Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blind Item #4

This still very much a minor, who is an A- list mostly movie actress chain smokes which her fans have begun to suspect. She also drinks and has been known to get drunk and then take naked photos and send them to her boyfriend, which would be a crime. The fact that he photographs her naked is also a crime. When they have sex it is a crime in some states.


  1. Chloƫ Grace Moretz

  2. Again the same blind on Moretz!

  3. Either one of them, really.

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  5. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sav will be here in 3,2,1...... Honestly though, big deal! I was drinking, smoking and having sex with a 20 year old at 17. I wasn't stupid enough to have naked photos but that was the 90's we would of had to go get the film developed, no way!

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  7. If this is Chloe Moretz, who is her boyfriend? Brooklyn Beckham?
    She's 17, so if it's someone under, say, 21-ish, it's a very grey area. A 19 year old who sleeps with a 17 year old isn't going to be prosecuted, in most cases.
    I know nothing about this person, so there's that. Just blathering.....

  8. I cant picture Elle Fanning doing anything bad! Shes too busy making sure her halo does not clash with her miu miu shoes. She is a doll. Its that scrappy little Chloe....

  9. don't think this is Elle

    she filmed in my hometown and was very polite, sweet and normal-no smoking either

    and her Mom was always around

    I hate that this might be Chloe......she is a talent

  10. Come to my block and see these 12 and up girls acting all grown. They do t play with barbies no more. I'm surprised Barbie company hasn't filed for bankruptcy.. I'm sure some of them already did the deeds. It's dam shame. Some of these parents don't even care. I would let my kid go out the house 2 inch mini skirt.

    1. @Dragon. Come to my house and watch the 13-year old and her friends sneak into her younger sister's room to play with the Barbies when they think no one's around.

  11. I really need to know what Count Jerkula and Harry Knuckles have to say about this topic before I form my own opinion.

  12. A victim of child pornography?

    Lol. No.

    Just a trashy girl doing trashy girl things.

    1. @JMY lol yes. Learn the law. There is NO grey area when it comes to child pornography. Doesn't matter if he's 19 and she's 16. Under 18 it is child porn and there is a very large black market for that shit. That is why the government doesn't give two fucks about age difference, if she is under 18 she is a victim of child pornography.

      You should probably wipe your hard drives...

  13. that slutty bella thorne

  14. Isn't Chloe dating the Beckham boy?

  15. Agree with the Moretz vote, which is sad, although being a 15 year old hanging out and industry and fashion events, wouldn't be surrounded by the best examples. I assumed the Brooklyn skate date pictures were planned, you don't see too many other pap shots of either of them, or any sort of relationship news for that matter, which makes even more sense now, if she's trying to divert attention from a more scandalous coupljng..

  16. The little miss sunshine, Abagail Breslin person? Possibly maybe.

  17. @Haywood: I think she is producing and distributing kiddie porn and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Fine, Jail, Registering as a Sex Offender.

    Dude taking pics of her is stupid and should also be prosecuted for production and possession of kiddie porn.

    I hope she is still doing this when she is 18 and the world gets to see her mudflume and baby chamber. Clothed Chloe doesn't move the Boner-Meter one bit, so maybe if I saw her inputs, once it is legal to do so, I may become interested.

  18. @gayeld lmao I used to do that

  19. nice one. so you can grab, bite, f*** and that´s ok in "some" states. but hey. take a pic and thats horrible.

    on top of that... it is known how it is in the industry. yet interesting enough, there was never a honeypot setup for some of the powerfull executives. You know the jungle, the animals and where they come to drink. Now as a hunter you would go there. thats sad, because there you would also get a lot of the caterers. there´s always a supply chain where money and demand is.

  20. More scandalous coupling? Ain't no such dividing line in glorious Hollywood. Everything, anything and everyone - is a "GO". Fame? Notoriety? They're all there!!! Sell it baby! All of it! Body, spouses, gf/bf, offspring - all of it - so long as the $$$$ keep rolling in. Live in the "right now" and rack up those "contracts"

  21. I thought Abbie Breslin, really thought because she's with the hack photog fame whore who rips off Terry Richards.

  22. @Unknown: Child Porn Production, Distribution and Possession are Federal charges. Age of Consent is something set by states. That can get tricky say if a 21 y/o marries a 16 y/o in one state, then moves to another.

    1. @Count thank you for being a voice of reason.

      I can see the perspective that she should/could be charged for creation and distribution of child porn but that's unlikely since under the federal law she is by definition the victim.

  23. isn't chloe secretly dating a guy in his late 20's or older?

