Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blind Item #7

This A list model is being a chatterbox about her friendship with this A+ list singer. Apparently our model likes to spill some good gossip and has started to be less discreet about the stories she is sharing. One of them involves a fling between the singer and one of her bodyguards that led to a six figure payout for the bodyguard.


  1. Katy Perry, Cara D. as good a guess as any.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Cara and...

  3. Darn it, Violet!

  4. I wish Enties would spill some good gossip.

  5. Simon - i literally pulled that out of thin air. I have nothing whatsoever to base it on. You?

  6. Cara and Rihanna.

  7. Taylor is the only person who would want to keep a non-famous fling quiet. She has to look wholesome for her image still, right?

  8. Get it body guard and singer. Model needs to shut it.

  9. What Reno said. ;)

    Thanks VIP!!

  10. Aren't Swifty's roots in country music? Maybe I'm wrong, but sexually adventurous behavior might not go over well with the country demographic, especially.

  11. was the bodyguard male or female though? that would be the only way that would be worth a big payout i would have thought.

  12. @violet, nope, not a thing! A list model just screams Cara cause she is always out there. Katy, not sure why I pulled that out...

  13. Definitely Karlie & Taylor.

  14. So did the bodyguard claim sexual harassment and threaten a lawsuit?? Otherwise it could only help her image if Swift.

  15. If the bodyguard isn't a white male it could hurt Swifty's wholesome reputation

  16. Cara/Swifty.

    Good times.

  17. Mikey Cyrus & Cara

    1. Two days in a row Miley* getting crorrected to Mikey maybe a sex change is in the works

  18. Karlie Kloss & Swifty

  19. Heidi Klum hangin with any A+ list singer. Maybe Heidi wants it to seem acceptable (not that it's so wrong) to take up with your bodyguard.

  20. Swifty has been uncommonly quiet on the romantic front for the past year or so.

    Maybe the bodyguard was planning a tell-all about his sexy times with Taylor. At any rate, I'll bet that unlike Jake, John and Harry, the bodyguard won't get a hit song about their breakup.

  21. If the bodyguard were married, that could be a reason Swifty wouldn't want that out there.

  22. If Swifty sings about her exes, what's so bad about her business getting sung about for a change?!!!

  23. Priscilla Presley was stepping out with Phil Spector's (previous) body guard in the early 70's. Mike Stone is the guy she left Elvis for, so Klum and whoever this blind is about aren't the first to join that club. Beats a backup dancer I'd say. As for the chatty model? She's gonna find herself persona non grata if she doesn't learn to shut her pie hole. Nobody wants to hangout with a blabber mouth.

  24. Selena isn't A+. It's Taytay and Karlie Kloss

  25. I remember reading a comment here (I think - a couple of years ago?) about Swift and her bodyguard. I think there was a link to a picture. He was black and very good-looking.

  26. Taylor Swift really hasn't been linked publicly to anyone serious since Harry Styles, but there's no way she's been going without sex for all this time. She's been seeing guys on the down low for sure.
