Thursday, June 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 22, 2014

This former A list model who also did a stint on reality television and is very tall was seen and heard screaming into her phone yesterday at paps that she wanted them to come take her photo with her child. Simultaneously she was yelling at her nanny to make sure that her kid's clothes stayed clean for the photo. When the paps said they couldn't make it, she packed everything up and presumably went where they could get a shot.

Molly Sims


  1. Dang, I always forget about Molly Sims

  2. Loved her on SNL

    1. For the love of Christ, why did I click on your avi, FSP?

    2. Seriously, FSP. Really inappropriate avi.

    3. Because it was titillating? @Nothanks

    4. @Nothanksdarlin, I confused you with Becky Mae earlier!

    5. I'm more grossed out by her legs than her hang low boobs.

    6. It's still me Lotta. I have a doppelgÀnger :)

    7. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, thanks Nothanks!

    8. I've been around a little bit Becky I just don't post often.
      I think we should always post together though so we can take over the blinds with tarantulas 😏

  3. That is deceiving. She's more of an actress, not reality TV. Enty forgot her 5 seasons on "Las Vegas" vs. a few reality show appearances. Either way, I'm disappointed to hear it. I always liked her.

    1. Thanks for adding that. For a second there I thought I was losing my mind. (Still entirely possible with the last 2 weeks I've had.)

  4. Well good for Molly.

  5. True dat Erin and nobody got it rite either but we had a good discussion about Heisenbergs trip to Vegas (which is one of Molly's shows.)

  6. Her husband looks like Mr Potato Head.

    The only people she should be shouting at are her assistants. Amateur!

  7. i thought everyone pegged this as jizelle

  8. Does anyone else think this whole - call the paps and they come running to take a picture of me doing something random - thing is getting out of hand? When did this stupid shit even start? I mean the endless selfies are bad enough already. Everyone says they hate the Kardashians yet it looks to me like an awful lot of celebs are trying real hard to be just like them. I can't imagine if my day revolved around getting somebody to "candidly" take my picture. We wonder why we can't get stricter stalker laws in the US. maybe this is why. Because where is the line between stalking and begging for the media to make you (and keep you) relevant?

  9. Replies
    1. @Harry Holy Shit that is so not ok for work. This is why I use my cell phone and free wifi. But whatever site that is still got blocked on the name alone.

    2. Riven, it's just some lady bum.

      I'll bet yours is lovely.

    3. Oh hey so it is just a little booty. Well that website name is misleading for that particular photo. The content filter freaked out over nothing.

  10. Molly is more of former A list tv actress due to Las Vegas, she really wasn't an A list model before that, she hasn't been able to transition to movies

  11. @Lula, that's actually Marketing 101. The more people see you, the more relevant you are. It's why almost every celeb has Twitter and Instagram. Remember when you never heard of Kaley Coockoo, and then she started dating Superman? Boom, media explosion. Papped every day with coffee and Superman. Boom, they break it off, papped every day looking lonely. Boom, dating a guy she's "known for a long time", papped every day looking happy. Boom, ENGAGED, papped every day showing off the ring with coffee, or horseback riding. Shoes. Ring. Bachelorette party. Engagement party. Going to get married. Fake haircut. Real haircut. Fake wedding gown. Real wedding gown. Horseback riding.

    Bey's another example. Hardly a day goes by when she's not posted a photo of herself - golfing, playing with Aqua Plant, sunning. And she's the master of self-marketing, she doesn't even rely on the paps.

    1. @Sevdn I'd like to call everyone's attention to HILARY DUFF. Same PR bullshit.

      When she and Mike magically "reconcile," I hope someone posts a comment of "Riven said this all along bitches!!"

  12. Lol@Harry calling out FSP

    1. We don't need FSP's smut around here, Sandy.

  13. does someone want a pic of her....

    has been

  14. I can't comment right now...I'm busy bleaching my eyeballs out after viewing @FSP and @Harry avi :/

    Ofcourse I saved both images to show my housemate later...similar to:

    "Here taste this and see if it tastes bad to you"

    1. @Heather I've been known to randomly change people's desktop images to goatse. :)

      I consider it a public service, an education in internet history if you will.

