Friday, June 13, 2014

Terry And Heather Dubrow Might Be In Trouble

For some reason this year, I have been watching Real Housewives OC and NYC more than I usually do. Probably because I have no life. Reports say that Heather and Terry's marriage is in trouble. I do know that it isn't as strained as RHNYC couple Kristin Taekman and her husband. As rude as that guy is to Kristin on air, can you imagine what it is like when the cameras are not rolling? It is worse. Way worse. Heather and Terry do look like they might need a break from each other. Terry says some really mean things about his kids and Heather definitely has treated him poorly this season, but I just don't see the two of them splitting because it would just be a really long and drawn out fight and it would probably just be easier sticking it out at this point and each have their own lives. To me, they don't even seem the most likely to divorce on the show. I think two other couples on the show seem to be more in distress. At this point, I don't even see what is holding Shannon and her husband together any longer and there also seems to be some drama between Tamra and her husband that she is good enough to keep from making the show. All I think about when I watch Heather and Terry is that I should have become a plastic surgeon, and what was so wrong about their last house that they needed to try and make something even bigger?


  1. the man wants his onion rings dammit!!

  2. Its gonna be one of those days here isn't it Enty? Tell us Mr. X is back too :(

  3. I only saw the one season with them, but I actually thought he was pretty cool. Bit of a noodge, but decent. Marrriage on reality TV is tough, y'all

  4. A double header JB and RHO start. Fab!!

  5. Wait, did Tamra marry the gay dude after all???

    1. Yes she did! She reminds me of one of those yippy dogs that you just want to muzzle. I'm sure her man gets lots of action at him gym. He's the Casper of Orange County. Man, these women know how to pickem

    2. She used to be so cute, Snootches. And now she beards. Rest in peace Cute Tamra

  6. I like Hearher and the new girl Krissie? but I had to stop watching bc Vivki and Tamra are so awful and I used to love Tamra way back. I figured Heather and Terri just pick on each other for airtime, I didn't think it was real! Oh well, she'll probably build another house in their property and make Terri move into it.

  7. ttm. not gay okay, just likes to wear really tight pants and get facials okay???

    1. Um. Allow me to clarify. She married Eddie, the dude that needed to suck back two bottles of wine to get nekkid with her?

    2. His eyeballs were rolling back in his head at the thought of getting in the tub with her. I can still picture that. We need
      @7 to gift those eyes please? ??

    3. I remember they used to show it on a loop on The Soup, over and over and over again. So . awesome

    4. Eddie has too many teeth. He reminds me of the shark in Finding Nemo

  8. Yes, TTM. Now she is trying the "I want a baby" storyline.

    1. Last I remember, he wanted a baby and she was stalling because she has three and is closer to 50 than 40. This is what happens when you don't work out things like sexual reproduction and preference before marriage.

    2. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Hee hee ... I love this personal account from someone about what she's like in "reality":

      He's not without scandal himself:

    3. She also had her tubes tied

  9. Heather is delusional.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      I don't think she's such a good actress ... 'Hot in Cleveland' has lots of guest stars - Kirstie Alley was waaaay funnier. She comes across as nice and caring on Twitter, but I just want to scream at her to put her eyeliner pencil down.

  10. Heather is just awful to Terry. She's delusional about her acting career

  11. Any time I start to get depressed about being single all I have to do is turn on one of these shows. Instant pick me up!

  12. Terry seems like a good dude and Heather is lucky she has him.

  13. Ok, I am embarrassed that I watch this show enough to have theories about the cast members...anyway, I think Heather has really pumped up the drama with the other wives and her husband, because she is desperate to stay on the show to help her acting career.

    I also think she's angling for her own show -- her crazy life, juggling kids, husband and career on a mere $5 million a year, you know, something all women can relate to...

  14. Also, does anyone else think Eddie seems gay?

  15. Don't know or care who these people are.

  16. Oops - sorry TTM, I didn't see your post. So, I guess lots of people think he's gay!

    1. No worries, Catsup,apparently at least two of us do!

  17. Disagree. Heather and Terry seem great together and any drama is for show. Shannon on the other hand can't say one nice thing about her husband and looks 10 years older than him. Last week he said one has girls as children when the marriage is unhappy and his daughter was standing right there

    1. Ugh I saw that too. Umm. Awkward much. Like sooo what your saying is you had me because pfucking mommy is such a damn burden. Oh happy father's day ya'll! !
      Those 2 are weird and not in a good way. In a murder suicide way.

