Friday, June 06, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Jessica Alba has some explaining to do about the products she claims are natural.
Iggy Azalea is on a boat.
Rachel McAdams and Jake Gyllenhaal at dinner together.
Jessica Simpson out shopping. Do the implants in the calves match the ones on the top?
Kate Beckinsale went to the premiere of a play and
Matt Bomer also stopped by.
Kit Harrington promoting How To Train Your Dragon 2.
The woman seated is in charge of the most violent death squad in Mexico. She says she wants to be as famous as Kim Kardashian.
Lena Dunham on her way to mime class.


  1. Ok, after Normal Heart, I get Bomer now.

    Kit Harrington is the bargain bin Orlando Bloom. Hang in there, kid. You'll get your movie career.

  2. xoxoxoxoxo LENA!!! xoxoxoxo

  3. Alba has more splaining to do about that outfit.
    I'm beginning to understand why Piggy gets fingered when body surfing the moshers.

    1. Two things, sandy: I hope that was autocorrect re: Iggy!

      2) people crowd surfing don't have to be attractive to be sexually assaulted

  4. Ah poor Lena Dunham. She always looks so anxious.

    Kate Beckinsale is gorgeous as ever, but um, is that a typical pic of Iggy Azalea? I can't hate on her because her name is so close to my life-long nickname that I feel a kind of kinship with her.

  5. Those calves look painful Jessica!

  6. No spelchek you assshole *Iggy *

  7. That Mexican thing is one scary ass picture.
    Jakey - you dress so smart for a nice meal.

  8. Jessica has always had muscular legs, but that don't look right... And what's more, she needs to get her shoes at least half a size bigger. At least. Curling-over toes are NOT a good look

  9. Matt Bomer!!!!!!!!!!!!! /faints

    /stands back up

    That death squad chick is already a bigger piece of shit than Kartrashian so... there's that.

  10. At last, we've found someone lower than a Kartrashian!

  11. I think the rando next to Matt Bomer mixed up the red & pink is the new black & white thing from an earlier post..

  12. Also so Alba for the 2 hour setup of a "natural" skin carte line commercial?

  13. I was partying with some crazy ass Australians last night and finally heard Iggy--shes ok--...They are taking over the GTA for some reason this summer!

  14. Yep spelchek did that.
    Lena pay attention to the Msg on your shirt forever.

  15. and yes Kristin I had to knock one over to play Mimi on the juke-box cause she kept playing Iggy and it was annoying. I also met a guy in his mid 20s that had so much surgery his face literally looked like the mask they wear on White Chicks! lol

  16. What the hell is a death squad and what do you have to do to rate a visit from them?

  17. @Paint Chips you really dont wanna know. Think drugs and gangs.

  18. Jessica no longer looks feminine.

  19. Now if Jake were really straight, he and Rachel would make thee Cutest couple! What's up with the getup though Jake? Track pants?

    Yes Bomer, you are one handsome fella.

  20. Friends, Romans, countrymen, I will gladly volunteer as tribute to train Kit Harrington's "dragon".

    The death squad woman is Claudia Ochoa Felix, and she carries a pink AK-47. Insanely enough, she manages to make Kim Kardashian look classy without a K.

  21. Simpsons calves look ridiculous. Hope they arent implants, cos she got scammed! She lost the weight, thats great, now stop body obsessing already!!

  22. Okay, I know I'm not the only one that saw the dick in the Kit Harrington picture.

    Chestica's legs are too muscular at the calves. She is starting to look like a tranny.

    Scary bit about the drug lord there. Frightening.

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one with my mind in the gutter. My fingers couldn't scroll down fast enough.

    2. *scrolls back up*
      I don't see it.. OH
      Dammit you guys! NOT the dick I was looking for!

    3. @LowKey, I did the same thing and had the same reaction. I thought there was some Hammaconda-style action I missed the first time around.


  23. The drug cartel chica looks more like Kim than Kim does these days.

  24. WHAT? There's a dick in the Kit Harrington pic? I'd love to see Jon Snow's "dragon" lol and train it like Seven said :O

    BOMER holy hell he is so hot

    Jessica's calves look really scary

  25. Paint Chips - They're generally "enforcers" for the drug cartels in mexico and all you have to do is be in the wrong place at the wrong time, walk into the wrong farmacia, say something wrong, be a member of law enforcement, be a mayor, eat at the wrong restaurant, or, of course, rip off the cartels, to get a visit.

  26. @paint - and if you'd like, we could tell you their tactics, torture methods, etc. They are blood curling, stuff your worst nightmares cannot even come up with.

