Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blind Item #7

This C list actress offspring of former A listers is on heroin and it is something her actress mom beat but never discusses. Ever.


  1. Replies
    1. OT anyone see Lainey's blind? I'm going with Keaton and Lea Michele.

  2. Yep. I'm with Kristin.

  3. Ah the Dakota guess is a good one...

  4. It's one of those Demi daughters

  5. Replies
    1. Shit Lisa-Marie was a singer, nvm.

  6. off topic-im probably 3 days late but has anyone seen the pics of Courtney Love & Mariah Carey Back-to-Back in Cannes... that's an odd buddy pic

  7. Rumor, she is so thin lately.

  8. Can the Willis girls GO AWAY. and the youngest is creepy as hell looking...

  9. I'll go with Tallulah just to be different. No idea if she acts in films but she likes to be on red carpets and act like someone who's relevant. She sucks at it though.

  10. @Rolo---that was the subject of Your Turn post yesterday...

  11. is Dakota C list with 3 big movies coming out- 50 Shades, Whitey Bulger w/Depp,etc.?? -I like DEMI Moore & Daughter guess.. no caffeine yet to actually think about these & u guyz Always get em right in 5 secs. I just sit back & enjoy your quick wits..

  12. Which one went topless recently? I'll say it's her.

  13. I think Dakota before any Willis child. At least I have heard of her in conjunction with actual work. I can't imagine someone being referred to as C list when I don't know of one acting job a Willis child has had.

  14. Thanks Derek!! -I'v bn packing/moving and very behind on CDaN- i'd pop in during my breaks(until I got caught)

  15. You cannot make reference to a Lainey blind and answer here without saying the actual blind. I can't follow that shit and don't care for her site at all so I'll need some help with the Keaton/Lea Michelle answer.

    I thought the Willis girls were the answers about all the C < lister offspring. Isn't that a CDAN rule?

    Throwing my hat in for Dakota as well.

  16. I wasn't sure if someone had already posted, that's why I didn't want to post the whole thing. Sorry.

    Two Book Bitches
    Two women at different stages of their career, both were recently promoting books, both behaved like assholes.

    She was the young blush of her time, muse to an icon, dream girl to a generation. So it wasn’t a surprise when over 200 people showed up to a book signing. Here’s what *should* happen at a book signing: you stay and sign books. Many bestselling authors stay as long as they can, for hours, making sure they have a personal interaction with each and every reader, often posing for photos. Even Gwyneth Paltrow understands this. Sometimes it’s impossible. Like JK Rowling often has 3 or 4 thousand people showing up so what she’ll do is she’ll sign hundreds of boxes in advance and on the day of, she’ll commit to a couple of hours, sometimes more, to hang out with as many of her fans as possible.

    But this woman? When this woman saw that 200 people were waiting for her, she scowled. Then exhaled, loudly.

    “I have to sign for all of them?”

    Well, um, as many as you can…?

    “But I have dinner reservations.”

    She signed for just 20 people. Then made her reservation while the others were left out, cold.

    And what about Miss All Kinds Of Sweet and Sad? She fronts like an angel, like she could never possibly throw attitude ever, but we’ve all heard the stories from the set – how she rages around like she lives exclusively on the top tier and everyone else is her chorus.

    At several signings in multiple cities, the behaviour was the same. Upon arrival, she barked orders to her staff and bookstore staff about what exactly she would tolerate: hustle people through the line, cut them off when they want to talk, push them through as quickly as possible, and “spare me from all of their f-cking sob stories”. In other words, these people are beneath me but you lowlifes are going to take the fall because even though they mean nothing, I still want them to love me and give me their money.

    And so, with a fake smile on her face, giving the performance of her life, she’d greet her public kindly, while her people practically threw her fans up towards the signing table, several at a time, tossing them together like abused animals, crunching them close, a speed meet-and-greet on crack. How fast was it really?

    At one stop she got through 250 people in half an hour. This, apparently was too slow for her so she gave sh-t to her handlers and at the next stop, what an accomplishment – 350 people in just over 20 minutes.

    20 minutes! 350 people!

    Can you imagine how that must have moved? How they would have been treated?

    And then she was out. While fans were still coming in with their wristbands, bewildered that it was over already.

