've been sued several times, and the plaintiffs won to the tune of $4 million dollars.

    1. LA County CPS? CPS isn't a State agency in California. In most cases it's a County agency. They're all understaffed and underfunded. Every County handles it differently.
      Sacramento County has a horrible reputation (deservedly so.)

      Merced County was wonderful to deal with, the social workers were all great and always had the kids' best interest at heart. They went through the hoops they were required to by law until they could recommend termination of parental rights, but no one was out looking for my sister to make sure she was in court when she was required to be. Not even her attorney.

      From everything I was told by the hospital staff in Modesto, Stanislaus County does everything in their power to reunite the children with their parents. Whether or not the parents deserve that second, third, fifteenth chance.

  12. @Nutty.. that's an interesting perspective.. still, I know how I would feel if a 20-year-old was boning my 13-year-old daughter

  13. I'm thinking there is more to investigate then just the picture.

    Maybe the picture is the straw that broke the camels back.

    I read on another blog, that maybe this is just CPS doing the CYA thing, just in case something does happen to this girl.

  14. Oh, for fuck's sake, the rampant dishonesty in this story is sickening, and you, Enty, are not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

    Nobody's "in bed." They're on the bed. In the real world, many people use their beds as big ol' sofas when they're not sleeping. Kids have their friends over, spend time in their room, and some people sit, sprawl, or lie on the bed.

    Nobody's "half-naked." In the real world, men are considered properly covered when they're wearing pants. Go down the street on any decent day, and you'll see men without shirts on. It's not a scandal or a disgrace, it's normal hot-weather gear.

    The picture didn't magically take itself. It wasn't a great eye, lidless and wreathed in flame, floating in the air that recorded this image for posterity. It was taken by another person who was also in the room.

    So, three people doing nothing particularly notable in a room. Was there a fourth or fifth or sixth? I don't know and neither do you. Was the door closed? Was there adult supervision? Again, I don't know and neither do you.

    In short, there is absolutely no evidence of any kind of impropriety to be seen in this picture. Not a tittle. Not a jot. If CPS has time to launch a full investigation on the sole basis of this, then they're grossly overstaffed. I don't think that's the case. I think it's sleazy gossip outfits like TMZ and in this case you, Enty, manipulating public opinion to create phony outrage, to the extent that CPS had to pull manpower away from real cases, leaving other children in real peril, for this baseless dog-and-pony show.

  15. I too question the comparison of these kids needing CPS checking into this vs. Other kids who may have severe abuse happening. However, I question the schooling of Jaden/Willow as it is the law for children to be schooled. Supposedly these 2 get to do what they want, which isn't schooling any more, and it shows!!!

  16. Welll @Sincerely, they have free online public homeschooling here in Florida.. they actually encourage parents to do it by sending home flyers and arranging lunches for the parents to attend workshops explaining how to enroll and be successful home students

    @Jonathan makes some great points

  17. While I don't think this photo in particular is worth getting in a tizzy over, the fact that those children are not being educated or supervised at all IS worth getting in a tizzy over.

  18. I agree @sincerely! The Jenner kids and the Smith kids need to be in school! Not too concerned with the picture.

  19. @aemish - I believe Willow has actually said before that she doesn't do any real schooling, home or otherwise.

  20. "Home Schooling" is legal. It's often a horrific exercise in primitive religious indoctrination (think "Taliban" where they say "Jesus" and "Jehovah" instead of "Mohammed" and "Allah") but citizens have sued for the right to control their own children's educations in their own home, and won. So as long as they can, on demand, show that they're actually being taught the "Three Rs," parents can keep their children at home and teach them there.

    If you saw the movie The Bling Ring -- or the applicable episodes of the reality series Pretty Wild -- you can see "Nicki Moore"/Alexis Neiers taking part in the sorry crap that can pass as a home-school education.

    (Which is not to say that no home-schooling parents do a good job of teaching their kids. Many, perhaps even most, do. But it can be ludicrous, as well.)

    1. @JAS. Toss in a few "Xenu" and "body thetans" and you've probably got the Smith kids' home schooling to a T (that they probably don't know how to cross.)

  21. points for JAS for using "tittle."

    1. dawg, sometimes you and JAS impress the Hell out of me.

      Tillle: A tittle or superscript dot[1] is a small distinguishing mark, such as a diacritic or the dot on a lowercase i or j. The tittle is an integral part of the glyph of i and j, but diacritic dots can appear over other letters in various languages. In most languages, the tittle of i or j is omitted when a diacritic is placed in the tittle's usual position (as í or ĵ), but not when the diacritic appears elsewhere.

