Saturday, June 07, 2014

Blind Items Revealed - Kindness

April 11, 2014

#3 - This former A list tweener is an a-hole and I still don't like him but he did manage to give away a little over $2M last year to charity and he hasn't started classifying hookers as a charity yet.

Justin Bieber


  1. Oh yeah, E's blabbermouth ethically challenged accountant buddy.

  2. He also just gave $500,000 to AIDS research two weeks ago or so. Every idiot has 2 sides to their story.

  3. Hookers aren't Charities, they are Healthcare Professionals.

  4. But really, does anyone believe Justin Beiber sat down and thought about where he wanted to donate some money to make a change, or did his accountant tell his business manager he needed a tax deduction? Like ALL the celebs, except for the ones that actually go to the places and do the laying of hands, etc

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Or in some cases, the laying of hookers...

    2. Still not a charity yet!

    3. Anonymous12:06 PM

      What if the hooker's Name is "Charity"?

    4. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Only if she's really Really old...

    5. Ewwwww! Hold up, that was rude of me. Elderly escorts need to make that dough too! Polident ain't for free, betches!

    6. Hmmm...a hooked named
      (sweet) Charity and the Justin 'The Scrote' Bieber being a Big Spender can only mean it's time to roll out the obvious.

  5. Assholes like their tax write-offs, too.

  6. Nuh-uh, TTM! I had my fingers crossed!!

    1. I shall buy you a coke anyway, NN!

  7. Cab fares on expense reports do not require a receipt if less than $75. (At my old job) It was the office joke(?) That the guys put a bunch of $74.50 charges to pay for their hookers. Ha!

    1. So, that's like 13 minutes or something? Like 1/14th of the way around the world? I may be off on pricing

  8. Regardless of who did it it was done so somebody did right.

    1. +1 Sandybrook! You are spot on girl!

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Imma help you out here, @Procrastibator. Sandybrook is all man.

    3. Thanks cocoa. Sorry sandybrook, wasn't questioning your manhood. Just agreeing with your sentiment.

    4. Anonymous1:23 PM

      YW. I help where I can. :-)

  9. TTM has already expressed my sentiment.

  10. There's an 86 yr old Hooker in England just sayin. Shes raking in the money too.

    1. Sandybrook, is Wayne Rooney one of her clients?

  11. He may be an asshat but he does treat special needs kids right, and now finding out he donated to charity means he really can't be 100% horrible. It doesn't mean I am his biggest fan, but I can appreciate a kindness that many of you would find admirable in anyone else who did the same thing.

    1. True, audrey, the end result is that some kids got help. However it happened, it was his dough. I just tend to assume all celebs are several layers away from any actual knowledge of charity donations

    2. Agree, @Audrey. Doesn't mean I like his music but it's good that he donated.

      Can't recall who it was, but we had a commenter here that had worked for one of those 'make a wish' charities. She said that they'd done the maths, and the Beibs (and Miley) could do make a wish visits all day for ten years, and still not complete the list as it stands. But he apparently still does them and gives the kids a good time, and I thought that was harder than giving money - you're seeing these sick kids, entertaining them.

      He's a little turd, but he does some stuff okay.

  12. This put me off my lunch

  13. Diet, please, TTM…with rum!!

    1. Woo hoo, NN! I guess I'd better grab a diet coke and whiskey for myself then too! Cheers!

  14. @audrey, I agree with your comments about not being 100% bad and the fact that donations were made.

    What I object to is the timing and manipulation associated with this information. It seems like a PR move resulting from his recent video scandal.

    Such maneuvering probably comes from his management team, true.

    Ultimately, like you and Sandy said, a kindness was done. I just can't swallow the kool aid like it's a shot, I guess.

  15. 2 million to charity? That will hopefully go a long way. Good for him.

    In other news, Tracy Morgan is in critical condition after a car accident

    1. Exactly Ranch. Those charities don't care where the $ from, because they need it. Kudos to anyone who gives, regardless.

    2. I'm SO GLAD you guys agree! That was totally unexpected!

    3. I do agree! I don't personally like him, same with Angelina Jolie, but regardless of our income, we all need to do what we can, with what we have. It all counts.

    4. Talks too much : I'm not sure if we have a beef, but my comments are genuine, and I agree that any charity is a good thing.

  16. Same page Pro.
    I understand why they try and keep it private. You can't win for losing.
    You gave it where?? Why didn't you give it here?? Why don't you support the ones struggling in other countries?? Why don't you support the ones struggling in your own country??


    Ugh. I'm surprised they even give at all. Good Lord.

    1. It must suck to be famous. We don't all get our donations and support shared on the internet. I really believe that we need to care enough to put our money where our mouth is and do/give what we can. If we're blessed enough, we can do something. Even small.

  17. Oh gah, I hate that argument. Why did you give to the homeless shelter when there are starving children around the world?! Why did you give to cancer awareness when homeless people have no health insurance?! Why are you supporting kid charities when there are adults sleeping in boxes?!

    Biebs doesn't get a pass, though. He's still a tool, just a tool with an accountant who doesn't mind violating client confidentiality.

    1. I agree on two counts 7/11. We need to think local. And also, Bieber is a dingleberry. Bit he did make good on this.

  18. And despite cynicism, these non for profit orgs need all the help they can get.

  19. Speaking of other serial douchebags, did you all hear about CHRIS BROWN'S Welcome home party featuring Bonnie Rotten et al.? Icccck
    @count: have you found clips from the party yet?

    1. Morning LadyH!

      Had to look up who Bonnie Rotten is - just knew it couldn't be Johnnie/typo. Her ass is nicer than Lydon's, too ;)

    2. Hello Alita!!!
      Sorry to Googlescar your eyeballs so early on your planet

    3. It could be worse, @LadyH - kerruche tran seems to either wake up to Chris Brown or an empty bed signifying they're now 'off again.'