  27. Too many to comment on ! I think Jessica Alba always looks really good...I love her outfit. Jessica Simpson...ummmm sorry but her legs ! Its too much. Kate b is gorgeous what a star. Kit Harrington! Totally hot! What's with the Mexican photo with the guns...a real American thing...dunno why you'd publish photos like that but then again I guess I do get it...Americans and their guns.

    1. And sorry I don't care how real you are trying to be or not to be but lens outfit is awful. There is no excuse!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sorry, wrong name in the reply.

      @jo davies, as a US citizen who does not and never has owned a gun, that's a pretty broad brush considering the article about the Mexican drug lord lady was published in the Daily Mail - a British publication.

      We're not all the same, much the same way not everyone from the South is a redneck hillbilly and not everyone in New Jersey gives themselves stupid nicknames like Jwowhatever and Snooker.

    4. What the hell does a Mexican cartel have to do with Americans and guns? I'm struggling to comprehend the ignorance of that comment.

    5. Yeah I offence intended..wherever it was published originally it was still chosen and published on this site...for people who don't live in america the states sure has a lot of mass is a real american country isn't perfect either...we have our own social problems peculiar to us and no where else which I won't go on about as this is a light hearted site ! Lol about your new jersey comments though!

    6. The photo still has nothing to do with the US.

    7. No it doesn't. Problem solved.

    8. Ahhh you were just being a dick for the hell of it. Got it.

    9. Nope. The majority of guns held by Mexican cartels are smuggled in from the states. So saying that photo has nothing to do with the us is a bit clueless. I could start calling you names just because I don't agree with your comment but I won't. Its your country - I'm guessing your American - if you don't know what your own country is up to that's not my problem. And I sincerely doubt you've 'got' anything. You don't know what I'm talking about it so you call me a dick? Get over yourself ! If I don't agree with what some one has to say I don't have start calling them names.

    10. Because us stewpid Muricans like our guns, jsierra. They took our jerbs!

    11. Back away slowly Kristin, no sudden movements. We're just crazy gun obsessed 'muricans. What do we know?

    12. Pip I couldn't pick just horrible 'Murica meme so each word is a different link :)

    13. JSierra, you are EVIL! That office chair cracked me up.

      @Jo Davies, I'm guessing you're British. US gun policies aren't perfect (who the hell needs an semi-automatic to go deer hunting?!) and the gun nuts vs gun nazis debate inevitably goes into high gear whenever a whack job loses it. But to classify the US as a bunch of gun lovers who supply Mexico with pink AK-47s is to ignore that there are many of us who are logical, stable, and reasonable, and aren't handing out pistols at the voter registration booths. Most US citizens support responsible gun control and safety, but the squeaky wheels on both sides get the grease.

      If all US citizens are a bunch of gun crazy freaks who will defend their right to Uzi keeping and willingly supply Mexican drug cartels with all the custom pink AK-47s they want, then we'll need to talk about how all Brits support William Hague and Syria.

      (I understand that you're not speaking out of spite, but out of perception. I'm addressing that, not you personally.)

    14. thank you for your intelligent responses! And I don't think or said Americans are gun crazy freaks....but anyway again I thank you for just giving me your opinion without getting all mean girls like the other two. Anyway that Claudia girl is pretty hot ...I just googled her...all seriousness aside i cant believe she looks like that and is the boss of that squad! someone else said she looks more like kk than kk does...that is so true.

    15. Jo Davies and Seven et. al. Bravo for your class in the debate.

      Everyone keep in mind each country's media paints a very different picture than what is the truth. Add that to the real stuff and there is much, much misconception.

      Excellent for everyone keeping their heads when we have an intelligent exchange.

  28. Three stripes and a Bourbon tee...come on Gyllenhaal. Pull it together!

  29. P: broad w/ Bomer

    M: Simpleton

    B: Alba

    1. For a moment I read Bomer and thought you evolved

  30. I wish we would smuggle more guns into Mexico. If there was enough gun violence there, then maybe auto manufacturers would have to bring jobs back to the USA.

    1. Yes, there is enough violence in Mexico, and yes, many American companies have left because of it. Some have gone back to the US and others to Asia.

  31. Jessica's calves are huge through years of ridiculously high heel abuse. The muscles will be shortened and I'd be surprised if she could walk flat footed comfortably anymore.

  32. As a thtupid 'murican, it takes a lot to get my hackles up when non-Americans talk about my country, because generally I agree with them. Maybe the events that happened yesterday at a college really close to my home, and even closer to my SO's closest friend's wife who is a graduate student there, is making me super-sensitive, but I'd like to tell Captain Generalizations up there to kindly eff the eff off.

