Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Your Turn

Did you read the Monica Lewinsky article in Vanity Fair? What do you think about what she said?


  1. Always keep the dress. No dry cleaning.

    1. My Dad always said that's what kept the Secret Service from offing her. She had that dress. Go Gap!

    2. Serious a? Well, there are theories about Marilyn Monroe. DNA can hold much power I guess.

  2. I think somebody really doesn't want to see the Clintons back in the White House and wanted to remind America that hes no good by bringing her back into the public eye.
    In any case what she did 20 years ago probably ruined her life but if she did the same thing today she be a very rich girl with endorsements., Tv shows., books to write etc.

    1. I almost think it's the opposite. The Clinton's think if they can "get it out there" now, it's wont be an issue they can bring up when she runs in 2016. Don't you think Hillary is behind this? She's friends with the people at VF..I could absolutely be wrong, but it just seems strange for it to come out now. If they wanted to "hurt" the Clinton's they would have done it around the time of the election.

    2. @ sandybrook / @ MelissaOfGrandIsland - NPR was debating this earlier this morning. I agree with you @Melissa of GI. It will be brought up by the GOP and this is a way to control it, to an extent. Do it now& get it out of the way and keep it away from when she's actually declared. I don't believe that Monica L. actually benefited financially from this interview so there must be some other motive. If I were her, I'd actually rather stay out of the spotlight.

    3. I does she benefit? Be back in the limelight? I'm wondering if "someone" else is paying her. That, I can see.

  3. Clintons are totally behind this.

    1. You think do ari? The old "any attention is good"?

  4. Only know her name cause she sucked dick. Don't care what she has to say about anything.

  5. Good read. However, Monica spends an awful lot of time emphasizing that their relations were consensual and had nothing to do with power. Riiiiiiight. My only other gripe was: Monica, leave Hils the fuck out of this. You already blew her husband, did you really need to underscore how she blames herself for what the two of you did?

  6. Don't forget about the cigar, Count!

  7. hilary likes women... this is all a publicity play to 1. get his name out there 2. steal attention away from stuff that is actually wrong, aka usa getting involved in nigeria to recover the girls taken from islamic extremists 3. get vanity fair some attention

  8. If Hillary hadn't had Chelsea with Web Hubbell, Bill wouldn't've had a free pass to bone so many women.

  9. I saw on TMZ today that Hills is trying to cool up her image.

  10. Hillary has a better chance of getting pregnant again than being POTUS.

  11. It's on the weekend to do list.

  12. Bill is a pig. Monica is a pig. End of story.

  13. Modern science can achieve much a Count Jerkula! It's scary that even Betty White could end up preggers.

  14. It's an article that should of gone to US Weekly.

    Monica's bitter about her life & now trying to re-vamp her image into a do-gooder, but it's too late & there's already multiple groups working on stopping bullying.

  15. I agree that she was taken advantage of on many levels. Yes she has personal responsibility but let's remember she was dealing with the most influential powerful man in the world. And she was a young twenty something intern.

    Why did we blame the single girl and not the married president of the US??????

    And why is Hillary trashing her and taking the blame upon herself? The blame lies squarely on Bill Clinton and somehow he has come out of all of his shenanigans (and there were lots) as one of the most popular and influential men in the world. Just don't get it. How are we this dumb? What is wrong with women that we put up with this? I have no idea why any woman would vote for this.

    1. The blame rest squarely on Bill and Monica. She may have been young, but she was an adult, and it was hardly a secret he was married. As for him, I'm pretty damn sure he knew he was married. Wen has it right, they're both asses in this.

    2. Agree with raj and gay. Clinton grown man, he 'a support to know better and act better. She was young, and young people make mistakes. I don't blame and I think she got a raw deal. It's sad tho that she can't seem to get her life on track.

  16. and she has every right to be bitter......I would be too

  17. Gosh, when I think about some of the stupid things I did in my 20's.....I would be horrified if that was all people associated with me. I can look at the Monica case and see how she could fall for Bill, was betrayed on national news by someone she considered a friend, and trashed by both the democratic AND republican parties. Not to mention a national laughing stock. I think it has taking alot of strength and courage for her to overcome this ordeal and yet she talks about not currently having a love life, career, or family due to the impact of the scandal.

  18. To be fair, Monica looks exactly the same (from recent pics via TMZ)

  19. I cannot believe that Monica Lewinsky is 40 years old already!!!!!!! Good God, where do the years go? It seems Monica is in need of money, and presumably wants to become well known to the public again. Maybe she has reality show aspirations? To feature some more of Bill's former lovers such as Paula Jones and Gennifer Flowers. That might be kind of interesting and fun. (At least for 1 episode.) What would be a catchy title for such show?

  20. The spin machine went into overdrive to call her crazy stalker until they found out she had the dress. Then the White House lawyers coached her for her depo and got her to stick to the script. She was humiliated and manipulated by the president of the US who should have been the adult in the room.