      Had no idea but you two did.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Well, our district uses The Calvert School. I was thrilled when I found that out because I was actually already familiar with them. I had called several years ago on behalf of my sister-in-law when she was having trouble with her daughter. It's over a hundred years old and you have access to call their on-staff teachers during regular school hours throughout the week for support. A former online student myself, I know my college we all wore headsets and the teacher would call on us to answer questions just as if we were in a real classroom rather than a virtual one. I had a very positive experience with online education.

  23. JAS you make good points the irony is that this is involving COS parents. COS, an organization that wrote the book on coverup and secrecy.

    Is this a way for the state of California to poke at the COS though I'd rather see the tax exemption revoked and people in that Sea Org rescued and COS investigated for its labour violations.

    1. @Tina. At this point, I'll take anything that chips away at the organization. Although, at the moment NarCONon looks to be doing the biggest damage. There are some well thought out lawsuits being filed against them at the moment.

  24. @JAS makes a good point. Homeschooling is poorly regulated.

    But then again, so are accredited schools. Scientology's Delphian school - a boarding school that accepts kids as young as five years old - teaches "Study Tech" and is accredited. I've actually seen this school and thought it was a prison. It's high up on a hill and has gates.

    And this is what they learn:

    The real-life Hogwarts? Inside the secretive 'Scientology school' where students are taught through clay modelling and staring matches

  25. I believe here that parents who homeschool are supposed to outline their course of study to the Ministry of Education who also provides information to the parents on the public school curriculum to those parents can try and cover that for that homeschooled kids esp if the kids do intend to go to public high school after elementary school or want to enter into university.

    You just get the feeling which could be totally wrong these kids are not in any kind of structured learning environment beyond what COS offers, that's pretty frightening right there.

  26. What's wrong with the photo? I'm confused as to how this is scandalous. The kids aren't even touching each other. Also...the kid is 13. She's not with her parents at all times. 13 year olds, especially celeb spawn, seem to do whatever they want to do.

  27. So, is the current parenting philosophy "they're gonna do it anyways so why bother to discourage it"? Why not buy them some wine and take them shopping for sex toys and lingerie? Why have rules at all?

    I don't think I'm a prude but I certainly don't agree with children having sex, with the knowledge and blessing of their parents, in their parent's house, as teens. It's just inappropriate and sex is an emotional thing for a lot of kids, especially young girls. Every single young teen I have ever known that had sex before around age 16-17 has been messed up severely later on in life because of it. It won't mess up EVERY girl that does it, but as a parent, why would you want to take that chance?

  28. This is fucking dumb. Will and Jada aren't the best most attentive parents but I don't believe they'd let anything happen between their 13 year old child and a 20 year old man. Also isn't enty always implying willow is a lesbian?

  29. Has anyone actually claimed that they had sex? I think people have just jumped to that conclusion based on the image. Is it somewhat inappropriate? Probably. Is it scandalous? Not really.

    As to whether CPS should be involved, it's up to them what they investigate, but they should take any complaints they get seriously, because otherwise you end up getting shit like the Victoria Climbie (sp?) and Baby P cases in the UK.

  30. That link is nutz @7

  31. He's a closeted gay and Willow and this photo is the best beard EVER

    1. Does anyone remember the blind about the teenaged girl who would be shocked her father was sleeping with one of her friends?

    2. I remember. I thought it was about Jamie Foxx. Could be Big Willy. Isn't it a rumor/BI he may be tied to the Singer scandal?

    3. Hey Freya. I didn't hear about the Singer connection and Big Willy. I heard it might be why Clooney got engaged, though.

  32. I homeschooled for a while. Checks and balances are in place with the state to be sure you're child is actually learning. At no time during homeschooling did my daughter lay on a bed with shirtless, male, family friend. Call me old fashioned.

  33. @Iwinjen.. Eww!!!!

    @witwritergirl.. my dad owned a business assisting people that traveled year-round aboard their yachts and some of the people had children that used Calvert. Everybody loved it and one family had children return to public school that skipped a grade :D

  34. I second the commendation to JAS for the use of the word "tittle" as well as the inconspicuous Lord of the Rings reference!

  35. Free, Quality, Virtual Education

    I don't consider ourselves candidates for this right now, but who knows? Later in life if we Heaven Forbid find ourselves in some crazy bullying situation like I keep seeing on TV you're dam skippy I'm homeschooling.

  36. i thought it meant small tit.

    As in, "Suzy's tittles made it difficult for her to find dates."

  37. Great posts, @Jonathan Andrew Sheen!

  38. This is dumb. All those kids have known each other forever. They are all rich offspring. There is a whole crew of them, they call themselves "MSFTS" I agree that NORMAL 20 year old guys have no business hanging out with 13 year old kids, but these are not normal kids. They are child stars and the rest of this clique comes from beyond wealthy backgrounds. They are probably urged by their parents to "stick with their own." God forbid they mingle with the upper middle or middle class! HA! Don't make me laugh!