    1. Ugh glad this isn't mah boo Michael like I originally thought.

  17. Wow! Where was that from again?? There's punctuation, and nicknames, and paragraphs!

  18. Wiglet- nasty. My brother had a bookstore with all the signings. Mostly authors very nice, they let the dirty work. Stand out nice people- Jimmy Carter, chris matthews- who stayed 5 hours- mary tyler moore, and frank mccourt. Carter and matthews esp interested in what people had to say.

    1. Let publicists do dirty word

    2. Ohhh that's interesting aunt Liddy. I usually volunteer at my city's annual book festival and, by and far, Veronica Roth (Divergent) was the worst.

  19. Not surprisingly they're both sourpusses.

  20. As for dakota, sometimes when you grow up with addicted parents, you go in opposite direction. Sometimes not. Completely off yopic, there was some spec don johnson may come out as transgender or gay. Wouldnt it be a hoot if he and lady Bruce became a couple???!!!

  21. Lainey knows her nasties--everyone thinks she is in that club too.
    Id agree with Kristin sounds definitely like Lea and probs Keaton. BUT most celebrities dont care for these book signings and do pretty much the same crap.

  22. Re: Two Book Bitches-

    The younger author definitely seems to be Lea Michele for her book Brunette Ambition(?) (nice clues with the "sweet and sad" and "everyone is her chorus."

    However, I'm stumped on the older author. I hope it's not Diane Keaton? She fits some clues: she was icon Woody Allen's muse for a bit, and her Annie Hall is definitely a dream girl for a generation. But she put out her 2nd book recently, and would be kinda sad if she didn't know the deal with book signings. And I want her to be a cool person, and not a big B.

  23. One of the Willis girls.

  24. I loathe Diane Keaton


    pretentious, and supporter of Woody Allen

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. The blind said the mom never talked about her H use. Melanie, for awhile talked about nothing else. Plus, Dakota went to rehab for H in her teens. Now that her career is hot hot it would be foolish to risk messing up now. Maybe in a few years but not now.

  27. Essie, I'm pretty sure that coke was always Melanie's drug of choice, not H. In fact, here's a quote referring to her 2000 rehab stay for prescription pills:

    "'It was horrible, Diane [Sawyer],' Griffith said. 'I never tried heroin, but they say that it’s like that. You detox and it’s like you’re out of control.'"

    Now, Dakota in rehab? I thought it was for booze and coke as well, not H.

    I'm thinking a Willis girl. Demi had big substance abuse problems in the '80s and almost got tossed out of ST. ELMO'S FIRE because of it, IIRC, but I don't think she's ever talked about any of it much. I'd always heard that her DOC was also coke, so H would be somewhat shocking.

    And who said the Willis girls haven't been in anything?! Uh, that cinematic classic THE HOUSE BUNNY with one Miss Rumer Willis?! Heheheheh. (Actually, I kind of dig it. "Kindness is just love with its work boots on" is actually a darling little quote.)

  28. According to twitter,Diane keaton is nice with fans at her signing

  29. Thanks Wigs for sharing the blind...I was curious. Hope it didn't sound like an "order" to post. I didn't mean it that wasy certainly.

  30. @Turtle
    Lainey yet wrote it's not diane keaton ( think younger and less cool)

  31. Thanks Frenchgirl. Other clue at the end was "When you blush, what colour are your cheeks?"

    Does Twiggy have a book coming out?

  32. Not a book signing, but a concert. THIS is how you should treat your fans:

    Milla Jovovich put out a record some time in the mid-1990s, and went on a small tour. The place we saw her in was very small, nothing like you'd imagine.

    We waited around after the show, hoping to meet her; my friend had a college-radio show and wanted to get a soundbyte.

    Holy crap, was she ever nice! We lived about 4 hours away, and she was so happy that we'd driven so far. Gave us big bear-hugs, the "oww my rib!!" kind. Instead of doing a blurb, he got to ask her some questions, posed for photos with us, etc. Very cool.

    (Okay, maybe everyone doesn't need to go that far with awesomeness... but if you make something you don't normally do, like write a book or make a record, and you go out to promote it, appreciate the folks that come out!)

  33. Thanks for posting Lainey blind. I always forget to check there.

  34. Rosie Perez for the author, muse to icon Spike Lee. And Runer Willia for the heroin addict. She also acted in Striptease as a child.

  35. I like the Zoe Kravitz guess.

  36. Dakota - which would probably explain the break up with Banderas.
