Friday, June 20, 2014

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos

Just two weeks until Reveal Day, so if you would like to see your photo in Random Photos and then again on Reveal Day, just e-mail it to

Six parts today.

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9


  1. Love the hat #7! You are all awesome.

  2. I'm officially saying No Candyland here today.

    Candyland - is your pic a selfie?

    Excellent peeps in the photos today! Have we seen #6 before? She with the perfect, beautiful white smile?

  3. Looking good everyone! I am convinced my photo will never appear. I feel like I sent it in ages ago!

    1. At felt that way until Wednesday @ Jessi.
      Have faith. It will come. LOL.

  4. Looking good, readers!

    Love the hat, #1. Not many people can pull that off.

  5. Everyone looks good and a doggie too! I see no vacation pics so I do not think Csndykand is here although there are many girls with Blonde and brown hair

    1. Thanks, Sandybrook! Callie thanks you too!

  6. In going with 1 for Candyland

    1. This is based on absolutely nothing. I'm really just a poser pretending to fit in with the cool kids but totally off the mark in my 90s plaid sun dress and Docs.

  7. Btw I hope you all saw my avi last night and this morning becuz you ain't seeing it again even though I know at least one person printed it out and is using it as a bullseye on her dart board today.

    1. Don't worry Sandy, I saved it. I have evil maniacal plans for it.......

    2. @Sandy I saw it and had a Calvin Harris moment tbh...

    3. Anonymous1:30 PM

      I saw it and thought I had beer goggles on, it was so blurry. Nevertheless, you are a good looking guy with no reason to fear the camera. I think. ;-)

    4. That pic was hawt Sandy... You looked like an American backpacker I booked up with in Santorini in '93!

    5. Okay, who ratted on me? ;(

  8. Hi Beautiful & Lovely readers !!! As always, love seeing your shining sweet faces.
    Don't be shy. Come out and play and let us know who y'all are :-)

  9. Love the doggie too!!
    Next time I'm sending a pic with my sweet little black lab puppy. She's so adorable.

    1. AJ meet Callie! A friend found her as a stray in the woods and she has been ours ever since!

    2. @AuntLili
      Awe. Such a sweet face. Looks like she found the perfect home.

  10. What's up, readers? You all are looking good!!

  11. #7 is Laura Ramona.

  12. Once again, a great looking bunch of readers

  13. Oh so that was you @sandybrook. Didn't think to save it for maniacal purposes. Curses! :)

  14. Me, me, me, me = #1 (which is slightly awkward to say).

    1. Hi girl77007! Love your hat! Were you at the races?

    2. Hey girl77007, LOVE the hat, and that smirk is AWESOME!

    3. Hey @Girl7707
      Adore the hat. My teeny tiny head is way too small for such fabulous thing but you look marvelous Darling !

    4. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Great great GREAT hat!!

  15. Hey, readers, looking good!

  16. Captain Spaulding!!!

    Love the pics, readers!

    1. @Mistang
      TY. I knew, I knew that face but really couldn't place it. Creepy creepy movies.
      Had one of the worst nightmares ever after seeing one of them.

  17. Hehe Riven.
    sugar is going to try and blackmail me soon I just know it!

  18. Riven loses she guessed wrong. Sugar is frist Charlie and Riven are tied with one loss and I'm last with 2 losses Candyland (unless you are in this set then we all lost!).

  19. Merci! Hit a Derby party up at a local watering hole and it was great fun. I could totally succumb to big hat culture, for sure. That smirk had fuck all to do with juleps.*

    *A lie if ever I've told one.

  20. There is nothing quiet about you Sugar :)))

  21. Great pictures! Love the hat @girl!

  22. You ladies are so gorgeous! Love how the light it shining in on #9 :)

  23. Heyyyy, I made the photos! Woop Woop!

  24. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Yiz all are feckin gore-juss. :-)

  25. Great batch of photos, folks!

    Riven, good guess! I saw that one figured someone would guess her! But, I'm not in here today either! Scorekeeper Sandy's keeping track ;)

  26. So jealous of #2! Sid FRACKING Haig! You lucky girl!

    Looking great, everyone!

  27. Wooowooo readers!! It's like a vogue brochure on here!

  28. I remember #6 from last time but not who it is. So many beautiful readers!

  29. thx cocoa and Becky unfortunately t'wasn't me.

  30. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Great to see all the lovely readers!

  31. #6 resembles Sunny.
    Hi everyone, your'e all so gorge!

  32. Another gorgeous batch of readers! :)

  33. Hello all you lovelies! Come on and 'fess up!!!

  34. I remember Jsierra was real cute- did you submit this time?

  35. JSierra there is something you wanted me to do that is currently on the site if you go back to last night 's readers photos comments. That is all.

    1. I seent it Sandy, I seent it. You have officially been added to the CDAN man calendar, which month would you like to be?