    2. @Harry ^5 without clicking on the link haha

  15. times are getting rough

  16. Let's not forget Emily Rossum. Started out hopefully (Phantom of the Opera), then nothing, finally a gig of a relatively obsure cable series. Now posing in every tabloid in the Walmart check out line.

  17. Heather - Ya know when people say you owe them a new keyboard? Yeah, that comment made me spew my iced tea.

    Sad about Molly. I really like her too. I remember when she was just a model and then started doing Old Navy ads and thought she'd be a good actress. Had no idea she was on Vegas.

  18. @Lula, that's why I doubt any anti-paparazzi laws will ever be passed. A lot of stars like to pretend they support those laws but you know they'd be horrified if they passed.

    Remember how Kristin Bell went on a rampage against the paps for taking pictures of celebrity children? Right after the Oscars, she immediately shut up about it. Not another peep. I am convinced some of the bigger stars at the Oscars cornered her and told her to STFU about that because they need those paps taking pictures of their kids to stay relevant.

  19. OMG!


    Thank you sky daddy in heaven I wasn't around anyone when I clicked that :/
    *wipes blood from eyes*

    I was thinking *goatse* was some kind of Baphomet...I...I...I don't even wanna know what my eyes saw for that brief .50 second.

    I WILL NOT be showing that to my housemate...

    1. @Heather I'm so sorry. I'm laughing and feel a bit bad about that, but I am sorry.

  20. And @Sherry...
    Well, if we're going by that rule ALL you guys owe me several :)
    When I'm a little down & out I always come here to stock up on jolly. <3 you guys! Buncha comedians the whole lot of ya...

    1. Heather, I'm the opposite. When things are going great and I'm all happy and shit, I come here. Happy all gone.

  21. Personally I blame the selfies and daily bullshit "candid" pap shots for the lousy state of TV and movies. We've already established that reality TV has had a huge hand in destroying creative script writing. Being bombarded daily with every celebrity (and I use that term loosely) scrambling for exposure on Twitter, Instagram, Blog City and everything in between leaves you wondering about "reality". Used to be actors acted in a movie, did some promotion for said movie and then went home. They mostly stayed out of sight until their next movie or TV show came out. From the looks of things online you can't walk a block in L.A. Or New York without tripping over SJP and her kids or Ben and Jen at Starbucks. There doesn't seem to be any mystery to these people anymore. We've seen them drunk, stoned, naked and trolling for underage girls to hook up with (I'm looking at you Mr. Franco). My eyeballs are going numb. I don't want to see another boring picture of Bey and her cheap weave or Miley waving a blunt around. Pretty soon they won't even bother to make movies anymore, it will be too passé. Personally I could go for a bit more mystery concerning actors.

    1. Totally agree...where is the mystery! And the intelligence? I'm fucking sick of reality but its scripted so not reality TV. Like the kardashians - I thought it was hilarious when things got too they get scripted out. Khloe was married to a crack head so script him out...rob is having some major fucking issues but committed greatest sin if all by being fat so script him out of wedding...khloe seems to have a lot if rumours about her cocaine use but don't mention that cos she's skinny now. Just piss off all of you and deal with your family trash away from the cameras man.

    2. FWIW it IS true that you can't walk anywhere in LA.

      You'll get hit by a car.

      (I agree entirely with your comment - I think I've been fan girled out over Tim Curry since Clue was released because you never see him except on film - I don't care that's he's aged or gained weight or whatever, I would still marry that man in a second)

    3. Lula, I'm loving your comments today!

  22. I think if your relying on pap shots to keep your career going you don't have a career to start with. This site has really opened my eyes to how far no self esteem will make you go to try and be a celebrity...someone else said it above I agree...all these so called stars who call up the paps really want to be a kardashian. I guess that's why even Anna win tour jumped on their bandwagon...vogue may be the fashion bible but everyone wants to look like the girl who is on the cover of cosmopolitan.

  23. It sounds like she could use a good assistant, because the one she has isn't doing his/her job.

  24. Tarantula Takeover!!
    Loves it :)

  25. Molly Sims? Who is that?

  26. Wow. Did someone just spray eau de Desperation? I smelleth it.
