Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 26, 2014

Usually the items in this spot are longer and more detailed, but I just love this one so much I had to give it this position. Apparently this A+ list celebrity/"singer" is allowed to have sex BUT someone must be watching at all times AND each time is recorded. Talk about performance anxiety. Definitely going to be revealed.

Britney Spears


  1. Is that to make sure she is using protection? ? Hiv again?

  2. The market for those recordings is rapidly dwindling. Daddy Spears better hurry up and sell them to Steve Hirsch while there's still someone in the world willing to pay to watch them!

  3. That's freakin horrible to do that to her. Geez almighty. That poor girl doesn't have a chance. You're supposed to protect her, not exploit her.

  4. This is really messed up.

  5. What the Duck?

    So she is using protection and a camera? Probably to make sure another KFed doesn't unleash the swimmers for the BB payoff.

  6. Ew ew ew!! I need to wash my eyeballs now.

  7. "Daddy get the camera out, I'm getting horny!"

  8. Maybe the camera is part of the fun! (Trying to put a positive spin on things)

  9. Good one, Charlie! No pun intended.

  10. Here is my original comment:

    Count Jerkula said...

    Well if it happens in her house, then they don't have to tell the person boning her. If I was in the saddle and knew I was being taped, I would definitely push boundaries. I would also make her say f'd up stuff, to make the person who reviews it uncomfortable.

    Why don't they just hook her up w/ an HIV+ dude?

    To expand on that, I would definitely have her call me "Daddy" and be dropping lines like "Does daddy have a naughty tongue? Tell Daddy how naughty it is." And of course, after she cums from the oral, I would make her beg for Daddy's dick.

    Her pop would blow his brains out after watching the tape. Her mom would run out to Quick Check for fresh batteries.

  11. I dont even know what to say. Is she now so robotic that her badic needs can be met without her being aware of it? Disturbing.

  12. Seriously, I'm sure it's so there will be evidence for the Money Train's -- pardon me, I mean Britney's -- protection in case of some form of litigation due to events in the rack.

    I'd even go so far as to bet that it's something that was put into play after some potentially-litigatable-incident that SpearsCorp had to pay a hell of a lot of money to hush up.

  13. Would it be simpler to get her neutered?

  14. Who is watching for gods sake? Why don't they vet her boyfriends to ensure ifs someone they trust rather than watch her have sex, if they need to do something, And why record it? Why? That is so messed up. And does she know? Does the guy know? Horrible.

  15. doubt any of these recordings will see the light of day

  16. Oh, really?

    92. PANACHE REPORT 02/06
    Our friends at "Entertainment Lawyer," reported last week that a HIV+ white pop singer was asked by her local health department who she had sex with so they could be notified. Last week, allegations persisted, on the backend, there was a media frenzy bidding war for the list because it contained identities of some of the most famous and richest men on planet earth. This week we are hearing, this whole story has been swept under the rug, similar to the Heath Ledger video cover-up. Fast Forward: Sky Villa has unearthed similar data. We have also been informed about a white pop princess with the package, we're not saying it's the same celebrity but the similarities are astounding. This is what we uncovered: One of her reps asked that the few black men she had been intimate with - be moved to the top of the list to take the focus off the white male celebrities who dominate the list. This way, a black man can be set up to be the "fall guy," if and when this sensitive information ever leaks - and be accused of infecting one of America's Sweethearts with the deadly virus. I guess her rep didn't realize, it doesn't matter what order your name is in. It's just devastating to be included on a list like this, regardless of order. The Truth: If this is the same woman, she could have gotten infected by anyone. One of our sources walked in on her at a industry party, in a bedroom, while she was bent over snorting cocaine, an anonymous sex partner was pounding her from the back without a condom. He was her dealer and she exchanged sex for drugs although she can afford to buy her narcotics but she's addicted to the thrill of anonymous sex. Who Is She? Britney Spears

    1. Columbus Short formerly from Scandal is one of her exes. Wonder if this is why he is so batsht crazy too.

    2. Thanks Seven - Isn't "Entertainment Lawyer" Enty or CDAN?

  17. This is warped. WTF is this all about...and isn't she an adult with free will? Are they drugging her? What's with the HIV rumors? So many questions...

