Thursday, June 19, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Minka Kelly gets watched by people after lunch.
Michelle Rodriguez has got her traveling hat on. It seems like it would be, right?
Natalie Portman picking up a few bucks from Dior.
The new King and Queen of Spain. Actual emotion there. Must have had something inn their teeth.
Ashley Tisdale takes her niece and mom shopping.
Tim McGraw would like you to know he works out. I would like you to know, I do not.
Tom Hardy and a dog on the set of his new movie.
The Rock promoting Hercules in Australia.
Taylor Swift looking very summer like in NYC.


  1. Swifty is so cute.

    Looks like everyone in the Tisdale pic is stumbling and bumping into each other lol

  2. I miss pre-steroid Dwayne Johnson. He's all veiny and bulky now. But, oh, that smile!

  3. We'll see how long Spain retains its royalty. I smell a Prague Spring like revolution coming.

    TTM, why do Canadiens put that grizzled queen on their money. The loon is the perfect expression of Canadian Pride!

    1. LOL I think we're contractually obligated, Gweeds. Go back to Blind 6, I sang for you!

  4. Love Taylor and her look. Tim McGraw omg what

  5. See, all ripped etc like Tim McGraw is just not ny type, but then I see the Rock and I think: bouncing off a brick wall can't be ALL bad, Viggo!

    Taylor Swift looks beautiful and Natalie Portman looks really tall!

    Dang you, chain link fence! Keeping me from seeing Dirty Bird's and I prime cast member!

  6. Taylor looks like a Barbie doll

  7. Royals all look like such dweebs.
    TayTay looking sexay baring that midriff.
    I smell you Rock.
    So does Tim MacGraw using his baseball connections to get his PEDs.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. That's not any dog that's Hardy's pooch Woodstock, a stray dog Hardy took home a couple of years ago.

  10. Dayum Tim.

    I was hoping Enty still had a thang for the princess, I mean new queen. Their pictures were great.

  11. Not into tbe ripped and veiney but Tim looks pretty "Daaaaaannnng" there

    Taylor=usual perfection

    The dog looks cute and well rested

  12. I'll just pop right in the middle of that Dwayne Johnson/Tom Hardy sandwich!

  13. Tim Mc Graw-damn

    love the Rock also

  14. Taylor always looks amazing but I feel like the girl would probably put on a full face of makeup and perfect outfit to just go to the mailbox & get the mail. LOL.

  15. I can't recall ever seeing Tim without his hat.

  16. So, I read about that Tim McGraw photo/interview, and he claims he's all clean and sober now, and a big workout fiend. Remember how we all thought that Tim and (what the heck is his wife's name - ugh!) oh yeah, Faith, were the answer to the BI about the A couple who stayed skinny via coke use? Makes me wonder what the dealio with Tim is these days. And also, he says in the article that he got on the straight and narrow because Faith said he was out of control, so that's interesting.

  17. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Tim is looking good. i don't know what tips the scale over to "too much" in the muscle category, but tim is looking ripped and gorgeous.

    i recently purchased PAIN AND GAIN and the Rock is my favorite in it. I found him really funny and cute. Very campy movie. Thought i was going to be (distractedly) thinking about bonin' Wahlberg for two hours but the rock made it a real movie for me. I was impressed.

    1. That was SUCH good movie fancy! My favorite part was when he was flirting and grilling outside and the caption came up "This is still a true story", too freaking funny

  18. I love The Rock, but yeah, he needs to lay off of the steroids. Tim McGraw does too, for that matter. They've both crossed that that line where being ripped isn't very attractive anymore.

  19. Anonymous1:44 PM


    Yeah...that WAS was like a cute 'lil joke in the middle of one long absurd joke.


    Made me respect Bey for having a bit of a sense of humor.

  20. Never ever EVER is that a picture of Natalie Portman. Not possible. Nahaa..

  21. I'm not buying Tim and Faith as clean and sober but Tim is in great shape for a cokehead.

    Taylor Swift always looks fabulous and she's annoying. Another trip to the gym to not work out?

  22. I think I should stand with my hands away from my sides like The Rock. See if I can fool people into thinking I've been working out.

    I wonder if Tim McGraw's hat is lonely, and jealous of the sweatband? Ladies, is there anyone out there that actually likes that popped vein look on the arms?

  23. It is completely official. I do not care for michele rodriuez. She has less than zero sex appeal or charisma. I really dont know how she gets work.

    1. Finally!! I completely agree. I find MRod untalented and can't figure out why so many people like her. No no no.

  24. Right @califblondy!

    It's like this Entybot is not programmed with the love that OG Enty had for Princess Letizia (now Queen). He was obsessed with her. I only know who she is because of all those posts. I thought I was losing it until I saw you caught that too.

  25. Taylor looks so amazing.

  26. Swift looks like Summer's Eve, not summer.

  27. I watched Thor last night with the mini-naughties, and I have to say, Natalie Portman is the single most overrated actress in Hollywood. Just horrible.

  28. @Charlie - no! To me, it's a huge turn-off.

  29. I have to be honest - i think Tim McGraw looks horrible now.

    I am not a country music fan, don't follow him, but he and Faith were all over everything/everywhere a couple years ago and i thought he was pretty damn hot.

    Now...not so much. A shadow of his former hot self, in my opinion. I mean, yay for his sobriety and that he's fit, but i really think he could benefit from a sandwich or 20.

  30. Taylor looks good? My first reaction when seeing this was if the girl has stopped eating or has colitis or something. She is not looking very well to me at all these days. She has probably lost nearly 20 pounds that she didn't need to over the past 4/5 months. She is even starting to have muscle wasting in her legs. Not healthy. Hope she is gonna get better.

  31. Tigercat, this Enty also knows/uses Minka Kelly's name; she used to be "Derek Jeter's Ex" (and before that, of course, "Derek Jeter's girlfriend"). So that's different....

    Unrelated, that's some odd body language with "the Princess" now queen. The King is sure holding her arm tight!

  32. Queen Letizia is stunning as always. She reminds me a lot of Queen Rania. Both young beautiful queens who are mothers of the future monarchs