    Blaming America for the... Horrifying picture above is... I don't really know what to say here except that I acknowledge my country doing a lot of really shitty things for political reasons. But acting like Mexican death squads would not exist or find another way to flourish should their "sources" of firearms from the US dry up is horrendously egregious and naive. Shitty people are everywhere. There is no "gun agenda" that will stop a mentally ill person from trying to take the lives of others once they get it in their mind to do so, and the relationship between Americans and guns has zilch to do with that fact. A life of crime, of death squads and cartels, is as much about a power play within their own country as it is about the way they procure the items with which to try to obtain said power. Stopping the influx of weapons from America into Mexico would not change that, no matter who supplies it. That's like saying that if Mexican drug cartels stopped trafficking their heroin into the USA, the addicts would disappear. It's almost laughable in it's falsity.

    I'm rambling now, but there's my $.02 out here on the internet, where no one cares, and eventually everyone will be forgotten. Me

  33. *its. Damn autocorrect.

    On topic, Jess needs to scale back on the workouts, methinks. She's in great shape and it's given her confidence back, which is awesome. But she's looking a little...butch these days. Those ankle straps are not helping her case, either.

    Damn Lena, even in black?? I love that girl, but I wonder if she does this to herself on purpose to make some sort of sociological statement about appearances in Hollywood. Surely no one can be that clueless about what types of cuts and styles suit ones figure.... Right???

  34. AND WHERE DID THAT 'me' COME FROM AT THE END?? I should quit commenting in the middle of doing dishes!!

  35. I don't think your all gun crazy...and no not British ! But thank you for your intelligent responses. I.e not getting all mean girls like the other two. Look don't worry about it...guns are obviously a sensitive issue for the I said I don't live there so what you guys do to tackle the problem or ignore the problem or there's no problem is up to you guys its your country...I'm allowed my opinion and every time I read about another crazy shooting and its alway seems to be in the u.s...I think...that is crazy, why is it so easy for these people to get their hands on guns and the amount of ammunition they often have....and whyvis a gun the weapon of choice ? Why do these people always kill several people at once? I dont know but i would think that is a serious fucking problem somebody needs to look into. I have a right to express my opinion. It doesn't mean all Americans are gun crazy, obviously...and i know this will get people up in arms no pun intended butvi saw this documentary on guns in the us and you can buy ammunition at walmart!!!! To you that might be normsl but for someone who doesnt live thete that was like fuuuuuccckk!!! No wonder !!!!and there wasvsome bank who when you opened an account you got a free gun!!!! Again for ypu guys you might say yeah so whats the problem. The amount of deaths that occur would indicate there is an issue with the easy availability of guns and/ or an issue with gun laws. But given all of your responses if you don't think there is a problem or your so sensitive about it...well like I said its your country man do what you want with it. But hen agsin'you can't regulate nutty' and again I don't think Mexican drug cartels rock up to a persons home and ask to borrow their gun...from the responses on don't have a problem with guns so don't worry about what I think. I'm going to go back to living my life now...

    1. @jo As an American, I appreciate you sharing your views. If we regular people who have zero influence on the gun laws that get passed can't have a calm discussion about our HUGE GIGANTIC gun problem, how can we expect the actual lawmakers to, with the entire world watching them and pressure coming at every angle, keeping them awake at night and I'm sure health problems bc of the unimaginable stress?
      For the record, I've never seen a gun in real life, one family member has one bc he's in law enforcement, one friend who lives a few states away told me he carries a concealed gun and now I think he's creepy bc of it, yet, a shooting happened just a town away from me. I think listening to other countries opinions and even lies they believe about our gun culture (like that every one of us owns a gun) will help us find a solution.

    2. Thank you thank you...some things I said were probablya bit out of line ( sometimes its hard not to bite) and this not being an appropriate forum for those views anyways...but yes that's just my perception.doesnt mean im right...just how an outsider sees things...some people just got so offended and nasty...but anyways thank you for your comment. I come from new Zealand and I know there are some people who probably think we all eat each other and wear grass skirts! I have heard that one before... And that's obviously a light hearted stereotype...but I thought about it and I wouldn't go all gung ho on someones ass...its just what they think its not the end if the world! I'd be more...well you should come down and we'lll show you what we're really like and you'll have a blast! Cultural differences I guess cos as a country we are pretty laid back. A couple of these people I think if I were their neighbour probably would have shot me by now! But anyway....cheers mate!

  36. But you were pretty much saying all that, and when confronted you try to distance yourself from whatever bomb you just dropped.

    The majority of Mexican cartels get their guns from Central America, not the US. The Sinaloa's (Claudia's cartel) get their weapons mainly through Guatemala (it's more complicated than that but I'm not getting into local, state-level assistance).

