Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Glenn Close and
Rachel Dratch were at the same event last night in NYC.
For someone who had a tweener show go off the air a decade ago,  and has done nothing much since, Hilary Duff sure does get a lot of pap attention.
Idina Menzel was at the Tony Award luncheon yesterday.
Neil Patrick Harris and his husband were there with
Bryan Cranston and
Tony Shaloub who looks just as somber as Alec Baldwin.
Congratulations to Julia Collins. Her winning streak on Jeopardy finally ended, but she had the second longest streak ever.
I'm guessing this took James Maslow longer than a week or two.


  1. Rachel's halarious.

    Hillary's camel toe is peaking out

  2. So is Idina the answer for the one with the boob job?

    1. Don't be ridiculous Adele Dazeem got the boob job.

  3. Hi Adele Dazeem...nice divorce boobs there.

    1. Oh didn't look down. Beat me to it my clone.

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I'd take Heisenberg over mountain of testosterone any day...

  5. Zoinks on the Boobies Idina! Work it. Though makes me sad that you felt the need to do that to feel better about yourself.

  6. Bitch won over $400,000 on Jeopardy so I <3U
    What does Rachel Dratch do now?
    Hillary takes daily pap pics because she knows you buy them.
    Where's Heisenberg at?

  7. James Maslow is about as photoshopped as Mariah on her album cover.

    Hi, Monk and Mr. White!

    Usually Neil's hubby is a lot cuter looking than that. Bad outfit or something.

    Idina for the actress who got a boob job after her hubby left her?

    Poor Rachel is really unfortunate looking.

    Glenn looks gorgeous!

  8. I love Tony Shaloub!! Monk 4EVA!

    I typically don't really dig James Maslow's physique, so I'm probably not a good judge, but isn't it looking a little odd?

  9. I think James Maslow is a little uhm...photoshopped?

    I was rooting for Julia every time! Yee haw!

    I never understood the draw of Rachel Dratch. Did not find her funny OR attractive. Bleh.

    Glenn is still amazing however.

    1. Um you guys never thought Joe Man-jello wasn't totes photoshopped within an inch of his life too??? Duh!!

  10. Dratch isn't supposed to be found attractive--that's kind of her schtik.

  11. I only ever saw Rachel Dratch in the unaired 30 Rock pilot before she was replaced, and honestly I'm glad they replaced her - there would have been a completely different feel to the show.

    Also, I adore Glenn Close.

  12. What has NPH done to himself? That weight loss for his play had taken such a toll on his looks.

  13. Great set of lungs on Idina

  14. That Rachel Dratch is a looker.

    Hilary looks all hot and sweaty. You come over here baby and I'll give you a nice sponge bath ... and then you can give me one.

    Idena Menzel floats my boat and Diggs is an idiot.

    NPH and his husband look stupid. They're both wearing skinny jeans and hubby is wearing a fucking bow tie. NPH is 40 for fuck's sake. Time to grow up.

    Cranston needs to cool it with the red carpet appearances. Actors look needy when they appear at something that they're not in. Right now he's "the man" but he's pissing it away by killing his cred.

    Alec is a good looking guy and a terrific actor. If he can stay away from the fridge I wouldn't be surprised if he got back in to the movie side of acting in a pretty substantial way.

  15. The boobs make Idina look much heavier. She looks like she has gained some weight, but boobies can change your whole look if you are a certain build. When I'm weighed at the dr office, I take an extra 7 pounds off for my bewbs. TTM, I think yours weigh about 11 lbs.
    we should weigh them and report back. (Nah, too lazy ATM)

    1. Sha! Maybe 11 pounds each! And Countess, it's true whatcha say, you gotta keep them right under your chin if you don't wanna look heavy

    2. Wait, I AM heavy, and why are you mentally weighing my boobs, Countess?

  16. Rachel Dratch goes on WWHL every so often and she is always very funny as a guest.

  17. Yes, major photo shop on James!

  18. James isn't photoshopped. I saw part of a view of this shoot, and he looked just like this. His body is amazing.

  19. Black tights Rachel.... NOOO

  20. Hush UP, sugarbread!!!!!!! Joe Hotjello is PERFECTION!!!!!!

  21. Nice boob job Elsa.

    I have no idea who that Andrew Maslow is but no thanks...imagine trying to share a bathroom with a guy this vain. No bueno.