  18. I've always figured they had her tubes tied after the second son, not because she wanted to but because she was forced into it. I can't see her "people" taking a chance on that kind of meltdown happening again and she probably hasn't got the brains to use protection, soooo…

    Not sure why she'd have to be recorded. I assume she's only allowed to have sex with "boyfriends" who have already been screened. I really doubt she's allowed to go boink random guys.

  19. @clearly: No. She is not an adult w/ free will. Her parents were put in charge of her after a court deemed her unfit.

    @7of11: That is a hot story of her doing lines while being pounded. I hope cell phone footage of Miss Gomez recreating that scene leaks.

  20. She had a sexual harassment suit brought against her by one of her former bodyguards. He was going to tell Everything in court. Maybe this is why.. covering their butts.

  21. If she's having sex with her 'bf' I certainly hope he's positive as well- because no amount of $$ could be worth the potential risk if she is indeed positive.

  22. I had never heard the HIV rumors

  23. Ok I'm officially disturbed by a celeb blind. Just...all of it.

    Poor damned girl.


  24. That is some intense gossip there @ 7

    I'm also curious to know more about the Heath video

  25. That poor poor girl. Just goes to show that money can not buy happiness. She's got all the money in the world and can't even take a piss when she wants to. That's just disgusting if it is Daddy Spears that is watching and recording her having sex.

  26. Entire story is vile. This poor girl has no chance.

  27. They are protecting her and her assets for not only her future best interests, but her sons' too.
    Too bad this poor girl has had so many tough issues to deal with. God be with her.

  28. I thought it was common knowledge that her every move is scripted & monitored due to her poor mental health. Have people forgotten her very public meltdown & odd behavior? Shaving her head? The umbrella incident? VMA's?

    1. My sister shaved her head. It was no biggie Britney is allowed to have fricken moments for Christ Sakes

    2. Her mania was not a moment. Nor a few moments.

  29. @7-11, Saaaweeeet Tea there, that article is. Thanks for sharing.
    It's very sad, whoever it is and if it's true, I'm sure this isn't helping. On the other hand, if they're knowingly "being pounded from behind" by unsuspecting strangers, it' prob well deserved.

    Funny. I thought I was reading an article by a more conservative journalist, until " getting pounded from behind" was read. Pfffft

  30. I just don't believe this story. About the hiv, yes, not the taping.

  31. @Bitters: I would think the video is to show rubbers were used or available if not used. Combine Rubbers, Truvada, and the odds of woman to man transmission and the likelihood of a dude catching the bug is minimal.

    One thing that is up in the air is the possibility of transmission while someone is on the HIV drugs. If you are properly medicated, HIV will not show up on some tests.

    It aint like she's a festering, unmedicated street ho w' dirty syringes hanging out of her arm while she's boning. She is probably taking the best HIV meds money can buy.

    1. Thank you. A voice of reason. Additionally, IF she has tested positive for HIV it's not a good idea to bring in an HIV+ partner as the strains may be different and adversely affect one or the other.
      As Count commented, with great Tx one can be perfectly healthy and not have measurable levels of HIV+

      Now I was under the impression that she has Herpes. Who doesn't in Hollywood amirite!? For that we can collectively blame The Chuhuahua Snuffer - Paris of St. Tropaz & Malibu, because why not? She's a lil shit stirrer among her peers.

  32. I agree this is probably the most disturbing blind I can recall. I've never cared for Britney but holy geez!

    So do they have the sex partners on film being told prior to sex that she's HIV+ so they can't sue later? GAWD who hasn't slept with her by this point? It was nasty enough reading about the daisy chain of herpes infections between the HW "elite"

    If she did get her tubes tied I don't have a problem with that at least. Especially if she's HIV+ and completely unable to care for herself. She sure as hell doesn't need to be getting knocked up.