  21. Monica was used by the President, then used by his enemies. When they were done with her, they called her a slut and sent her on her way. Don't forget how this story broke, she was betrayed by a so called friend who was paid to get the dirt.
    Yes, she was used and she was stupid, but it's hypocritical for anyone to chastise her for being a stupid 20 year old, we, all of us, have done something really stupid, we just didn't have the republican party standing by waiting to use our indiscretion to bring down a president.
    I have no doubt if I'd been in her position at that age, I'd gone for it with Bill, just sans the cigar and keeping the dress.
    The most amazing part, is Hillary is lambasted for staying with him, from the "family" right wing, I guess God only forgives Republicans. Monica is labeled a slut and thrown out like a used dishrag, and Bill is called a dog with a little wink and nod.

  22. Rajahcat...exactly what I was thinking. She was a kid in love; he was the President. She had her life ruined because of the whole affair. I think Monica has taken the high road these past 18 years.

  23. This just makes me want to vote for Hillary in 2016!

  24. I think she was in the mood for a little cash back on her investment and a dish of "15 mins of fame" on the side.

  25. @Bee Haven, who else would be behind it, this lady was lost in the shuffle except in rap the way, Monica is no different than any female staffer during the Kennedy administration...ask not what your country can do, but what you can do for your POTUS

  26. I didn't know there was a Monica Lewinsky article. I guess I have an old VF. Must catch up this weekend.

  27. At 24 years old, you are old enough to know to close your legs to married men. end. of. story.

  28. I could understand if she has trust issues. She was betrayed by every single person around her.

  29. Disclaimer: I didn't read it. But resurrecting the whole thing seems like some kind of tactical maneuvering to attempt to stop any political momentum Clinton (Hillary, that is) might have for a 2016 run.

    Frankly, while I feel for Lewinsky and the betrayal of trust, I don't give a fuck about infidelity that happened 20 years ago. I think W and Darth Cheney are guiltier of much greater sins than X-Prez Clinton.

  30. Hillary was behind this - she wants to get the story out in the open now so that it'll be old business when the primaries start in 2016. Totally believe she paid Monica off. And let's put the blame where it belongs - Bill was the married man - he should shoulder the main part of the blame - Monica was young and stupid.

  31. Forgot to add - if Monica or the GOP was behind this, they would have waited until early 2016 - it would make more of a splash then.

  32. Not only was he a married man he was the POTUS, he was having conversations that should have been private with world leaders in the oval office whilst Monica was blowing him, just like Kennedy was a security risk with his sexual habits, sleeping with Mob mistresses and possible spies.

    But yeah blame the girl, always blame the girl and the man continues to be feted.

  33. Monica made a bad choice and told the wrong woman (Linda Tripp) who told an even worse person (Lucianne Goldberg) they are responsible for ruining her life.
    I don't blame Monica but I do blame those two women.

  34. Lewinsky was 22 and Clinton was 49 and the most powerful man in the world when the "affair" began.

    If she should have know to keep her legs together he should have known to keep it zipped up 100 times more than she should have.

  35. I don't think this comes from Hillary:

    If Hillary cannot punish her husband, no way she would punish boko haram or any other terrorists. She has no will at all, and she is easily bossed. This publicity is awful for her run to be POTUS.

    This said, she is cuter (more f word able) than when she drunk all the batter that didn't stain her dress.

  36. And by the cuter lady, I mean Monica.

  37. Didn't read but agree Clintons paid her to do this, getting ready for Hillary to run. Easy to believe the dress kept her alive too. Economy would recover with Hillary as Pres, everyone knows that. And all the Clinton Chronicle shenanigans would continue. Hopefully she would keep this country out of war and continue to force the UN to do more in the way of world peace.

  38. GOP would not waste resources rehashing this. Why bother when the Dems will throw her under the bus first chance they get, just like last time. Only this time they have the leaked sound bites of Hillary trash talking foreign leaders and her attachment to Bengazi (sp?). Look what lying for a POTUS did for Whitman and Powell.

  39. Young, starstruck woman meets the most powerful and one of the most charming men on the planet. I don't blame her. Hell, I would have and probably still would. It happened. It happens with every Prez. I don't feel sorry for her, I just don't blame her or think she's a slut. Bill's Bill.

  40. People are far too easy on this woman. Lazy and spoiled, she's flitted around and failed at everything for more than 20 years while living off of her parents' money.

    No career, no achievements, education wasted, opportunities squandered, no husband/partner, no children, two notorious "serious" relationships - one with her married drama teacher and the other with her married boss, Bill Clinton.

    Her life is exactly what she's made of it, which is nothing.

  41. Believe me, if the Clintons didn't want this interview, it would't have happened.

    Let's be honest here gang, Momo is lucky to still be alive.

    I bet many of you were way too young to remember just how charming Bill was back then.

    That man could of charmed the virginity out of a nun!

    Funny sidenote, Hubby and I went as Bill and Momo for Halloween last October. And, I had lunch next to Ginnifer Flowers when that dust up came about. She was beautiful and very petite.

