Friday, June 06, 2014

Gary Glitter Charged With Eight Sex Offenses

Since being deported from Vietnam in 2012, Gary Glitter has kept a very low profile. He was deported from Vietnam after being convicted of child sex abuse charges in that country. Now, police in the UK have charged Glitter with eight crimes that date back as far as 1977 and involve two girls who were 12 and 14 at the time who Glitter abused over a three year period. For the past couple of years, police have been investigating a series of sex offenses committed by high profile celebrities which took place in the 70's and 80's involving the late Jimmy Savile and all of his friends who abused hundreds of girls and teens often with the help of their bosses who covered for them and paid off families not to report anything. Glitter is 70 years old now and is due in court in two weeks. In case you are wondering how Glitter has been making a living since being deported, you can thank people like director David O. Russell who used Rock And Roll Part 2 in the film Silver Linings Playbook. Glitter pocketed $500K because of that.


  1. I will absolutely hate Gary Glitter for his horrific crimes. I will not boycott David O. Russel films because he used Gary Glitter music.

  2. Another childhood memory down the toilet. The 70s are dead to me.

    1. Don't lose faith, you've still got the Clangers, magic roundabout, noah and nellie, sooty and sweep, basil brush, bod and alberto frog...
      Blue peter.
      No, on second thoughts 70s tv was a mass acid trip from which we'll never recover!

  3. These POS are the vilest of the vile. I actually thought he was charged years ago and ran off to hide in Asia. And yeah Rock N Roll Part 2 still gets played in certain arenas at sporting events but you really cant hear it anywhere else anymore.

  4. That money and all future earnings from his music should be confiscated and used to fund a Therapy/outreach program for his many victims.
    Keep earning that cheddar, Gary. You've harmed many...

  5. He made a nice living thanks to the NBA.

    1. @FSP, Don't forget that movie, The Replacements with Keanu Reeves..They played that song every action break. That and 'I Will Survive"..:D

  6. Ummm . . . his name is GARY GLITTER. There is no way he is NOT a pedophile.

  7. Good thing there is no statute of limitations in that country.

  8. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Lowest form of scum on the planet. And I sincerely hope there is a special hell waiting for him.

  9. These sick Hollywood fucks sure do take care of each other, don't they? /shakes head in disgust/

  10. What is going on with his brows there? Are they drawn on?

    Creepy guy all around.

  11. They hate pedo's in jail. He's gonna be sorry when they throw him in there.

  12. LOL @ Bossy Pants, that was a good one!

    Totally agree with Steamy. It would be awesome if part of his punishment was all future earnings go toward helping victims of sexual offenders.

  13. The whole world needs to get together and decide these traveling pervs get a LWOP sentence when they're caught. Warehouse them in an international jail somewhere cheap and never ever let them out again. Fuck them all.

  14. I had to google his music. Don't they use Rock and Roll Part 2 for every sporting event? No need to make it seem like David O. Russell is the only person to use the song. His eyebrows are frightening.

  15. love the song- hate Glitter

    but I also will not boycott where it is used

    I wouldn't use it given the choice

  16. CoBe, that's his stage name. His real name is Paul Gadd.

    The story was he was to be executed in Vietnam for what he did involving a 12 year old girl, but they paid off the family to drop the charges. And it wasn't Jacko money either. $20k maybe. Still life-changing for them, but the guy earns millions from his residuals. He finds it really funny too. He's gutted he can no longer travel as freely as he used to though.

  17. Holy Mackerel!! I had no idea of the backstory. Thanks SingBlue. I hope justice prevails here.

  18. This guys a total low life perv. Some celebs you think,,,did he or did he not, you take one look at this dude and you know he did. I hope they lock him up with some very angry prisoners till the day he drops.

  19. Are his eyebrows tattooed on?

    Fuck me running...I can't with this shit.

  20. My husband and his camping buddies have a prescription for Mr. Glitter and his ilk: take them out for a walk in the woods...use a truck to pull an enormous stump up to a 90 degree the miscreants, still alive and kicking, underneath the stump...release the stump and it will snap back to its original position. As they say, "even the bloodhounds won't find him."

    1. @figgy. Give your hubby a sparkly heart from me. That's the best way I can think of to deal with them.

  21. Why keep them alive? Kill them all slowly and painfully. I'm surprised that this guy's predilection is for females, he looks like a little boy toucher. Either way, castrate him without anesthesia and have him watch while he slowly bleeds out.

  22. $500k to us the song in a movie. Them pedos are a horrible bunch, but it seems they do stick together and take care of each other.

  23. I'm not excusing Glitter's behavior in any way, but it's a slippery slope when you decide to boycott based on the moral failings or crimes of the person providing the stuff.

    We all know that the majority of our clothes and almost all of our electronics are created using slave labor (or at the very best, sweatshop labor). Yet most people reading these words have worn a pair of Nikes and own a smartphone.

    I'm not saying there's no place for boycotts and righteous indignation, but what is it about Glitter abusing a handful of underage girls when THOUSANDS are abused and exploited in order to keep our goods cheap?

    It's the eyebrows, isn't it?

  24. He is a vile human being.

    Aside from his atrocious crimes, I'm saddened because he bears a frighteningly strong physical resemblance to my spiritual guru, Pema Chodron.

  25. Just stop playing that stupid Gary Glitter song. It's played out anyway. Shave him completely hairless, throw on a onesie, and put him in a cell with Ian Watkins and an old copy of Maurice Chevalier's Greatest Hits. Let them work it out between themselves.

  26. No no no, Kumquat. Maybe in America they would be slave wages, but them people don't live in America. Also, they can go home when ever they want.

    If they had to be paid on par with what an American in the same job would get paid, then it wouldn't be worth the shipping and they wouldn't have the job, an American in the Rust Belt would.

    In conclusion, if their country wasn't shit, they would have experienced the Industrial Revolution 100+ years ago, when the First World countries did.

  27. @Sandybrook - Glitter was convicted in 99 for possessing child porn, I think he fucked off to Europe to avoid his sentence. He took his PC into to PC World for a "healthcheck", the techie found the porn and called the police. As a former employee of said company (different store though), I have been told that the technician received a world class bollocking (should have told management instead & they would make the decision) but it did, thankfully, become standard practice to call the police. I have been present when the police have arrested people for this (including one afternoon when a severely pissed off mum beat the crap out of her teenage son for this exact reason. Mum ended up in the staff room and son locked in the managers office until the police attended).

  28. Sadly, there are a lot of well-known wealthy men who frequent these countries in order to procure children for sex. More than we want to believe. Rush Limbaugh is one of them, and Jeb Bush is another.

  29. On Youtube you can find an independent (I think) movie called "The Execution of Gary Glitter". It uses the premise that sexual abuse has now been added to the crimes that call for the death penalty, Gary is tried and well, you can figure out the rest. The guy that plays him is SPOT ON in terms of becoming Glitter. I suggest viewing it if you are interested.

  30. Thanks for not forgetting who this guy was Enty, and letting this news slide under the Radar. He's the bottom of the freaking barrel and I wondered how he was making a living all these years after his one or two hit wonder songs from the 1970's.