  36. everyone looks swell!

  37. Damn, but we are a good looking group. Th-highs(?) who be ya?
    I love how everyone looks so happy :)

  38. Sometimes I can't tell whether or not the dog is the reader...

  39. SophiaB... longtime lurking these days. I enjoy the comments here with al the newbies and oldsters, but am lately too busy with gardening, trouble making and getting healthier to figure out how to log in on my latest device. Gawd how I hate technology these days!

    You are ALL so beautiful. Jordan, I hope you fall asleep happy. Trolls be trollin'. Hi Count. Hi Sherry. Hi TTM. Hi all the cute funny guys. I sure do miss FFF. VIPBlonde, you done abandoned the crew! Oh and Robot, twas nice to see a quick hello. Glad things are going well with the bebe.

    Ok. Gotta go cloudwatch the sunset. 10pm up here in the Canadian stratosphere. Getting used to the people but the clouds will always fill me with awe.

    1. Hi SophiaB! Long time no see, I miss your stories, lovely lady! So nice to see you come out of lurkerdom

  40. Duh! #9! Yeah, traumatic brain injury just brings ALLLLL tge fun!!!

  41. july pleez.
    welcum Sophia

  42. I love #5! What kind of dog is that? My puppy is the opposite! Radar is Australian Cattle Dog and Kelpie mix. Before we rescued him, some asshole docked his tail.
    I'd love to "dock" him.

  43. #1 Love the hat ... and that's one mighty large CHAI tat you got there! #5 love the doggie. Everyone else is just beautiful d

  44. Hi, guys! I'm #6 . I'm not sure why I came out again, but thanks! My other screen name is Musesx9 by the way... :)
    Sorry I came out twice (?)

  45. @jessie Good eye, by the way!
    I don't recall what Sunny looks like @renoblondee
    Is she in the reader pics from this time around?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I read that wrong. Do over! Hi @Lissete! You're gorgeous! Sunny used to post on here a lot, but only once in a great while now. She posted her pic in years before. She's a gorgeous blonde like you!

  48. Jennmcn, Callie is (we think) a mix of setter, lab and Pyrennes! She is a big girl at a year and a half! Mutts rule!

  49. Jennmcn, Callie is (we think) a mix of setter, lab and Pyrennes! She is a big girl at a year and a half! Mutts rule!

  50. TTM, thanks for the kind words. I have been gone since the great Troll Wars plus goo goo gah gah over Rach in Australia who came in with an alias and spewed all over everyone until I called her out. Her constant tasteless humorless (IMHO, not others...) posts apparently appealed to wide swaths of CDANers. Not me.

    I have begun reading the posts again and there seems to be a fun silly bunch again with a few of those whose posts I enjoyed a while back along with newer folks. I know there will always be some who get on my last nerve and I expect my extensive and TMI posts did the same to others.

    My main problem was the demise of my troublemaking Crackberry. I could type up a storm on that one and do cut and pastes with ease.

    Switching to Android technology, plus the move toCanada and ggeneral cell phone hell just wore me out. I am seriously not exaggerating when I saytthat I probably spent an unnecessary $3,000 after the war was over in illegal charges by Sprint. And other stuff.

    I just had to stop.

    So that sounds STUPID when I write this. If that was the only issue it would be. But that was what sank me. That plus the problems I had remembering the passwords for new accounts I had to set up when Google started getting all kinds of fussy. I HATE GOOGLE!


    I now have at least re

  51. See? I now at least have the password remembered on my cellphone. I will try to be a little more amusing going forward. Damn TECHNOLOGY!!!

    OH! And plz remind me which province you live in TTM? Ontario?

    Are there any CDAN crazies near Vancouver? I live in the Langley Township very near the Transcanada Hwy 1 and am 15 minutes from the Aldergrove/Lynden border crossing. I love Bellingham, WA and spend some of my time restoring my sanity in downtown Bham at the bookstores and cafes there.

    Canada is um very different than I thought expected. Almost two years here. It is REALLY BEAUTIFUL. I am beginning to take my photography seriously. Can't take a bad photo out here in the farmland.

    1. I live in Alberta, Sophia, but I lived in BC for more than half of my life, including Vancouver, so I know whatcha mean! The back roads in the Langley area are so scenic, I used to fly into the airport there and drive along to White Rock alla time. So pretty there, and I remember going to concerts in Bellingham: Richard Marx stole my teenybopper heart there.

      The troll wars were quite something, don't miss that at ALL but I'm glad you're still aboot and posting, lovely lady.

  52. omg, how has no one mentioned the glory of #2?! A cell phone photo of your desktop wallpaper, icons and all. I love you the most.

  53. #8 what you can't see is I'm next to a polar bear friend got

  54. Lurker Girl de-Lurking--I'm #3