    Really freaky story period.

  33. Enty has to have one of the dirtiest minds in the world! I do know that they have absolutely NO idea how what being a guardian entails and just how much the courts watch over everything that you do! As Enty "knows" about this happening then there would be many others and that would have cops and also her doctors and the judge coming into play and her father would be removed as her guardian so fast it would not even be funny. Not just her father but also most of the people around her would be looked at as there would be a complete investigation. She has been declared incompetent and that means someone has to take care of her and if not her family then the state steps in and that is a whole other kettle of fish!!
    Right now I am in the middle of filling out enough paperwork to choke a horse from financial forms that show everything that I have spent on my son in the last year. I have to keep receipts if I have as much as bought him a pack of bubble gum! Then there are the doctors reports that I have to make sure have been submitted and also make sure the pharmacy has sent all their stuff and also right up my diary of what all I saw of what all happened throughout the year with him. You have to list everything they have bought, sold, gave away and so many other things.
    Enty want to sit in judgement but until he/she has had to take care of someone that mentally they need to sit down and STFU!!

    1. I too have been on Jamie Spears' side. He has taken on so much, in addition to increasing HER wealth for HER future well being. The routine of working out and performing has to be great for her self-esteem, health, and if nothing else to give her a daily routine.
      I get so frustrated when comments are made about how she is taken advantage of my her managers or caretakers. No. A set amount of money had been established for Jamie Spears during the court precedings. She has a team of accountants keeping everything straight and that can be audited by the courts at any time. Brittney's father was happy as can be as the personal chef of Adrienne Malouf and her then plastic surgeon husband, he's a doll. Anyway, Mr. Spears is only taking care of her as a Conservator because 1) he's her father 2) no one wanted her mother to do it, especially Brittney. 3) he has her best interests at heart and always has. He's never been after her money. However, as deemed per the courts he has to take a Conservatorship fee as pre-established. The man is doing a lot of work and can't work himself. He's a great father and grandfather. He is with her almost constantly. When he isn't he has to hire trusted chaperones for his daughter. If they do anything harmful to Brittney, that not only hurts her health and safety, but puts her father's conservatorship at great risk.
      He may not be taping their sexual encounters, but I'm sure he has cameras running and monitored throughout the house to keep everyone safe and on their toes. That only makes sense. He can't be everywhere.

  34. Sam Lufti.

    He'll forever be in the background ready to pounce on Britney if the Conservatorship is ever lifted.

    That's all I'm sayin'.

  35. @Lisa THANK YOU!

    I've never forgotten the first time you posted your personal experience with the conservatorship with your son.

    I scream every time I hear Britney's father being accused of living off her money. But I never could respond properly as you have always done.

    So as maddening as it is for you to have to spell out what a conservatorship entails, please know that your message has not gone on unheard.

    You & your son will continue to remain in my prrayers. Stay strong. You're not alone. <3

  36. It is kind of smart to have proof that the men know prior to having sex. Sad too.

    @Lisa, I think most of the blinds are complete BS. The pedophile blinds are the worst imo

  37. I'm on a gossip site and shouldn't throw stones, but this is a gross BI.

    "Usually the items in this spot are longer and more detailed, but I just love this one so much I had to give it this position."

    What's to love about naming a woman who is "allowed" to have sex, "BUT" someone must be watching, "AND" each time is recorded?

    That's sick.

  38. Can someone explain this to me?

    From what I understand they are saying Britney Spears is HIV positive?

    The story about the health department has to be old since she has to get regular check ups for insurance purposes.

    I don't much believe any of this.

    The part about them having to film her is ridiculous if you think it though. They hired Everyday Dave to be her boyfriend and if she is HIV+ it would be in his best interest to keep the condom on.

    I just don't believe any of this. Sorry guy but the disclaimer on the front does say some of this is fiction.

