Friday, July 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

January 8, 2014

This A list mostly television actor who doesn't really work right now has a lot of work friends. Lots of them. Outside of work or a red carpet though he has very few friends. He is just not a very likable guy. In his current situation he is becoming even more unlikable and his few friends say they have been cut off from him too. Three years ago our actor would go out once a week to a friend's house and they would play cards and drink and smoke cigars. This would last until the middle of the night. Two years ago it was reduced to once a month and now it is about once a quarter and the actor has to be home by midnight and is capped on the number of drinks he is allowed and can't smoke at all. His current significant other has worked hard to cut off everyone who was in his life before and substituted them with people she knows and people who can help her career. A friend of the actor says that our actor goes to the store three or four times a day and walks the dog three or four times a day just to get out of the house. he also is sneak drinking whenever he can and one of the two stores he frequents keeps a bottle of whiskey behind the counter for the actor so he can come in and have a few swallows before he has to get home. He is losing his once thick hair and looks ten years older than he did a few years ago and his friends think his significant other is going to drive the guy to an early grave.

Alec Baldwin


  1. There is something wrong with me! (And him!!)

    1. Again Lightning strikes! Guurrrl, you have TOTALLY won the 4th!

    2. Still nursing that jaw!

  2. What?? He looks better now than he has in years!

    1. Wait, no, 10 years older. All so confusing..

  3. Doesn't sound to fun

  4. For some reason I thought he didn't drink at all?

  5. You letting her pussy whip you, Alex?! So disappointed in you, man!!

  6. I cant believe Alec is Pussy whipped!

  7. Why doesn't he leave her then? This makes no sense. It's not like he needs her.

  8. He's a douchebag.

  9. Hilarious played sweet & dumb until she got the ring & pop out a kid.

  10. One of the hottest men ever gone
    Walk earth in his prime(sees he's having a baby...prelude to a kiss...)

    Sad he's a wanker,but he didn't have to marry the yogi/wannabe. He must be needy...can we give him a...oooooohhhhhmmmmm my god WTF I do?

  11. Hiiiiilllllllaaaaarrrrriiiiiaaaaaa

  12. Alec, you are a douchebag. Oh, and you have my sympathies on your domestic problems but that, my friend, was your choice.

  13. Hes 55 or so shes 30 or so and can wrap her legs around her neck for him, so I can see this.

    1. Thank You Sandy, I thought it was pretty obvious, myself1

  14. Anonymous5:40 PM

    whelp...he's ALLOWED himself to b pu$$y whipped sooooo.

    im sure everytime he thinks about dumping her she strips naked and bends herself into a pretzel. right there on the floor. waving at him with her big toe. winking at him with her camel toe.

  15. Winking at him with her camel toe!!! Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!

  16. I'm PISSED!! No Mr. X reveals?!?! What the ever-loving fuck, Enties? ;(

  17. It's all about the poses, sex circus show - waiting for it to get ugly & her to release the video. No thanks, keep her happy Alec!

  18. Rhysie Mr.x wasn't around in January! (Thank God for that too!)

  19. People who can help her career? That confused me so much I had to google her in case I was mistaken. But no, She doesn't have a career and if would appear no one is helping her have one either. All she does is yoga poses and she was a yoga instructor before she met him, when I assume she did actually work.

  20. I here to help Steamy ...

  21. What did he expect? Knocking up &marrying a yoga instructor wasn't conducive to his lifestyle.

  22. I think he doesn't want to deal with the fact he made a mistake marrying her.

  23. Tricia damn right he was hot back in the day!

  24. I like chubby Alec. Go for it, Baldwin!!!

  25. Reno

    He is a longtime friend of Bill (since the 80s) and has very been public about it (VF interview). Also he lost a ton of weight when he hooked up with the new Mrs B. He has since started to regain it though.

  26. Nothin age a dude quicker than booze and crazy pussy. Well, maybe meth.

  27. When Alec Baldwin is the victim in a blind, hell must have surely frozen over.

  28. He's a piece of shit, so is she. They deserve each other.

  29. It's hard to feel too much sympathy for such a raging asshole. I used to crush on him too - Miami Blues anyone? Beetlejuice?

    Karma, baby. Karma.

  30. It's hard to feel too much sympathy for such a raging asshole. I used to crush on him too - Miami Blues anyone? Beetlejuice?

    Karma, baby. Karma.

  31. @steampunk, Hunt for red October is my go to Baldwin, and beetlejuice

  32. Always thought he was a jerk, but a really good actor so he'll probably work again (woody Allen seems to like him..yeah, I know..) pretty sure hysteria --I honestly believed that was her name--will push him back to work to insure her fame by marriage status.

  33. Strange shite right there, strange indeed. And pardon me while I laugh hysterically at her " career". Please!

  34. Hilaria played him perfectly. Now that she's got a Baldwin spawn, she's set for life. Being played for a chump is not going to help his anger issues.

  35. Must be cheaper to keep her.

  36. I can't stand her...Her posts in DM drive me insane...I can't blame him for drinking. I'd do the same if I was married to her. That being said, karma baby, karma. After what he did to Kim and Ireland...karma, baby.

  37. Exactly sandybrook, Alec Baldwin pussy whipped, Basinger outdone by a ambitious child or his testosterone levels are plummeting with age. He must need those racist and homophobic outbursts at paps to get his adrenalin going.

  38. enty alec is gunna punch you if he reads this