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  25. Breslin. I vividly remember coming across a blind sometime last year that outed 30-something year old celeb chef Tyler Florence as her longterm pedophelic "boyfriend." Even worse? Reportedly her parents are/were completely in on it and organize(d) all of their behind the scenes hookups at their home & hotels. If true I don't know if it's all more sad or disgusting.

  26. @PJ Wow! That is some hot tea you're spilling. Tyler is my go to for recipes. Hope its not true. Ew.

  27. She's dating Cameron Fuller who is no more than a year or two older than her so I'd imagine it's highly unlikely that your original remark of "It is almost certain her boyfriend has a collection with other nameless children" is true. Talk about hysterical..

    Best put down the pitchfork and torch. It seems Chloe is quite okay with it and her bf isn't a filthy old man that cruises town in a van filled with puppys and candy.

    1. @JMY Keep on trolling buddy. It's good to know child pornography and sexual exploitation is no big deal to you. Stay classy.

    2. Ps. Hysterical doesn't mean what you think it means. The word you're looking for is "exaggeration." Dictionaries are your friend!

  28. thanks @PJ... yea, I remember reading about it too-couldn't recall who though-you just answered it.

  29. @Katydid I have to admit to taking nude photos of my girlfriends during Jr. High and high school. I was smart though, I asked the shop teacher (who taught photography during a 9 week period to everyone on rotation) if I could use the dark room when I needed to. So I never took them anywhere to get them developed. Hell, I also used to take the regular pics my parents and grandma wanted developed and did them at school and kept the money. I was really good at that.
    But I also burned the pics and negatives of the girlfriends when we broke up because I didn't want to be the guy that let them get out there. My friend who was a total zero with girls used to try to find them every time he came over. I let him look at them once and he was offering me $20 per pic. It was tempting but it would've been a betrayal of trust with the girls.

  30. Trolling? Sure, kid.

    Your opinions are all over the place. First she's a victim of child pornography at the hands of of a paedophile, the next you say she should be prosecuted for producing child pornography and now she's being sexually exploited. There's zero hint of that in the blind.

    Think things through and try keeping those emotions in check next time, eh. Stay angry.

    1. @JMY You're lack of reading comprehension skills is quite remarkable. I learned when I was a child that there is a difference between acknowledging an alternative perspective and agreeing to or supporting it. I'm happy to have an intelligent discourse with you on this subject, but not until you've developed some basic critical thinking skills.

      Well I would be, but now you're just another armchair psychologist trolling the internet. Stay unoriginal. :)

  31. I don't see this as Moretz, just because she's photographed a LOT. She's big enough to to get caught smoking by some pap, because that'd be a photo worth serious cash. Minor or not, they make telephoto lenses for a reason. Also, her boyfriend is 15, so SHE'S robbing the cradle, not vice versa.

    Breslin isn't A-, which is unfortunate because I think she's awesome.

    I'm going outside the box with Willow Smith. We know Jaden drinks like a fish at his age, we know she's seeing an older boy, we know their parents let them do whatever they want.

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  33. @JMY,

    Chloe is not currently nor has she ever dated Cameron Fuller. Her boyfriend is her age.

    @Poor Justin,

    Beckham is not her boyfriend if that is what you are intimating. Two kids can go skateboarding without being a couple. And incidentally, she's also a bit of an anti-smoking zealot.

  34. Aw, Sav, why'd you remove your comment?!

  35. I don't know the law regarding the photographs. All naked photos of people under 18 are illegal as far as I know.

    With a sexual relationship, most states have a lesser charge for a 17 year old sleeping with a 19 year old than they have for a 17 year old sleeping with a 30 year old, as well they should.

    Riven, nobody here is a pedophile. Calm down.

  36. @Riven: She is her own victim.

  37. Malibu: Most states don't have any charge for a 17 y/o banging anyone. The majority of states have an age of consent, w/o limits, of 16 or 17.

  38. abigail breslin and her old photographer bf

  39. I know the AOCs differ in various jurisdictions, Count. 17 is high, it was just an example. Regardless of its AOC, many states have lesser charges or no charge based on the age difference between the participants.

  40. Re California: So Paul Walker just made it age wise when started banging his barely teenage 16 year old gf? because there were no other females around his age left on the planet. Oh yeah that's right he had said he was trainer her for role as step mom.

    Outside of money wonder what else is in play with this bl? Maybe the elder boyfriend owns a porn Co. It's not A ROD is it?

  41. Anna Sophia Robb

  42. That's a very scary law. I had a girlfriend take an entire roll of film of herself doing a striptease. It was a surprise to me as I thought I was just picking up regular photos as a favor for her. I didn't know what was going on until she told me to open them. Doing the math, I was 18 at the time and the girlfriend was 17. Scary stuff.