  18. I've never watched any of these shows. Am I missing anything good ?

  19. I know someone who went to high school with heather in Westchester ny , supposedly she was a stuck up asshole then , her and her sister with nose jobs by age 15 lol in case anyone cares

  20. There is something very creepy about Shannon and her husband. There's a DV charge in their past---and to be honest, the way she speaks to him, and the way he responds, I can see the history.
    I think Heather and Terry are ok--I think he wanted her to be on the show more than she did. He is also getting a show with Paul Nassif about plastic surgeons, so he'll be busy enough they probably won't see each other that much.
    I remember him from The Swan--he was the doctor whose patients always turned out looking exactly alike. He seems to have a "type".

  21. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Hello lovely CDANers!

    This is a fleeting visit from me ... it's 2:45am on Saturday my time and definitely waaaay past my bedtime.

    But I just had to post - Enty, I can't believe you haven't told the readers about Mia Claman (the daughter of that horrid Jody Claman from The Real Housewives of Vancouver) being involved in a drive-by shooting. Apparently she's involved with some guy who's in a gang. And Jody has taken yet another opportunity to sue Mary Zilba for defamation (even though the show ended a long time ago, their feud apparently hasn't). This is definitely way more juicier and newsworthy than ol' Heather and Terry :-)

    1. Hey Stepforded! Derek and I were talking about this the other day!! I wish they'd had another season

    2. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Hey there yourself - blue is definitely your colour :-)

      Word on the street is that two of the cast members from S2 (not Ronnie and Robyn, or Mary and Jody) were getting set to sue each other which made the production company freak out and put it on what appears to be a permanent hiatus. It is a real shame, as Ronnie has a new man now so it would be cool to find out more about that (and does that mean her plans for the mega-mansion have been shelved? Who gets the boat in the divorce?) ... and if Reiko returned, she could tell us about her new girlfriend or boyfriend (I don't know if she's seeing anyone but she left her husband for a woman; that relationship has since ended).

    3. Reiko had a GIRLfriend? I don't remember hearing about ANY of that! I liked her though, she always came across as sensible and pretty grounded. How on earth did Ronnie get a new man?? They owned half of Vancouver, how could that possibly be improved upon? SO CONFUSED! Wake up, Stepforded!

      Also, ty!

    4. Anonymous4:17 PM

      She did indeed ... a blonde DJ ... it didn't last long though. I thought Reiko was lovely - and Christina and Robin, too.

      Ronnie and Russell had been in trouble for a while - in 2010 or thereabouts he was arrested for spousal abuse, and there were a few tittler tattlers on the 'net commenting about him going on massive (three-five day) benders while she was filming on the show. Peculiarly, he isn't even listed on his firm's website anymore ... he was supposed to be Founder / Chairman, but maybe he's doing something else now.

      Earlier this year (around March/April), Ronnie announced on Facebook that their 15 year union had ended, and for the past wee while she's been tweeting pictures of her holiday around Europe. More recently though, she's been tweeting messages about love being in the air, as well as pictures of what can only be her new man, which are accompanied with lots of emoticon hearts.

      I didn't like Ronnie - her lifestyle was fabulous, but she was a mean and horrible 'friend' to Mary. By Season 2 her antics had lost me - she was either high, drunk, or having problems talking because her lips were so inflated.

      Have you watched 'Ladies of London' yet? It's just started - E3 airs next week - but it's on the 'net (TubePlus). The biarch of that series has to be "Caroline" ...

      LOL - I love the Housewives! :-)

  22. Anonymous7:49 AM

  23. I didn't know until this past Monday's episode that Terry's brother is the late Kevin Dubrow of Quiet Riot. Kind of makes me wonder what Heather "Fancy Pants" made of that when he was still alive.

    She's insulting to Terry, talks down to him, treats him like a child. Yes he bad mouths his own kids but those children come off as being snots just like Heather.

    Yes, I watch this show.

    *hangs head in shame*

  24. Kristen is such a lovely woman. Her husband is an insecure twat and does not deserve her.
    Heather and Terry are a cute couple. I hope they work through their differences.
    Shannon and her husband are a total mismatch and she is so condescending towards him. I feel sorry for the poor guy. She thinks she is better than him because he grew up poor and she grew up rich.

  25. I have a call session in about 20 minutes to prepare for, otherwise I would read all the witty remarks here. THOSE I care about.

    These people drive me to "Who"?

  26. I always wonder how sad and unintelligent one has to be to be able to suffer through shows like Real Housewives or Keeping Up?

    If I was in a coma and those shows were playing in my hospital room, my hand would still know enough to reach over and either change the channel, or if the remote was reachable, pull the plug on my ventilator.