  39. To the peeps saying that all She needs is an HIV positive partner...uh, no.
    See, one of my friends is a nurse and she says that there's different strains of HIV, like there are with flu. Some strains are more vicious than others. So a person who already has one HIV strain can get reinfected with a different strain. So even if both partners are positive, they still have to use protection with each other even if they are absolutely monogamous.

  40. Thank you, @The Enquirer and @delete account for your common sense and your great screen names.

  41. @Lisa thank-you for sharing a brief insight into the life of someone tasked with things involved in being legally responsible for someone who can't care for themselves. When you factor in that she is a grown adult and not a small child that makes it even more complicated.

    I think people talk an awful lot of shit about her parents and they have no idea what her parents actually do. They're just a handy target to point at and criticize. I wouldn't want their job but I'm glad they look after her.

    I'm sure there's a line of pimps that would LOVE to get their hooks in Britney. They wouldn't have her performing onstage either.

  42. @Enquirer: Health Department/CDC being told has nothing to do with health insurance. There are plenty of people who catch the bug and never go to check ups or take meds.

    Health Dept/CDC are told of infections of HIV inorder to contain the spread of the disease. I believe they contact sex partners and warn them to get tested. The clinics who do porn testing report HIV infections to the CDC. I forget if they report gonorrhea and chlamydia, but I think they report syphilis.

  43. I can't...I'm not...I don't even know what to think of this, let alone what to say.

  44. @count jerkula, thanks. I didn't realize the CDC was notified of these cases.

    I still don't believe they film her having sex. It's just not right and I don't believe the people who are in charge of her well being would do that to her.

    I said before I think they pay Everyday Dave to look after her, be her companion and they trust him to do whatever is appropriate. No filming though.

  45. They film her. Nobody watches the films. They are probably stored in a safe or vault in the event lawsuits are brought. Then the tapes would be watched, and probably by lawyers - not her father. It would be no different than security tapes from a business. Makes perfect sense. All this happened after K-Fat. He was her biggest mistake and she's paying for it with the rest of her life.

    1. It says sometime is watching all the time

  46. Yeah, I doubt anyone actually watches them (I hope), and they would be stored "just in case". But I can't wrap my head around WHY they would have to video anything. Normal Guy Dave has probably signed a very large contract, so that should be enough to protect them if he decides to sue if he gets the bug, and of course, would also admit that any non-condom usage was consensual. So, no need to tape anything. Unless.....she is having sex with other people than Normal Dave. Papa Spears can't be there 24/7 and it wouldn't surprise me if some people who work for her have sex with her.

    Another thing. This may not be video taping in the voyeuristic sense, but a security camera in her rooms. Hell, probably every room in the house.

  47. Yeah outing a gay person is of limits, but outing a mentally impaired woman's legally protected medical history is just peachy.

    Not to mention that if she is so impaired to need a conservator she can not legally consent to sex. Not that she shouldn't get to have fun but makes me look down on all those men and her family.

    And I agree the wording if this blind is beyond fucked Waitsfield since we are supposed to believe she is a friend of the enties

  48. @__ -__ =__ I get that it's not a voyeuristic thing but it still doesn't make any sense. In what circumstance would lawyers ever have to watch a sex tape? If she was murdered maybe but otherwise, no.

    And how on earth could filming her having sex be because of KFed? Filming her won't stop her from getting pregnant but birth control pills will.

    I'm not usually argumentative but this reveal really gets on my nerves because it's so stupid.

    Maybe Enty misunderstood. I'm sure there are cameras in the house and maybe she's had sex in some of the rooms or outside on the porch and it's been recorded in the normal course of business. That's very different than saying they film her having sex and it's watched.