      Life is good!

  20. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I agree that the charities need money. But the fact that some of these celebrities are wealthy enough to buy indulgences doesn't make them good people. I'd say "good for the charity". Not sure if I'd go so far as "good for Bieber".

  21. Tongue in cheek : I like your "indulgences" reference, but hey! If it goes to a homeless shelter or whatever it's all good!

  22. It might be the charities disclosing dont blame it 100% on the celebs ' people. Especially if they didn't say keep it on the d/l when it was made.

    No problem @procrastibator you're new here.

    1. @Sandy, nope. E said it in the original BI.

      After a very long absence my accountant friend has returned and these four people all gave to charity. Some gave over $1M and one only gave $100 despite earning millions.

    2. And while it may be that the accountant works for various charities, it's still a matter of ethical irresponsibility - or a shoddy PR rep.

  23. I did some volunteer work for a charity when I was in NYC and they loved throwing their celebs names out there. And there were a lot of them too. It helps them raise money from people like us.

  24. I doubt very much that Procrasturbator is new here, sandy

    1. Wow talks too much. Who peed in your cereal? You seem to dislike me. I've got a record of having zero nemesis in life, and this trend will continue. You really need to be nice. Namaste.

    2. Hi Bacon! Are you being a little more careful today? Double checking which profile you are logged in to before making your posts? Maybe you should bring out Hall Monitor for a little bit. I'll just bet that Wanton and Folly are itching to get out as well.

    3. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Not trying to be the designated Fact Checker, but this all started when You said something snarky to TTM because her spiritual well wishes weren't Christian enough for you. If you don't want nemeses, don't be a jerk.

    4. Tongue, I'm a self confessed jerk. Guilty.

  25. Ok to all 3 above. The charity I did do work for the celebs, many of them anyway,
    did actual work for it and attended their yearly banquet. Today a celeb is head of the BOD but back then regular people and 2 celebs were on the BOD, but a regular person was in charge.
    In any case as long as due diligence is done and whoever is giving to a legit charity and it gets out someway to the public for whatever reason the charity benefits more than the celeb. I'm hoping whoever looks into it to see if its legit before they give a check.

  26. Done soley for PR purposes.

  27. And we all know there are many many charities out there that dont benefit anyone except the person who started it and that includes some that celebrities formed.

  28. Where is Stephen L? I bet that profile would wholeheartedly agree with Bacon and Procrastibator also.

    Ooooo, and Hall Monitor. "Hall Monitorrrrrrrrrr, come out and playyyyyyyyyy."

  29. Nice tats too right Alita? I cant believe any porn fan would get excited looking at Bonnie getting some. :(

  30. Oh boy I just finished catching up from earlier in the day. Now I see what's going on. Bacon Ranch and your many many alter egos you need to get yourself a fucking life you fat pig. Find somebody to take care of you and pay your medical bills. You're a pathettic useless piece of shit and probably an embarrassment to whoever might know you in real fucking life. Get yourself some psychiatric help loser because you're dangerous to yourself and any people who may be around you.

  31. You need to disappear as fast as you showed up with a troll profile. And take 20 or 30 other troll profiles with you.

  32. I think Adriana Lima was the one that gave the biggest charity gift by letting Bieber sleep with her.

  33. This blind is from TWO MONTHS ago, before the videos were leaked, so to those (Tiger) who think this was a PR move, not the case.

    Justin is actually pretty generous with his time, and does a lot of things under the radar (especially where kids are concerned), with little to no publicity. I'd cut him some slack.

    1. ....But after he allegedly egged his neighbor's house and street raced in Miami and visited brothels in Latin America and assaulted photographers in Canada and drove recklessly through his neighborhood and...

      (Obviously the Miami incident isn't covered by the 2013 tax year filing but the "leak" of the info is)

  34. Oooh, what's the drama now? Can someone fill me in, please?

  35. He may not even know where the money went. He has financial advisers that take care of things like that and probably told him he needs to make some sort of charitable donation.

  36. Well I suppose the sun shines on a dogs ass every once in awhile.

  37. If his mommy needs to keep track of and remind him to take his daily medications, his mommy probably needs to keep track of and make those charity donations too.

    Awesome if people who needed the help got it, but I don't give Beiber any credit for that. Credit goes to his money manager and tax accountant. Excellent write-off and good PR to have in your pocket and pull out when needed.

    Now, visiting sick kids personally to cheer them up? That I will definitely give him props for and will never snark about.

    1. I should probably clarify that my response is specific to this dirtbag and not to all wealthy individuals who donate to charity (see: Gary Sinese and Sam Simon; do not see: any of those E! cockroaches who won't go away).

  38. another fabricated blind trying to repair his stupid do they thing we are.

  39. OT:

    (Obligatory NHL reference)

  40. My friends who are Rangers fans are currently loosing their minds.

  41. At least it's a step towards the positive for Biebers image.

  42. @AJ I live in Kings territory and am cheering for the Rangers. Agoraphobia is beneficial when watching games like this; I can yell trash talk at the Kings without getting into altercations. Since the Xanax isn't working we're trying positive thinking lol. I don't know if I'm doing it right.

  43. I'm rooting for the Rangers as well. Overtime is too hard on the heart.

  44. Aannnnnnd, the little douche was allegedly baptized.

  45. Yeah, I've noticed how every time he gets bad press he either donates money to charity or a video of him being nice to a terminally ill child pops up.

  46. the only way he would give to charity is if the accountant said he needed a write-off. and you can bet he did not know the name of any of the charities he donated the money to. he is a snot. no more of him! he is a pimple of the ass of life