  27. @Keep your hide high Brian - you're posting on a gossip site. That puts you way above anyone who watches reality TV. Is that what you do in between finding a cure for cancer?

  28. Hope not. They seem like they have a nice family. I think she seems more difficult than he does but could be for tv. That Shannon and the husband are horrible. I can't watch anything with her. So annoying & the clear hatred between the two is cringe inducing.I thought he, being more attractive, married her for the dineros. But surprised he has money. I don't get why they are together. Can you imagine, like you said,what'[s doing with no cameras rolling? Eck! They need a divorce for the sake of the kids to not see that. Get into a loving relationship for the sake of the kids' role models.

  29. As someone else said, I also keep looking at Shannon wondering how such an older woman has little kids. Everyone should be happy but not everyone is meant to be parents. Seems like both are too old for the patience to be with young kids. She must've used a surrogate because she seriously looks like 60. Like witchy pooh from RHOBH who looks like 55 with babies.

  30. How many times has Heather been told she talks down to people? Terry tries to be funny, but usually says something offensive. They seem better this season than last. Shannon and her hub have zero chemistry like Ramona and Mario. Shannon made it clear that her fam had the money. She's a strange one. Eddie has always looked bored to death with Tamra's drama with the other ladies. I wonder how long that marriage will last?

    Signed: Sad and unintelligent.

  31. That bitch is effin annoying. I would divorce her lickety split if I was terry. Enty I dont get how u can say he's mean to the kids. He reminds me of my dad. Hes very laidback and plays with them all the time. He jokes about coco but hes playing around and not serious. You can tell both of them really love their kids. But as a couple I dont see how that works unless hes into sadomasochism. She has got to be one twitsted itch in the sack. You know I forgot that.... alot of guys go hard for the bitch on wheels type. Maybe thats how they have stayed married.

    1. And tamra. Lmao... no way in fuckin hell that shits gonna work. Eddy doesnt appear to be emotionally invested in that relationship and tamras good looks are fading fast. Not sure what happened with that but when she first joined rhooc, she really was the hottest housewife on tv. Hair? Check. Face? Check. Body? Check. Her shit was on point. Now she look a wore down fishwife. So sad really lol

    2. Eros- re: tamra - Agree, especially since she has bailed on a couple of marriages already. Probably won't take much to blow up the third. I wonder if she is desperate to get pregnant so she has a source of income for the next 18 years??

  32. They are having financial issues, the Newport coast house made them some nice cash be Terry also traded plastic surgery for construction on the project. Some of the surgery he did DID not turn out well.. The current house hasn't been released for bidding yet.

    And Shannon and her husband haven't slept in the same bed, he has always slept in the pool house. She is a nut

  33. @Catsup

    This is a Mensa website compared to those shows.

    1. I dunno, how much of a Mensa member do you need to be to go onto a post about a show you haven't watched to make judgments about the people on the post that have actually watched the show and know what they're talking about?

  34. 17,000 sq. ft. wasn't enuff room.
    Coco needed a bedroom.

  35. What a shame. I like Heather and Terry a lot. They are my favorite HW couple next to Lisa and Ken. The other HW's are ganging up on Heather, just like they did Lisa. I hope Heather and Terry make it.

  36. I strongly agree with Shannon about one thing. The unknown health dangers from cell phones, wireless, etc. A friend of mine got a brain tumor right where she held her cell phone next to her head, and was dead in three months. Johnnie Cochran and many others also died of what their family believed was brain tumors from cell phones.

  37. Like a few others have said - I think Heather and Terry are just playing to the cameras. They are smart. Tamra is an idiot and desperate to stay on because I doubt the gym thing is going to work- do gyms ever make money?? If She gets tossed off the show she would be worse off than before she ever got on the show.

  38. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Shannon and her husband have their house on the market, and rumours are rife that it's either because a divorce is looming, or his construction business (which doesn't even have a website) is in trouble. Here are the deets:

    1. I wonder if they will be able to sell it- according to Heather it is not in 'the best' part of that exclusive development (or, at least, not as nice as Heather and Terry's house.)

  39. I watch the shit out of this show! Not ashamed.

    Eddie is totally GAY. Sequined jeans and v-necks? C'mon.

    Did anyone see the episode with the ugly sweater party? The woman who was hosting it - I don't remember her name - but her husband gave Eddie the head to toe "look" when they met.

    Shannon and her husband are just painful to watch.

    I actually like Terry and Heather together. People go through ups and downs in a marriage, so maybe this is a little bump for them.

    I've got the most recent episode on my DVR and am looking forward to watching it tomorrow after work :)