  49. Still a better love story than Twilight.

  50. Anonymous10:23 PM

    mind blown. If there is any truth to this they are definitely protecting her assets. I was surprised when on Kandi Burruss's show they recorded the recording of the prenup her fiance' had to agree to and apparently it had to be videotaped of him orally agreeing to each condition, not just signed. I imagine they are asking the partners to acknowledge that they are fully aware that she is HIV positive. I suppose there might be a witness to prevent any partner from saying dangerous or unsafe sex took place at anytime to head off any potential lawsuit. I think Spears shaved her head & got a tattoo to de-legitimize any positive drug test she may have gotten, can't do a hair test with no hair. She might have 'snapped' with the umbrella to throw suspicion off the head shaving behavior. At the time she was afraid she would lose her kids. It is really sad what has happened to her but apparently she does have family that loves her and wants to protect her, and Federline has stepped up and is able to parent her kids and be the stable one so in that way she is damned lucky. Too bad Lohan doesn't have a friend in the world or she might live to see thirty.

  51. @Basil: I agree, it could be an every room of the house has surveillance. That is how the Hulk Hogan sex tape was made. Bubba always feared fake rape claims, so his entire house is wired for video and audio.

  52. How desperate does a guy have to be to bang a chick that is HIV+?

  53. How do we know she has HIV? I think I missed that one.

  54. Anyone else notice that since the blowout a week or so ago there's a shitload of new names around here?

    1. @MinPin, yes. And that the comments are much more likely to stay on topic and are not dominated by a few people. Enjoying it.

    2. I think a few of them are just using other profiles. I find that weird.

  55. Britney was showing signs of mental problems around the time she broke up with Justin...not that he caused it, but it was there. Her quickie marriage, the mess she was when she was hanging out with Wonky Eyed McValtrex. There is always someone around just waiting to take advantage of her--Sam Lufti and that pap she was hanging with for a while.

  56. Anytime someone has money and money making abilities, there will be people looking to take it from them. Look at Elvis, he was used and exploited worse than just about anyone in the biz. Judy Garland is another.

    Once again Britney is lucky she has her dad looking after her best interests. A lot of artists never have anyone looking out for them.
    Loads of entertainers have been robbed blind by their "money" people. Billy Joel and Willie Nelson come to mind. Personally I don't think Federline turned out to be that bad for her compared to what he could have been. Lucky for her she never married again.

  57. I will always love you BritBrit <3

  58. That's basically rape. Forcing someone to be taped while engaging in sexual acts.

    Sounds like something Scientology would do.

  59. I find that report from Seven a bit dubious. What health dept proactively requests your list of lovers? Do they really have the many power to call or track down these people? Maybe because I've never had an STD that I dealt with outside of my personal physician I just am clueless? Calling BS here.

  60. Look, HIV status, whatever it really is -- I have no skin in the game of whether or not she's HIV Positive -- would be a big issue, but it's not the only possible issue. What if she has some sort of "acting out" issues in the sack? She wants to have sex, but may or may not become violent or something any given time.

    Videotaping could provide evidence in case of some such incident in order to prevent lawsuits.

  61. @PotPourri: No it is not. It is not even close.

  62. Here's an excerpt from legalities when you test positive for HIV ~ Many states and some cities have partner-notification laws—meaning that, if you test positive for HIV, you (or your healthcare provider) may be legally obligated to tell your sex or needle-sharing partner(s). In some states, if you are HIV-positive and don’t tell your partner(s), you can be charged with a crime. Some health departments require healthcare providers to report the name of your sex and needle-sharing partner(s) if they know that information—even if you refuse to report that information yourself.

  63. That's some sick shit. I think they are going overboard with the conservative BS. A line must be drawn.... Jamie SPears probably mastubates to his daughter, sick Fuck@!

  64. The Count never stops amazing us. 50% stone-cold pervert/ 50% U.S. Surgeon General. Who new? (About the Surgeon General part)

  65. AND I think her Dad has always acted in her best interest since her breakdown....and pretty much saved her life

    all the rest is speculation with absolutely no proof whatsoever

    she sure does continue to generate a lot of buzz for someone that everyone thinks is irrelevant now

  66. OH COME ON! That is such bullshit!
