Friday, June 20, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 19, 2014

At a store in NYC, this was heard as two brawny guys bullied people out of the way.

"Everyone needs to clear this aisle. Move out of the aisle now. There is a celebrity coming and they will need their space. Please do not talk to or look at the celebrity. They will be here just a short time and then you can get back to shipping in this aisle. You will just have to wait."

Who shows up? This B list celebrity who is supposedly the host of some show on cable but is known for being contracted to this A+ list mostly movie actor. No one recognized her and everyone was laughing as she pretended to be shopping while paps took photos.

Stacy Keibler


  1. LOL ah man I wish someone like me was there when it happened.

  2. I wonder what she's going to do for fame after the babeh comes.

  3. This made me smile because I am an awful person who despises women who get "famous" for who they get paid to screw, OK?! Not sorry.

  4. Looks like VIP was frist! ^5!

    1. and the Kardashians were 2nd through 73rd

    2. Ah yes, good old Kardashian-free February.

    3. I miss you positive Bruce Troll. Nevah4get

  5. Wow, it's disgusting and a joke at the same time.

  6. She was at some 5th tier BS farmer's market looking place last weekend for an "opening". Looked like it paid $50.

  7. She was more famous when she was WWE and didn't dare pull shit like that then.

    1. @sandybrook Desperation makes people do crazy things.

  8. I've been kinda over her since I found out she wasn't Sable

  9. SMH, when George went to rent this HOrse, was the stable practically empty that day????

  10. Actually Sable would pull shit like that back then.

  11. I've never understood the concept that ANYONE has a right to bully people out of a public area. If you want to go shopping outside the purvey of the lowly public, then make other arrangement, otherwise F*ck You! I have every right to be here.

  12. Screw them!!! Id stand pat, assure paid bullies i dont have laser vision so if i look at her its fine. F*ck off!

  13. I remember the day after this blind there were pics of her in a Target holding mascara just perfectly for the paps making it look like she was reading the back of it.

  14. She would have been better off going back to the WWE.

  15. I could use this as I go grocery shopping. I grow weary of waiting for people to cease chatting in the middle of the aisle. "You people need to move, STAT. OEC needs to get at his Arborio rice!"

  16. Yeah right at everyone. Start laughing . Stop believing right there

  17. BlondeB, I agree with you, and why are the public listening to body guards with no right to boss anyone around? If I'm shopping, I'm minding my own business anyway. I don't care who is in the store, as apparently the celebrity is (supposedly) doing the same thing.

    Glad they laughed at her. GTFO!

  18. Wait, she's B list? I am not accepting that designation.

  19. @Dragon. What did you do to Spike?

    1. @GAyeld Who's spike ? lol

    2. That's what I wondered too, Gayeld!

    3. @Talkstoomuch Who the hell is spike?

    4. From My Little Pony! He's usually green and purple. My little bronies love Spike. Also Rainbow Dash

    5. Oh lol. I thought it was somebody from here.

  20. Now THIS is just funny, I don't care who you are.

  21. Okay, I clearly need more caffeine or I have summer Friday brain, because at first I thought this was about Staci Keanan and I thought, "She hosts a cable show?!"

  22. Gee I thought they would try to be less obvious about staged photo ops

  23. So what is the payoff for this one, being offered a movie or TV role, no, being offered a hosting gig, not likely, must just be ego at this point

  24. I wish people would do this to me too. And tell me not to get on an elevator. Who the hell do people think they are.

  25. Seriously, how much of a loser would you have to be to behave like stated in that blind, I'm embarrassed for her and I don't know who the hell she is.

  26. She ain't all that. Basic boring hair and face, rabbit teeth, just nice legs.
    It's time for her to disappear.

  27. Oh. And no discernible talent.

  28. I would have burst out laughing and told him to go shopping somewhere else if he wanted privacy.

  29. I see the "war on women" where Clooney is concerned is in full force...WOW....

  30. Sable still pulls shit like this since she's married to Brock "The One in 21-1" "Conqueror of the Streak" "Looks like a Mongoloid" Lesnar.

  31. Anonymous12:45 PM

    im surprised no one yelled out "OH FFS" and kept on shopping down the blocked off aisle.

