Saturday, June 14, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 9, 2014

This sometime A+ list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner. She also has a crazy temper. She berated her assistant the entire time they were standing in line for coffee and while they were waiting to pick it up and then on the walk back to the car because the assistant was five minutes late to work. Not Reese.

Sandra Bullock


  1. It took a whole but @rolotomassi nailed this one!

  2. I've never bought her sweetheart image. Not surprised at this at all.

  3. I will never believe this

  4. Don't be silly. Sandy is Americas sweetheart. It's like saying that princess Kate is a man eater.

  5. Really?? But how hard is it to remember Large Mocha Non-Fat Half-Sweet No Whip anyway??? Do your job, lady, mama's coffee is NOT to be trifled with!

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      ... With a twist of lemon.

    2. That sounds disgusting, TNC. Mama said NO ICE!

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Sorry I'm late!!!

  6. I can see this. Not all sweet and innocent.

  7. Meh. It might have been five minutes on a day that she told her she needed her on time. Or it could have been the fifth time she was late that month. We don't know the background.

  8. Berate is a good word. I need to find somebody to berate, just so I can say I did it. Perhaps chastise and castigate while I'm at it.

    1. Well really, who DOESN'T need a good tongue-lashing these days??

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM


    3. Exactly TTM! Glad to see we're on the same page.

    4. That is one thing I miss about work, the occasional tongue lashing;)

    5. Right, Hammer?? Wait

    6. Not to mention calling them down to the carpet....

  9. Show up on time! Some people in my office show up work five days in a row. This might have been day 5.

  10. Yeah, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. An assistant is supposed to "assist" and I hate people who are always late..

  11. I just can't believe blinds like this. If celebrities are such huge assholes all the time wouldn't we have more proof? Like I can believe the Bieber blinds because we have constant proof that he's really an asshole but with everyone else, even the ppl I don't like, I have a hard time buying them because I feel like we'd have actual proof that they're like that in real life.

    1. Look how good Reese kept her good girl shit hidden for years and she is as nasty as they come.

    2. How is she as nasty as they come though? What has she done, that we have proof of, besides getting in a cops face while drunk? She's a southern girl and I'm from the south and that's how a lot of country girls act while drunk doesn't mean they're assholes otherwise lol.

    3. I agree. Reese has a nasty streak, but it comes out when she's drunk, not when she's sober.
      It's simple, some people are funny drunks & some are mean drunks.

    4. No there were other bi revealed on bg after the cop incident that were Reese.
      You can look under solved to see. She is this nasty sober as well

    5. There are plenty of bi on a lot of ppl but that isn't proof that they're actually like that. I can make up shit and reveal it to be somebody but without proof it's just a story.

    6. A friend of mine was one of Reese's assistants years ago (she was dating Ryan at the time) and he said she is very A-type, driven and direct. He didn't call her nasty, but did say she wasn't very nice.

    7. Reese has said the same about herself, Dena, I absolutely believe this.

      What amazes me is how any of you think any of these A-listers "Pleased and Thank You'd" their way to the top. Even the nicest A-lister will have a core of steel and the skin of a rhino.

      It is a damn tough business.

    8. Sprink nailed it. You have to be tough as nails to make it in showbiz and not be afraid to get dirty.

  12. Replies
    1. How ARE you, Gweeds?? Good weekend so far? 38 days!

  13. We don't know the circumstances, but we do know that no boss is entitled to berate his or her employees. Ever. Period.

    The answer to that is, "I'm your assistant, I'm not your bitch, and you'll treat me with the courtesy and respect any human being deserves, or you'll pick up your own dry cleaning. I'm here to fetch your stuff, not take your shit."

    1. @JAS, that's nonsense. Employers are fully within their rights to criticise and reprimand an employee's job performance.

      Being punctual is generally considered a basic aspect of professional performance. Being late (especially habitually so) is selfish, unprofessional, and in some jobs, dangerous.

  14. Knowing Sandy, she saves her tongue for the willing....

  15. I just can't picture her doing that.

  16. At the office.... tooo rainy for gardening.

    1. Thatz not okay, Gweeds. Will pour out some of my mocha for my fallen toe-broken homie

  17. Ive always hated Sandra BULLOCKS

  18. @TTM I might not be the John Denver looking guy that everyone wants but you got to believe I can give a tongue lashing like nobody else lol (No offense TNC, just had to use you beacuse you have "Tongue" in your name lol)

    As for the Assistant that can't be on time. Try picking up your SPEED, bitch! Thank you! I'll be here all week, try the veal and don't forget to tip your lap dancers to have things you never imagined done to your penis behind the VIP curtain!