  42. Anonymous2:03 PM

    It annoys me that the gross details of this were ever made public. I am so embarrassed to be an American, Europe I am sure they just point and laugh at us when stuff like this comes up in the press

  43. Good on her for speaking out, it's still a fascinating, polarising story and I cannot believe the amount of Aleut shaming that woman STILL gets after all these years. Yes, she was an adult and made her own poor life decisions but you can't help but wonder how different her life may have been if he'd kept his blue vein one eyed custard chucker in his goddamn pants!

  44. *slut* shaming....jeez autocorrect WTF is 'Aleut'??

    1. Anonymous6:51 PM

      I love it, BeckyMae! AND it's an actual word:

      Aleut: 1.
      a member of a people inhabiting the Aleutian Islands, other islands in the Bering Sea, and parts of western Alaska.
      the language of the Aleuts, related to Eskimo.

      From now on, slut shaming = Aleut shaming

  45. I haven't read it yet, but I can say that I am not all that interested in reading an article rehashing something that she said was so deeply shaming, something that she, personally, is deeply ashamed of. Why keep talking about it, then? Oh, yeah. Money.

  46. Why is Monica always trotted out when one of the Clintons is in the spotlight? I guess one of the right wingers dug her up.

    All Monica reminds me of is how cool the 90s were when that was all we had to worry about. Now we have to worry about some nut bombing us or what new war we will get involved in.

  47. I too was surprised she was allowed to live. I thought for sure there would be some staged suicide somewhere. Oh, and this type of thing is still happening, even in the age of the Internet. Some senator in the south was caught with his intern not too long ago. No one ever learns.

  48. i really don't know what more Monica could say that she hasn't already from her book/her HBO special/etc....

  49. Hahaaa! I love it Cocoa! The appropriation of words into new meanings is my fave thing to great, big Aleut! (I mean that affectionately, of course!)

    Mr Mae and I use his sister's married name as a verb for boring...

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Many people feel that Ms Lewinsky was just an Aleut!

      BeckyMae's opinion is that Bill was an Aleutty custard-chucker and is equally deserving of some Aleut shaming.

      [Apologies to actual Aleuts!]

  50. Monica is just as shallow as ever. We hadn't had a sexy President since JFK. We had come off the unsexy George HW and Ronnie Raygun. It was a whole new era. "My boss took advantage of me." Baloney. She flashed her thong underwear in the office while POTUS was there. She basically stalked him, hung out in the area to get in the White House screaming if she couldn't get in. She also chased George Stephanopolous. Baloney that she can't get a job with a London School of Economics masters. She's always been lazy and shallow. The best analogy I ever heard for her is a donut falling off a cart in front of someone, they will pick it up and eat it. That's what she did, make herself so available, he took what she gave out.

    I LOVED when SNL would have John Goodman play the vile Linda Tripp, the real villaness in the story.

  51. Cocoa wins the internet!

  52. Lewinsky's dry cleaner is an old guy, hard of hearing. She went in the other day with a dress, and shouted her requirements to him. As he had his back to her, he turned and said "Come again?".

    "No, Mayonnaise" was her reply.

  53. Get ready to relive the whole Bill Clinton presidency if/when Hillary runs. It will make Obama Derangement Syndrome look like child's play.

  54. @Erik: Hillary won't even get the Dem nom.

  55. @Count if she runs, she will likely get the nomination. the main reason she didn't get it in 2008 is because of the Iraq war. By 2016 that will all be forgotten.

  56. The main reason she didn't get it in 2008, is because the Dems threw her under the bus for a flashy new name w/o loads of baggage, who was actually electable. Hillary is as unelectable, nationally, as a Tea Party loon. No one is going to cross the aisle to vote for either.

    1. Ah, count, you disappoint me my friend.

  57. Last year Monica was going to write a tell all. She was broke and needed the money. She was shopping the idea around. The book deal suddenly went of the table and now this? She got $$$$ from Clintons. Bank on that.

  58. Sometimes the truth is hard, Liddy.

  59. Bill Clinton was in charge of the Oral Office, which really was not his office. It belongs to the citizens of the United States. He misused it, as well as his power. He had the advantage/perspective of age and experience and took what he wanted. That girl had no power going up against a political machine. Bill had and has friends in high places. Did she make a mistake? Sure, a twenty-year-old-misjudgement. I feel sorry for Monica. I don't think Bill has suffered in the long run much for his actions....the girl has suffered considerably and continues to suffer. I wish it could go away for her and she could start over or turn her life around.

  60. @Therese: Only power she didn't have was the will power to keep the dick out of her mouth. The only victim in this situation is America.

  61. I agree that this whole mess is 100% orchestrated by the Clinton's. This will be news for a few days and then go away. The Clinton's learned from Obama to just run out the clock on scandals and the compliant media will back them 100%. Look at the Benghazi failure. The incident and follow up lies were MUCH worse than Watergate and Obama is still POTUS.
    Obama has been a disgrace but I hope the US doesn't go back to a Clinton or a Bush. Those two families need to go away.