    I was wondering why you were trying to link a photo of a female death squad commander with the US, because your argument had no factual basis and was littered with inflammatory statements ("a real American thing," "Americans and their guns," mass shootings are "an American thing").

    I originally said nothing about guns. I pointed out that one had nothing to do with the other, wondering where you were going with your statements. My conclusion was/is that you were purposefully trying to start a fight. Because if it were an issue that you are informed about, which you are claiming, you would know the fundamentals of said issue (ie the cartels aren't smuggling weapons from the US).

    I don't particularly care to argue about international gun sales, I was wondering what the motivation was behind your comments.

    1. Mmmm..there was a photo of khloe and her rapper friend holding a gun and the photo above and I thought...what's with the gun photos...then you said its Mexican not us nothing to do with us...and I responded with well actually mexico gets a lot of their guns from the us plus errr..doesn't mexico border the us. Which is true. I'm not trying to distance myself from any comments????!!! But I need to stop going on about it I can't believe I have spent this much time in here talking and raving about something going on in another country so yes I'm actually an idiot for going on and on about it. You seem to think that because my opinion is different to yours I'm not allowed to have one...and called me a dick...when you don't seem to actually know where mexico gets their guns from. And because I bummed you out there your trying to shut me down...funny. But a bit sad all the same...I get where your coming from piglet...thus is your site and I've pissed off the so called bosses of it right...I know you'll carry this on all day because you know I'm giving you a big fuck you!!! Not going through any stupid mean girl initiation or going to try and placate you and apologise and you can't stand it!!!

    2. If you knew that before you googled it you would have said that in the first place and I do know a lot about this stuff and you are wrong...but I have to say .and it doesn't often have completely changed my opinion ..I no longer think guns in the us is a problem. I don't have any problem or concern about it at all at all at all.
      so well done you !

  37. I like Problem and Fancy by Iggy actually.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. That was so tl;dr. Apologies. :D

  40. We've gone a few weeks without a Throat Punch Thursday on here. Well done participants, we're getting better sharing our toys.

    *golf clap* *polite head nod*

  41. Kristen is absolutely right.

    The reason mexican guns are easily traced to the US is because the serial numbers are intact and they CAN be traced at all, but guns from the US are far from the largest percentage of guns in Mexico.

    It's all part of the anti-gun lobby's efforts to demonize the second amendment and guns in general.

  42. Jake G wears track pants to dinner - wtf?!

    Re: Jessica. Generally speaking, breast implants are for women and calf implants are for men. Generally.

  43. Jessica's implants are to calves what Kartrashian's implants are to butts. Misshapen and wrong.

    And if they're real? She could dial back the weight training a little bit.

  44. I thought the fights were reserved for Random 5's.

    FWIW Jo, I live in Canada, and two days ago, some nutjob gunned down FIVE RCMP officers, killing three of them. Gun violence isn't limited to the U.S.

  45. Jessica's calves have been too huge for awhile. What a shame she got calve implants bc her legs looked amazing in the Daisy Duke days.

  46. Kate B. is all kinds of gorgeous

  47. And then I just sit here and chuckle.


  48. not to pick at a would that seems just about healed, but the cause and effect between Mexican death squads, their weapons, and the US is very direct, if we are hones with ourselves. Who buys the drugs that led to the narco industry and the death squads? and while it is interesting to hear some argue that the US is the not the principal source of weapons in Mexico, that is not what everything I have seen indicates. I don't mean to dwell on the subject, but I do think it is important that as americans, we are honest with ourselves. steps off soapbox.

    1. I'm with you @NYer We need to talk about it MORE! And talk, not argue.

  49. The drugs go where the money is. When Wall Street was bottoming out the narcos were re directing drugs to North Africa and Europe.

    The prohibition on drugs fosters the violence more than guns do. Take the power from the cartel leaders my legalizing it all. Then shutter the DEA and take their budget, along with foreign aid sent to "fight em over there" and put it toward rehabs and mental health facilities. The money would be better spent, non violent offenders wouldn't be clogging jails, gangs/organized crime would lose power, tax revenue would increase and it would help cull the herd. Whole lotta win.

    1. Count, agree! And think of all the petty crime you cut down on too.

  50. i don't disagree Count, but question what politician, not to mention political party/movement, would have the courage/ability to propose that approach. anyone who remembers the post 1960 decades can remember how potent the anti-drug platform was. but who knows, maybe times have changed.

  51. @Liddy: and the Health Insurance savings since we all won't be having to help pay for everyone's Oxies and the Dr visits they go to to get scripts for them.
