Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 24, 2014

This sometime A+ list mostly movie actor is doing press for his latest movie and was asked about sex on screen because he has had some crazy sex scenes. Our actor answered the question and then added that the best sex he ever had was with his one time co-star. They only had sex once and it was in a car and he freaked out because she had cut herself and apparently when she saw it she went from quiet to another kind of person in a second.

Kevin Costner/Sean Young


  1. Sean fell in love with every co-star she ever acted with. And she was obsessed with Costner. Only one reason why Hollywood blackballed her nutty ass.

  2. What kind of person?? I believe that Tasmanian Devil of Sex is implied, but I want confirmation.

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    She freaked because there was no way out.

    1. Heyyyoooooooo. Nice, Cocoa

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Thanks, Charlie. I remember the sex-in-the-car scene quite vividly. Costner was kinda hot then.

  4. No one got Sean Young but there was discussion on someone getting a Costner butt touch.

  5. Mark got it with an assist from Wiglet! Good job guys! #teamwork

  6. I swear the craziest ones get the best sex reviews.

  7. This is totally believable.

  8. But he actually said this?

  9. What? She cut herself during sex or she cut herself as a prelude?
    ....'cause sometimes, if a person cuts themselves during sex...wait, what?
    OK, where is the steering wheel?

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  11. I loved No Way Out!! Young is nutty and Costner was wayyy hot back then. Totally believable.

  12. I wonder whether this adds credibility to the legend that Young later, feeling spurned by Costner, snuck into his dressing room when he was asleep, and superglued his dick to his thigh...

  13. It was a scene in No Way Out with Sean Young and Kevin Costner

  14. How do you cut yourself during sex ? Was it an accident ? Did she whip out a knife and slice & dice ala Angie as a teen ? So many questions from this blind. LOL.
    When hubby & I got engaged I cut his arm by accident with my engagement ring while having sexy fun time. It was minor so I don't think that's how she hurt herself in this blind.

  15. How did she cut herself?! Something in the car & the way they were positioned?

    The crazy ones always are always the best in the sack.

  16. I don't understand this one.

    1) He was asked about real sex not sex scenes?
    2) They had real sex during their filmed love scene? Or they had sex outside of the movie - which is when this happened? (I'm assuming it's the latter)
    3) Went from quiet to another kind of person... She flipped out and started screaming because she was scared? Or she got turned on and became a screamer?

  17. I would personally rather cut myself than have sex with Costner, in or out of a car, now or 20 years ago. Giant ego, tiny talent does nothing for me

    1. You & me, both, Sista. Eeewwwwwwww @_@

  18. TalksTooMuch said...
    I would personally rather cut myself than have sex with Costner, in or out of a car, now or 20 years ago. Giant ego, tiny talent does nothing for me

    I agree...

  19. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Hey, I didn't know about the ego, and it wasn't his talent I was attracted to... Back me up on this, @Penelope!

    1. Heeeey, Cocoa, it's all good! Different strokes for different folks! Otherwise we'd alllll be fighting over Hiddles and dude is MINE!

  20. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I forgot to smiley-face that comment! It's that RBF problem I have. ;-)

    Oh, forgot to tell you (and other Hiddles-fans): BBC Top Gear, Series 21, episode 2 features your dude doing a lap in the Reasonably Priced Car plus interview with Jeremy Clarkson. Prob only avail through iTunes now, but it's out there. I kinda see the appeal there, actually....

    1. He is just so freaking FOINE in street clothes, amirite??

  21. Yup, sean is nutty. Hope she got help

  22. She's just nuts. I wonder if she keeps it together for a few days then she goes batshit. The stories about her and James Woods are beyond cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

  23. Enty needs to do a your turn on what was the best sex you ever had. Be kind of interesting as a way to get a bit more in depth with the psyches of all of us.

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