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      No taken Rowdy! I'm a pretty laid back kinda guy, you know? Why.... Sunshine... On my shoulders... Makes me happppppyyyyy...

  19. Us Sandy's have to stick together.

  20. I feel like I need to apologize right now for the tongue-lashing comment. In my defense, I've only got six months, people!

    1. And I apologize too:(
      I've had very little sleep thanks to the damn ER and am on pain meds, so if I'm a little more......crude than usual roll your eyes and ignore me.

  21. nobody is as good or as bad as you think they are


  22. How was bookclub, TTM? Did you serve wonton?

    1. Book Club was great! Although we spent hardly any time on the books and a whooooole lot of extra time on the Sunday Night Social post, drinking and talking shite. You really should come, too much fun.

      And no,I think wonton was served before book club, but a late breaking Icey troll did try to make an appearance

  23. Think about it though she married Jesse James.

  24. Never will understand this southern pride nonsense. Im also a wee bit tired of hearing about how refined and genteel southerners are.

    The data on poverty, low educational standards, obesity, per capita incarnation rates, death penalty for minors.... There's your southern pride. Yee-haw.

    1. I never said I was proud to be from the south. I'm a biracial lesbian this is the last place I wish to be but not all southerners are assholes Jsyk.

  25. Meh. Can't blame her - she says while doing nothing but sitting on ass waiting for some disrespectable contractor who is 15 minutes late now.

  26. Who knows how often the assistant was late for her job. Who knows how busy the schedule was that day. She's getting paid to perform. BUT still unclassy of Sandra to remediate publically.

  27. I know for a fact that this is blatantly untrue. My brother is her driver and he has never said anything but nice things about her. According to him, she is by far the nicest celebrity he has ever driven for.

    1. @Rose Lizenberg - can we pretty please hear the stories about the people he drove that aren't so nice? Juicy gossip please!

  28. Reese is so Type A so I think she is probably nasty sober - in fact she is probably mellower drunk - isn't she a nanny's worst nightmare?

  29. @QueenAnne Do you know why ther is Southern Pride? Because people in the South have to be proud of ourselves because to the rest of the country we are the punchline to jokes. Everyone hears about how great New York is, how great California is, etc... but when you hear things about the south it's always some stereotype that turns all into cast members of Deliverance or Hee-Haw.

    Why is it that stereotypes are bad if they are said about minorities, gay people or Jews but it's perfectly OK to say every male in the South is fucking their Daughter or Sister (or Sister Daughter in some jokes) and every woman is making grits and possum for dinner so their Daddy, Brother, Uncle and Cousins have enough energy to rape them that night. Or to call all priests child rapists because of the actions of a few?

    Believe it or not, Southern Pride isn't based on "Makin' sure dem Negroes are put in der place, back on the plantation" but instead is based on the fact that, in general, we welcome everyone and are much less exclusionary than any state on the East or West Coast. Yes, our education numbers are lower than the states in the North East US, but that is because we don't grade on a 70% curve, where the lowest grade you can get is a 70 (a C) so we don't "hurt the child's feelings and make them feel inferior to other children making higher grades".

  30. I'm from the south too. There are nice and mean people everywhere. But the girls can be sweet but be nasty and two faced behind your back. That's what I remember most. Tell me you don't like me to my face. I'm ok with that.

    In regards to Sandy, if her assistant was habitually late the PROFESSIONAL thing to do is sit down with them alone and have the discussion. Bitching then out in public is unprofessional.

  31. If you live in LA and NY, I think if you can't give a person a break for being 5 minutes late you're mean esp since how many times are the same celebrities often hours late for important appearances and keep people waiting for hours sometimes. Not sure if Sandra has even been guilty of that but still.

    That said Sandra may have been PMSing, perimenopausal or didn't sleep well the night before or sex deprived, this all can create a person who snaps at something INSIGNIFICANT. And if you apologize later, then all should be forgiven.

  32. QueenAnne Guido said...

    Never will understand this southern pride nonsense. Im also a wee bit tired of hearing about how refined and genteel southerners are.

    The data on poverty, low educational standards, obesity, per capita incarnation rates, death penalty for minors.... There's your southern pride. Yee-haw.

    And that about sizes it up, lol!

  33. Not surprised. Sandra Bullock is one of the most opaque stars out there. And btw I don't buy for a minute she didn't know exactly who Jesse James is

  34. Excuse me - but if I'm paying you, the least you can do is be on time. If you don't like it, find another job. Please.

  35. I would rather work for Reese than Sandra. Sandra seems like a real phoney.

  36. Totally buy this. Sandra married Jesse James and obviously looked the other way when it came to his obsessions with nazis. Anyone who'll do that is not a nice person. (I never believed her "Oh golly, I didn't know my husband loved nazis" line. How would you not know that…get real.)

