Sunday, July 20, 2014

Blind Item #1

This B list mostly television actor from a very hit cable show who will probably be a movie star and had his big chance once has come back to his trailer the past few days on set to find this aging former A list singer who is a part-time actress stark naked and smoking. Apparently she thinks they met in a past life and wants to get close to him.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry, horror movie morning...I couldn't think of anyone more horrifying then a naked Shirley McClain smoking dope and nekkid on a hot stud's stoop.
      Both the Cheshire cat And the toadstool in one body... I bet this would be his reaction

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Aaron Paul?

  3. Replies
    1. @charlie - nope. And she doesn't smoke.

    2. Yeah, that was a knee jerk reaction, Rose. I like Dena's guess far better. Not enough coffee in the morn.

  4. Charlie Hunnam/Courtney Love (quite a stretch, I know)

  5. Replies
    1. Whoops P&R isn't cable right?

      Regardless, go see Guardians of the Galaxy out in theaters August 1st!

  6. Dena think you got it..not a stretch..great guess

  7. Dena got it.
    Actor: Charlie Hunnam
    Show: Sons of Anarchy
    Big chance for being a movie star: either Pacific Rim or 50 Shades of Grey (left production)
    Aging former A list singer: Courtney Love

  8. Well in my fantasy world I'm the naked singer hitting on Jon Snow.

  9. Though. He is foreign born and it didn't state that..I think it's great guess..
    For shits and giggles I throw in Norman reedus(filming two movies and had started in moves first) and Love

  10. Gossip Monster!! Lol

    Enty, I like all this play CLove has been getting on this site as of late.

  11. Charlie Hunnam. Big chance was '50 Shades', which he wisely turned down.
    GoT isn't filming right now. Kit Harington is on vaca in Germany with his brother.

  12. Alexander Skarsgard is filming Tarzan in London. True Blood is over. ALL movies now. BATTLESHIP was big chance. It's London so who knows on singer.

  13. the charlie/courtney guess

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I cld see Courtney for this. And hunnann getting rid of her as politely as he could.

  16. Pacific Rim is a pretty awesome movie.

  17. No I think it's Adam Driver from Girls, who now will be breaking into movies in a massive way via the new Star Wars movie. Everyone says he's the real star of Girls and the one with the biggest acting future, he'll probably become a bona fied movie star. No clue for the former A list aging singer.

  18. Ew. Yep. Sounds like Charlie Hunnam and Courtney Love on the set of Sons of Anarchy.

  19. she probably put her raunchy bum all over everything. He should ask for a new trailer.

  20. Adam Driver was my first guess, but doesn't Enty usually qualify HBO as "premium cable" or "pay cable"?

  21. Hunnam and Love. I loathe her but if I was in her position I'd do the same thing.

  22. So what happened after he vomited?? Did he kick her out or sleep with her?

  23. Girls would be a hit show, not a very hit cable show like Sons of Anarchy. The latest seasons have been exploitative crap, but it's the highest rated show ever for FX.

  24. I didn't know Shirley McClain could sing. Perhaps in a previous life.
    Who wouldn't want a naked person smoking herbs in their trailer?
    It's a trailer, that's the rules.

  25. Actually Hunnam/Love makes more sense. He bears a scary resemblance to Kurt Cobain.

  26. Can't blame Courtney for trying ;)

  27. Courtney Love/Charlie Hunnam were the first people to pop into my mind when I read this.

    Yara, I think Charlie looks like a bigger, beefier Kurt Cobain.

  28. @skippy. Shirley MacLaine counts singing among her many talents. Trolling actors at their trailers isn't bloody likely. I vote Hunan/Love.

  29. Too funny. And I can totally see Courtney doing this.

  30. Alexander Skarsgard-filming Tarzan in London.
    Aging former A-list singer ??

  31. Was CLove ever A list?