    Also, I get some ladies are all into "naturale" etc but if you're on a red carpet would it kill you to put a wee bit of makeup on? Looking at you Rachel Dratch.

  22. Also heads up to my favourite ladies on here who always make me laugh..TTM. Seven of Eleven, RenoBlondee and Sherry.

    And to Count, who always makes me eyebrow raise and laugh inappropriately.

    1. Hey Stuff (can I call you Stuffy?), thanks, chickie! Can I just say that I LOVE the fact that you said "sam hill" on Randoms 2?

  23. Hi @Stuff! Enjoy your comments too!

  24. Let me off the leash and I'll get my Australian slang out for you...lol

    TTM - you may call me Stuffy ;-) Just don't call me late for dinner (<insert groan at horrible Dad joke - and I'm a gal - I have no excuse)

  25. To everyone saying mean stuff about rachal dratch- she is a very talented commedienne. Very funny, and since she looks at her face everyday, she knows exactly how she looks, and she's okay with it As we all should be. What matters is if she is good at what she does. And she is. End of story.

  26. I don't understand the point of bodies like James Maslow's. Will someone please explain?

    If this were a natural body, I wouldn't ask. I wouldn't question. Bodies are made differently and I do my best not to pick on people for how they look.

    But this is clearly a body that has been worked for. My question is...why?

    I couldn't hit that. Ever.

  27. I don't understand the point of bodies like James Maslow's. Will someone please explain?

    If this were a natural body, I wouldn't ask. I wouldn't question. Bodies are made differently and I do my best not to pick on people for how they look.

    But this is clearly a body that has been worked for. My question is...why?

    I couldn't hit that. Ever.

  28. I don't think anyone is being particularly mean about Rachel Dratch. She IS talented, no doubt. But personally, I'm giving her the same hard time about just putting in a little bit more effort as I would to an equally talented celeb such as Charlize Theron who is more maintstream attractive.

    It's a red carpet - try harder. Just sayin'.

  29. Harry--Bryan Cranston's up for a Tony Award for his performance of LBJ in All The Way, which I saw on opening night at the ART in Cambridge before it hit Broadway, so he has every right to be at the Tony nominees' luncheon. (He's also quite handsome in person--yes, I got to shake Heisenberg's hand at the aftershow wingding. ;-)

  30. NPH does not look happy. That marriage is not long for this world.

  31. I think Rachel looks very nice; it's her personality to dress on the casual, low-key side. I agree that she's quite talented and I think she was criminally under-utilized on Sat. Night Live. The thought of her brings an immediate smile to my face... her "Lovah" skits with Will Farrell, and her "Debbie Downer" persona. Just priceless!! It's great that Rachel seems to be popping up more here and there lately. Maybe she could land a variety special, a la Maya Rudolph.

  32. NPH and Burtka aren't married. They've just been together for 8 or 9 years.

  33. P: Hillary

    M: Idina

    B: Glenn Close

    1. Glenn Close? A side of boiled bunny with your main of pussy, Count?

  34. Phffft. Adele Nazeem is funny. I was thinking she took the advice of "shoulders back" to an embarrassing level. Then y'all's comments about tbe divorce bewbs explained it. Cum on Adele! Fake some confidence, hide the despair and use subtlety with the nupair! And ya, I also thought she looked heavier - big boobies can do that.
    James Man low- Um...ya, No! And +, with that look people are always gonna figure that the roids have wilted ur willie.