    1. There are women who are married to serial killers for years and don't know so I don't find it hard to believe sandra wouldn't know about his nazi obsession.

  37. I have never bought Sandra Bullock's act either. How are you married to someone with a huge Nazi collection and not know? The dude was married to a porn star for crying out loud. There is something going on with her that isn't as sweet as she tries to come off.

  38. @jack ducky, the thing is, after the divorce pretty much everyone who knew Jesse said he made no secret of his obsession with Nazis and that he had all sorts of Nazi stuff out in plain sight in his shop. Sandra was really the only one claiming he hid it and was secretive about it.

    1. @krissie and yet nobody else said anything about his nazi collection until the cheating came out? Really?

  39. You do know that these blinds are BS, right? I have fun playing the guessing game and picturing people doing this stuff, but I rarely believe it.

  40. I like her in her movies, and her persona is a really funny, sweet, charming person... but I bet in reality, it is her real, alter ego.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I'll never understand NYC pride, or NJ pride, or a lot of other places and things that people take pride in, but I don't feel the need to insult them for my inability to understand. I'm just happy that they have something to feel good about. Nothing says superiority like shitting on other people and where they come from, right?

  43. Everyone has good and bad days. Furthermore, some people have their quirks where there isn't a gray area. Overall, I think Sandra is one of the few really decent people in the entertainment industry. Not perfect if she bitched out her assistant in public, but, she is known to treat people well.

    Reese, on the other hand, has been known as a bitch for well over a decade. I know someone who directed her in a movie when she was just starting out in the 90s, and she was a jerk even then, unfortunately. Kevin Smith has a lot to say about Reese.

    1. Unknown, great link. Puerile and un-evolved he may be, but Kevin Smith is funny.

    2. Crazy intelligence too, Sprink. I love Kevin Smith

    3. Kevin Smith love - Google 'Kevin Smith Prince.' It's 4 parts, about 40 minutes. I'm not even a Price and I found it really funny.

  44. Amen Astra! I'm a proud southern gal. If the Queen would visit where I live, she would quickly learn the kindness of strangers.
    Everyone should take pride in their surroundings or gtfo. I've travelled near and far, and there is no place if rather be than in the South as most people here are friendly and I can count on one hand the bitches I have to deal with in my real life.
    I don't wear overalls, wave the confederate flag or chew straw.

  45. If I'm late for work, I can get fired. I'd be willing to bet that I make MUCH less than said assistant. Hey, Sandra, I'd be on time, and I'd be a great assistant. I could use more money. (And, quite frankly, if I'm paying someone's salary, then I expect them to earn it. I'm not paying them to laze around.)

  46. @Jack Ducky, meh, I don't think anyone was asking anything about Jesse James until he cheated on America's Sweetheart.

  47. Anonymous4:02 PM

    color me shocked. an artistic type who has whacky personality traits, who'd have thought.

    as an assistant of a celeb i'd expect as much.

    is this the same assistant that boned the mexican?

  48. Menopause, people. It makes women crabby.

  49. No way. No way. No way did this happen. She is good and kind and never yells. Im sure of it.

  50. My parents and I met her several times when she was filming in our town. Absolutely charming and kind. Not buying it.

  51. Not surprised at all.

  52. Pretty broad w/ 0 sex appeal. Would bone, but would know going in that if anything cool was gonna happen, I would have to do it.

  53. I'm going to defend Witherspoon.
    She went with her daughter at Paris last year and the personnels of her hotel were pleased with them.She's very american ( demanding i guess) but she didn't trash her room ( the most clean room after a stay)and gave a good tip
    Contrary to Dicaprio who is banned of Bristol hotel( his friend and he trashed his room) since last december

  54. And i hate when the peoples are late without to prevent.With everyone owner of a cellphone,just call to prevent

  55. Sandy...really? This has to be rare for her, because if it were all the time, rumors would have been flying long ago.

    I'm going to defend her. We don't know what type of relationship she and her assistant have, we don't know exactly what was said to the assistant, and I love I refuse to believe she's anything less than human. There isn't one single person in this world who hasn't snapped at someone at one point in their lives.

  56. No, Sprink, they're not. They're within their rights to point out when an employee fails to meet standards. They're within their rights to discipline an employee in a professional manner. They are never, but never, entitled to treat their employees disrespectfully. That's the facts. Employees may not know that, or may be too fearful or insecure to insist on respectful treatment, but every last one of them is entitled to it.

  57. Now we know why Keanu doesn't stalk her.