  39. It's sad these girls are brought up with the, "sex sells, anything for a buck" mentality. Unfit parenting, for sure.

  40. God for Child Protective Services! Check into Kylie also.

  41. To call CPS on this guy because of this innocent photo is horrific. It's a case of being tried by the media, and I think we all need to revisit the "innocent until proven guilty" thing--especially when there are no laws (legal OR moral) being broken to begin with.

  42. I skimmed through the comments and no one seems to have mentioned that with all the millions they have, the bed looks like a cheap motel bed. No headboard? Granted, I can't see the full room, just from what I can see seems odd for rich folk.

  43. She is 13 years old. THIRTEEN!!!! Why isnt she in school?? Why arent her parents on the premises??? Where they belong!! I dont think the issue is pedaphilia, its the complete lack of supervision. No thinks this is batshit? If, IF, he was a pedophile, or drug merchant, or pimp, who is looking out for this little girl? Ask Drew Barrymore how it feels to be on your own at 11 or 12. Not very comforting. Willow is just as valuable and worth protecting as any other child.

  44. Jesus, auntliddy, what do you see there that's inappropriate for a thirteen year old? Two people, neither unclothed, not touching one another, sitting on top of a bed.

    What day was the picture taken?

    What time?

    What makes you think she should have been in school?

    What makes you think she isn't being legally home-schooled?

    What makes you think her parents aren't in the premises?

    What makes you think they aren't in the room?

    You're a graduate-level course in assuming facts not in evidence and making judgments of things you know nothing about. Get a goddamned grip!

  45. @JAS, to be fair the 20-yr-old is wearing no clothing visible in the photograph

  46. Jas, her mother was at the airport, clearly not home. Her father is off filming. Her parents think shes very mature since she's 11 and doesnt require supervision. Those are their words, not mine. I have no idea what time it is; looks like morning but who knows. Im thinking u dont have kids, or u wld know kids need supervision. I didnt imply anything was going on, im saying no one is watching her. So fucking relax man, i wasnt expecting the Spanish Inqusition!

  47. @ auntliddy, No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

  48. Whoa Jas, you seem kinda invested.

    A 20 yr old shirtless boy on a bed with a 13 yr old girl is eyebrow raising at best.
    Was it innocent? Who knows.
    Were you that creepy shirtless 20 yr old who hung out around 13 yr olds back in the day?

    It's weird, not sinister. But it's still weird.

  49. The only thing I really know about home schooling is that the majority of them get straight As. How lucky! Wonder how it affects college apps.

  50. No matter what you think happened this is a waste of CPS resources that should be spent following up real complaints of child abuse. CPS doesn't need to waste time and $$$ investigating these kind of incidents. Some poor kid in a much worse part of town is going to get lost in the shuffle.

  51. What shouldn't be looked at?
    O posted earlier about how it took the LA CPS over 4 hours to attend to the poor children.
    Who makes that call?
    Apparently the call has been made that it's important into look into little miss Willow.
    If these kids aren't getting an education, I am all for it.

  52. Sheesh O meaning I
    Just understand what other folks have been saying, it's not about the picture, it's about no school.

  53. Total PR in an effort to make an underfunded, understaffed, poorly run organization look like its doing its job. I'd rather they open an investigation of sea org. In the meantime, we'll be reading about more children dying because CPS didn't fucking bother to investigate a legitimate claim.

  54. I'm curious to know how these parents get out of sending these kids to school. It's obvious these kids are not getting an education or any parental supervision.

  55. I really don't get the fuss. It's not the two of them alone on the bed. Someone is taking this picture. There are at least three people there. If he was wearing a shirt would that make it all better?

  56. How has nobody on this site seen the articles about these kids all claiming themselves to be 'Orgonites'?? CPS definitely needs to be stepping in. They are CHILDREN! They have been left by their parents to live as they choose, because they consider them adult enough to make their own choices, and this is what they choose to involve themselves in? WTF?

    (Don't know how to make clickies, but please read)


  57. I thought Will n Jafa opened/started their own private school ( as a business ) and the kids went there but in last cpl years it went under. Since then it's like this kids do nothing about learning. I heard that they get to do whatever they want. Literally.

  58. @Lux That link is kraaazay!

    1. I know, right!? They are involved into some really strange stuff. There's pictures of them all reading stuff by this 'sex guru' known as Osho. He supposedly believes that sex and drugs can bring spiritual enlightenment (not that strange for a cult leader, but they're freakin kids!) the crystals and the bio-terrorism stuff - YIKES!
