Friday, July 18, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 28, 2014

This A list photographer has always been a pig but he used to have someone watching him to make sure he was less of a pig. That person isn't there any longer and unless you are a celebrity the only way this photographer will take your photo is if you give him sex of some kind. He usually records the sex and the model telling the camera it is consensual.

Terry Richardson


  1. This guy infuriates me.

  2. What a surprise.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    is it THAT important to get a terry richards pic

  4. If it's consensual...

  5. He is a pig. But if those girls are stupid enough and desperate enough. This is what a hard fought battle for feminist equality was all about after all.

  6. well they do call em head shots

  7. There are a lot of really famous people who have been shot by him and I bet they didn't have to fuck him. But he is a fucking, disgusting POS.

  8. Prison will be great for him. Not that he'll go....but I can dream!

  9. I don't think anyone got this.

  10. I'd do him if be brought James Franco

  11. Why doesn't the industry blacklist him?

  12. oh for God's sake he takes pictures

    really how good could he be that these models put up with his shit

    Creepy McCreeperson

  13. Violet, many are girls who are young and don't know what he's up to until too late. I've read accounts from them that he starts out normal and then springs on them totally unprepared, they think if they say anything they'll lose their chance of a career. It's pretty much rape. His female ass't just watches.

  14. A. There are plenty iof good photogs, no one has to use him but they choose to

    B. If he was hot and/or attractive this would not be an issue

    C. So women want the "prestige" of his shots even tho that means everyone knows they had to have sex with him to get them. Like a woman that gets lavish gifts from an old codge- it doesn't matter how big the diamond is or what model the Mercedes is, we all know she has to play with his disgusting old noodle to get it.

  15. Yet he wont admit to sleeping with Lilo LOLLL

  16. a shockinn no brainer.


  17. No if he was hot it wouldn't make a difference, A hot guy can be a sexist pig.

  18. Standard procedure for how any woman gets anywhere today... so what's the big deal? They probably enjoyed it.

  19. Jordan, it's empowering and a woman's choice now to exploit herself, isn't that progress?

    *rolls eyes*

  20. What a sordid and disgusting legacy he will leave. Bastard.

  21. Uncle Terry would still be a total creeper rapist even if he was good looking. It's still a crime even if it's a good looking person. Society just thinks it isn't. Fame, money, & good looks seem to be worth more these days. A good example is the guy who had the "hot" mug shot. I hear he's got a modeling contract now.

  22. reminds me of the SleazeBall in FAME.

  23. Jordan that is called going several steps backwards, and that should not be the standard procedure if we ever evolve as a supposed civilizations - at least you live in a country when mom and dad won't sell you to sex traffickers so they can feed the rest of the family.

    The only thing is more men and boys are allowing themselves to be exploited and I don't believe all men enjoy it, esp in a town of full of gay producers and casting directors etc, if you catch my drift.

    And there are still men and women who are being exploited and did not consent. Whole other ball of wax.

  24. Jordan that is called going several steps backwards, and that should not be the standard procedure if we ever evolve as a supposed civilizations - at least you live in a country when mom and dad won't sell you to sex traffickers so they can feed the rest of the family.

    The only thing is more men and boys are allowing themselves to be exploited and I don't believe all men enjoy it, esp in a town of full of gay producers and casting directors etc, if you catch my drift.

    And there are still men and women who are being exploited and did not consent. Whole other ball of wax.

  25. It's still a crime even if it's a good looking person.

    You know when it isn't a crime, though? When it's consensual. As in, He usually records the sex and the model telling the camera it is consensual.

    So he's having consensual sex with his models, and (also with their consent) recording it.

    Nothing to see here, move along.

    1. +1

      And I will add, while his antics put him in a less than desirable light, the man takes some pretty good damned pictures. To say he has a good eye is putting it lightly.

    2. You've got quite the eye, eh? :D

  26. Filming consent is routine by photographers, except its of models signing the release form and of their ID.

  27. GROUCHO (to woman seated next to him at an elegant dinner party): Would you sleep with me for ten million dollars?
    WOMAN (giggles and responds): Oh, Groucho, of course I would.
    GROUCHO; How about doing it for fifteen dollars?
    WOMAN (indignant): Why, what do you think I am?
    GROUCHO: That’s already been established. Now we’re just haggling about the price.

    According to some commenters, Groucho Marx was a rapist.

  28. And Roman Polanski makes good films and Jimmy Saville was a good British TV host.

    Does someone's talent mean you turn a blind eye to all their perversions and let them get away with them unpunished. Of course many people do. Even if Terry Richardson did nothing that could be proven as illegal, and getting consent from a minor does not make it legal, to state the obvious, he sure as hell does not behave in a professional manner and in another industry, he would have been out on his kiester a long time ago - he either would have been fired before or when a sexual harassment suit was filed or no one would use his services or he would finally have to confine his perversions to when he is not working like everyone else.

  29. Yes msgirl there is a situation where someone in position of trust or power can exert undue influence so is that really consent or is it coerced consent? And coerced consent is not actual consent.

  30. Perverted pig. He needs the liabeth sanders treatment asap. I dont care how talented someone is, their behavior can taint your liking their work.

  31. How come I just thought of the movie "Hard Candy"?

  32. I don't get why celebrities worship these un talented fucks.

    Terry Richardson, Roman Polanski and Dan Schneider walk into a bar...someone else can fish it.

  33. Where does it say "Underaged?"

  34. There isn't an industry in America that would put up with this but Hollywood. This guy should have been toast years ago. What will it take before someone FINALLY blows the whistle on this creep?

  35. @Violet: Being a sexual predator has nothing to do with feminism!

  36. Thanks to Count J, I clicked on a site once that sent me to some BDSM video. Yes, out of curiosity I watched it. Horrified at what pain this woman was experiencing, and how anyone could actually WANT to go through that, it quickly ended and there was the young woman smiling and laughing and saying it was great. It was very disturbing and I still don't know if that segment was filmed before the "punishment" portion or after. I just thought, "My God, that woman must be mentally -- perhaps physically -- scarred for life." And the realization that there were men (and women) who relished the thought of doing this to another human being is truly frightening. There's a whole other world out there that I pray to God my daughter (and son) are NEVER exposed to or enticed by; Nothing could possibly be worth that.
