Thursday, July 03, 2014

Blind Item #4

This very recent Academy Award nominee/winner visited a sex club in Europe the other night but got a little too drunk and ended up really hurting one of the models working there while trying out the bondage equipment.


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe he's more like uncle terry than we knew

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  4. No not Leto...doesn't drink

  5. Jared Douchebag Leto. he's been known to get really rough with groupies he picks up too. not cool

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  7. @tricia, is that according to Leto? because DiCaprio also claimed to never have done drugs and I don't believe that either.

    1. How can anyone believe anything a celebrity says they are all proven liars

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  9. The rock climbing gym makes you go through an orientation every time, even if you're a regular. And no way would they let a drunk operate the equipment. Tsk, I hope this club gets a really bad Yelp review.

  10. @ ducky....yes, but not in a preachy way...I even remember when he first started doing interviews he discussed no drugs, no drink...he eats only natural...and you've never seen him with anything in his hand or slurred...he's straight edge
    Weird but straightedge

  11. Fassbender..nominee

  12. I'm not sure I believe Jared Leto's claim he doesn't drink either. Still, might be Fassbender.

    1. it said winner/ nominee me thinks it's Leto

  13. Leto brother Shannon is a junkie. Maybe Jared is straight and narrow because his older brother is such a mess he doesn't want to emulate him.

  14. Leto, no drugs????? Lolololoolol. Sorry. He must have been high when he made such claims.

    (Not trying to be mean to anyone here. I can't believe he'd try to pass this off. My opinion of him came down some. I'd thought he'd be smart enough not to claim that.)

  15. Nice use of semantics to swerve the story, Fugazi Enty. I would think "sex club" would hire "whores" not "models" but there would be way less sympathy for damaging a whore.

  16. It's been written on several sites that Capricorn makes like BDSM, specifically with "shady" women, not the ones they make their spouse. Hm. Leto, Blooper, Law, Renner -- all sea goats, all like the dark side from what they've shown.

    1. Meme stupid questions: who is Capricorn and do I even want to know what shit involves sea goats?

  17. Count Jerkula - depends where in Europe this "club" was. I remember reading about "models" (high priced hooker escorts) @ Some Romanian exclusive where folks like Clooney picked their "contracts".

  18. Who was in Germany or in Belguim this week? Their sex clubs are known

  19. Jared Leto and his rock band does the tour of european music fest

  20. Wiglet,,,,capricorn is a star sign,,,

    French girl,,,what? I live in Belgium,,,and although I don't frequent sex clubs, I've never heard of Belgium being known for it's kinky sex clubs,? Frites and moules,yes, mannequin de pis, sure, but bdsm sex clubs? Really
    Anyway, doesn't nearly every European capital have that sort of thing? I'm British and I,m pretty sure you could find it in London, Paris or Rome if you wanted to.

  21. There have been other claims by people that they've offered Leto booze and he's always turned them down. So not him I'm guessing. I think Fassy.(Jared is into bondage, though)

  22. I could totally see Leto being too much of a narcissist to drink or do drugs.

  23. @Froggy England
    I have a colleague and his wife who go to ACANTHUS( in Harelbeke) in Belgium every week
    There are until 500 persons in the place
    I even have their visit card ( if i'm interested)

  24. As said, I'm sure they exist, just didn't think it was something belgium was particularly known for over other eu countries,,,,live and learn I guess.

  25. Leto doesn't just "not drink," he is sober. As in, he actively maintains his sobriety. My friend went home with him once, he has a large penis but she did not end up hooking up with him because she was turned off by how forceful he was.

    Clearly not so forceful as to forcefully change her mind, so he's got that going for him.

    1. Omg are you serious? he looked like a nice guy. I guess looks can be deceiving.

  26. @Froggy England
    Apparently the sex club places are huge at the french-belgian frontiers and the brothels are authorized in Belgium ( in Spain and Germany also)
    In France,the brothels are banned, the prostitution unauthorized and the sex clubs are tiny

    1. Czech Republic also has prolific sex tourism

  27. Most (if not all) BSDM clubs are verrrrrry concerned about safety, so this blind makes it sound like the guy was drunk, didn't know what he was doing, or didn't hear the safe word, and management or someone stepped in and he stopped. This happens ALL the time, except in private and that is usually where the "accidents" happen. You have to be very careful in BDSM situations, and that is why they don't like drunks or druggies.

  28. No gender specified. Lupita likes the ladies.

    1. lupita is as straight as them come. nice try

  29. Not BCoop he doesn't drink

    Ok so Leto is sober too - he's out

    We know DiCaprio likes to drink and he loves models

    I think "Capricorn" is referring to Leo - that's how I translated it

    1. Bcoop has been on a lot of unsupervised benders lately. He is publicly sober like he is publicly straight. .Not at all

  30. People need to remember: Don't Kink and Drink...

  31. River Phoenix didn't do drugs, didn't drink, and ate healthy, too.

  32. Fassy was just at the Glasgow music festival

  33. This sounds like Leto except for the drunk part. He's IS in Europe right now though....

  34. [Insomnia-induced Logorrhea again--click to close comment, sorry!]

    Leto's the one who used his Oscar (literal) in a Not Right way, isn't he? Was so sure it'd be him, but it seemed almost too easy...

    & the sober/narcissist argument sways toward the Sober side of the Honestly Sober SOB vs Lyin', Drinkin' Druggie SOB debate.

    If he'd only stuck to acting--'cause musicians... even Jagger snorted enough coke (narcissist's DoC, w/booze) to look & sound like a dried-out husk by 40). Did Leto have any hungry years? He was with Uma so long ago it counts as "back in the day," right?

    No hungry years?
    Made It initially as actor, then musician
    Reeks of narcissist
    Junky sister could count either way--unless she died, or got permanently junky-ugly--something to scare the sh*t out of him.

    If the sister died or got ugly, tot buy him as a gross borderline NPD Sober SOB.Even if she's ok now, he looks too young for his age.
    It's really not Leto.

    Nice to see a proper BI. Kinda funny; doesn't out someone's mental illness or gender pref; or merely remind everybody about adultery or divorce stats
    [nb to self: check whether synthroid is behind the insomnia ;( ]

  35. Blind doesn't mention gender. Could be a woman- maybe JLaw.

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  38. The oscar nominees were dicaprio , hill, ejiofor, mcconaughey ,Squibb, Adams, Lawrence, Cooper, nyong'o , blanchett , fassbender , Hawkins , dern, bullock, bale, alibi( the guy from captain Phillips) the winners were Blanchett, nyong'o , Leto and McConaughey. So I think we can eliminate Blanchette and Nyong'o.