  32. Because of BG, I can't get this out my head. Opinions: what political office could Clooney be "eying"? (if he is)

  33. Wasn't she a pro wrestler? She could just manhandle (womanhandle?) her way through whatever crowd!

  34. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Oh, she's a piece of work alright. Back when I worked covering wrestling I saw her get a dad who was with his kid kicked out of a WWE Diva Search show at a D&B in 2003 for the guy having the audacity to ask for her autograph for the kid while he was using his backstage pass. All while other wrestlers signed for them happily, one (Trish Stratus) was even walking along with Stacy and signed, Stacy refused him, then walked over to a bouncer and ordered the guy be ejected for bothering her. Security grabbed the dad and ending up separating him from & leaving the poor kid behind by himself. All this snobbery from a piece of WCW rejected trash, who was so pathetically talent-less she had to fuck her way up in wrestling (Kidman, D.Flair).

    1. North. Good stuff u shared.
      I can't stand her either, and sooooo over rated. Actually, she WAS over rated. I think people are catching on to tbe call girl crap.

  35. How pathetic. I would've probably disinterestedly listened to what the goons had to say, then gone right back to shopping in that same aisle, with a bored look on my face. Stacy Keibler, Nicole Bitchie, all pathetic for pulling s*it like this.

  36. I'm sure most NY'ers, being NY'ers, probably stayed right where they were and snarked. We see famous people all the time and just keep on with our lives.

  37. North: Keibler boned Kidman? I thought it was just Torrie Wilson.

    David Flair got heat for boning Keibler, cause besides having a nepotism job, he was taking quality trim from guys higher up the card.

    I would have jumped in on the bodyguards yelling. "Yes people step aside. World's most famous ring rat coming through. Watch yer step so you don't slip and fall in the cum dribbles. World's most famous ring rat coming through."

  38. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Count- ^You've just answered your own question here as to why Kidman.

    I wasn't about to be mouthy, since I was on a media credential pass. And honestly this was my 1st sport journalism gig, I was really young and just plain stunned speechless by her doing that. (I did ask Trish a few seconds later "did she just?", she said yeah then laughed uncomfortably to minimize the moment.)

    I saved the worst thing I know on Keibler, that I didn't mention because you'd have to be fairly pro wresting-literate to understand. But you should get this. Just few years later I moved to covering the NHL and I work parallel to Mark Madden in my job, as he's my team's radio commentator now. And I've heard from several people around him for years now that apparently Keibler tried to cozy up to him in WCW as well, as she assumed he was higher on the food chain and could help her. I'm sure you can understand the true revolting nature of that if you know who Madden is.

  39. @north: a whore doesnt judge books by their covers, just their wallets.

  40. I think you guys are being a little rough on Stacy. I've never heard of or seen pictures of her having bodyguards so the guys making the statements weren't being orchestrated by her. As for who she has had sex with, most single people at one time or another "fish in the company pond". Dating bottom of the power structure wrestlers is hardly f%#$ing her way up the ladder. I doubt many single available heterosexual males would turn down a woman that looks like this.

  41. @Cowbulls I know Stacy and I love her. I haven't seen her in a bit but the Stacy I know was sweet and loveable as hell. However, she wasn't above doing what it took to get higher on the card and higher paydays. She was with David Flair because she thought that by getting into the Flair camp would eventually lead to her being showcased in main events. Since Russo had started the whole millionaires club thing, David was left with nothing to do and ended up being a curtain jerker, her plan didn't work out. They were going to put her in a story with Ric but it was going to be that she was either his daughter from an affair years before or that he was the father of the "baby" she was "pregnant" with. Then they changed it to where Russo was going to be the father then Russo was fired so the whole angle was scrapped.

    Look at the girls at that time and how they got their parts in the show, they all did it with their cootches. Tori Wilson was fucking Nash, so she got a good spot, same in WWF with Sable, Trish (sorry guys, it's true, she was Vince's piece on the side) and Chyna. The only one who I know of that got her spot based on her talent was Victoria/Tara.

    @North Not sure if he'll remember me since I only met him a few times but tell Mark Crush (not the Demolition Crush) said what's up.

    Wrestling's a dirty business. You have to put up with a bunch of bullshit to get to the top. I'm sure Cena has had dick in his holes so he could be a 13 time Champ, it sure as hell ain't his workrate. Even Hogan had to fuck Patterson to get his his first title. The time I was in it I had the time of my life, but I never got anywhere because I wouldn't play the bullshit games. I just did my spot shows and partied with the guys afterwards and spent time with the rats after that. Then I grew up.
